I Contracted Myself

【076】Target of sniper

The more parallel worlds there are, the more possibilities there are.

Among the countless possibilities, there are also worlds without supernatural power.

The mentally ill man did not dream of the base rune, the black sun, or the white snake. Humans still climbed the technology tree at the original pace and gradually filled up the technology side.

In such a world, humans gradually extended their exploration eyes to space, established bases on the moon, launched satellites on the red star, and sought alien life in more distant galaxies.

Luo Shiyu likes such a world. She sits on a building, watching the busy traffic below and the happy smiles on people's faces. It's really a bit unbearable.

But this world has gradually slid towards the world where the infinite organization is. Although it is still trillions of years away from the collision, it is no longer necessary for it to exist. After all, even if the world is destroyed, the residue will not dissipate for a while.

"I am so kind and sentimental, so... I will give them a small test. If they can pass the test, I will let them go and send the best people to another world." Luo Shiyu took a sip of the milk tea beside her, and then said self-indulgently.

As she spoke, a faint red light emanated from her chest, and the temperature on her right hand side began to rise, while the temperature on her left hand side dropped sharply.

There are two modes of use for temperature control.

The first is to consume one's own power and directly release high or low temperatures.

The advantage of this method is that it takes effect very quickly after the ability is activated, and the temperature can be instantly raised to near the surface of the sun or dropped to near absolute zero.

The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of energy. With her own energy storage, it can only last for ten minutes at most.

The second method is to control the surrounding temperature and transfer the temperature through regulation.

The advantage of this method is that the consumption is very, very small. She only needs to control the temperature of the outside world to transfer it, and she does not need to pay extra energy.

The disadvantage is that it wastes time, especially when you want to cause a large-scale impact, it takes a long time to achieve the goal.

In the following period, the temperature difference between the northern and southern hemispheres changed significantly, with one side becoming extremely hot and the other side becoming extremely cold.

Television news reported this strange climate anomaly, and even

many people quarreled over it, thinking that this was the price of destroying nature.

As time passed, the temperature difference between the two sides became larger and larger. One side could no longer survive without air conditioning, while the other side was frozen and snowy.

Originally, many people fled to the northern hemisphere to escape the cold, but now they have fled back to the southern hemisphere. The reason is simple. The temperature in the northern hemisphere is too high. Many electrical appliances have spontaneously combusted, and even forest fires have burned in many places, further raising the temperature.

People living in the northern hemisphere will definitely be roasted alive.

However, the southern hemisphere is not easy either, because the climate is too cold. Some people began to dig holes, keep going deeper, hiding underground, and living near magma.

Although humans will not become extinct all at once, it is obvious that extinction is a matter of time.

“Wow, it’s so cold here!”

Zhang Shouzhong came out of the passage, and the cold wind blew in his face. He quickly hugged his cotton-padded jacket.

Then the members of his Intelligence Group 3 came out one after another, shivering with cold, and had to prop up the bio-force field to protect themselves.

“Our mission is to find a member of the Infinite Organization. Everyone has seen her appearance. It should be okay, right?” Zhang Shouzhong asked the members under his command through the nanorobots.

The people in Intelligence Group 3 said that it was okay. They were good at intelligence. Now there are informants in the Infinite Organization to provide intelligence. If they still can’t find the target, they might as well go home and grow sweet potatoes.

“Let’s find a place to hide first, let’s go!”

Zhang Shouzhong was so cold that he gritted his teeth and said immediately.

The next moment, a large number of nanorobots wrapped him into a ball and slowly flew towards the mountain at the other end of the snow.

Everyone in Intelligence Group 3 was talented, and then they used their own magic to catch up with Zhang Shouzhong.

“Humans are really cruel and hypocritical creatures.”

Luo Shiyu stood on a tall building, with a sea of ​​magma on one side and ice and snow on the other.

During this period, she witnessed humans fighting each other for survival materials, relatives and friends turning against each other, and killing each other for a pack of instant noodles, and couples fighting, and the winner finally ate the dead partner.

Human love is too fragile before the disaster.

Luo Shiyu had to admit that the Dark King was right, all feelings were false and ridiculous, and all goodwill was fragile.

Love that lasts until death and family affection that sacrifices each other may not exist at all.

Luo Shiyu was very disappointed with the humans in this world, so she did not intend to help the humans in this world, and she also accelerated the destruction of this world.

Under the ice and snow, members of Intelligence Group 3 dug out an ice room.

Zhang Shouzhong was holding a light screen and searching for survivors. Some of the others were counting the available resources in this world, and some were looking for Luo Shiyu.

The search capability of Intelligence Group 3 is extremely exaggerated. Zhang Shouzhong's nanorobots, combined with the superpowers of one of the members, can almost cover the entire world with the nanorobots' range of activities.

Other members, with Zhang Shouzhong's ability as the core, can use their own superpowers to analyze and search for the information they need from different angles, and there will be almost no omissions.

In just three days, Zhang Shouzhong determined the number of survivors in this world, and other members also locked in the information they needed to investigate.

"Okay, send the information back to the headquarters and summon the thugs. After solving Luo Shiyu, the logistics team must follow up immediately and empty the resources of this world. This place is no longer suitable for human habitation. It can only be temporarily abandoned for a period of time. If it is not ruined by Infinity, we will make plans at that time." Zhang Shouzhong read the information summary and decided.

"Boss, what do you think about letting Luo Shiyu fight Luo Shiyu?" A member wearing sunglasses suggested.

Zhang Shouzhong shook his head and said, "No, Luo Shiyu in our organization is too weak. This Luo Shiyu is very strong and is estimated to have reached the level of a transcendent. Let our Luo Shiyu fight this Luo Shiyu. The result must be that our Luo Shiyu will be unilaterally beaten."

"Another transcendent? The Infinity Organization is too strong. It's like it can wholesale transcendents." The man with sunglasses said with some regret.

He really wanted to see Luo Shiyu fight Luo Shiyu.

However, since the opponent is a transcendent, then this time it must be Lin Renmei and Captain Wuming who will fight. It seems not bad to be able to watch these two big guys fight with their own eyes.

The man with sunglasses thought about it and felt a little excited again.

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