I Contracted Myself

【077】Human resistance

Feng Longsheng is a scientist.

He has always believed that this disaster did not happen naturally, but that something was leading it.

Since the disaster, he has been studying it and even applied for satellite use rights countless times, just to find out what happened.

These days, he finally collected key data.

"Sure enough, something is affecting the temperature."

Feng Longsheng looked at the simulated global climate change map on the computer and said excitedly.

Then he immediately took the computer to find Zhang Jinmin, the current top commander of the survivor base, and reported his findings.

Zhang Jinmin was over 50 years old, and he was an officer himself. Later, the leaders above him died one by one and were crippled, and he gradually became the commander of this survivor base.

Because of the hard work during this period, his hair has turned gray, and his resolute face has a tired look.

"You mean... a country has invented a climate weapon, and all this is actually the fault of a certain country?" Zhang Jinmin asked seriously after reading Feng Longsheng's report.

Feng Longsheng said honestly: "Commander, it may not be a climate weapon, it may be something else, but it can be determined that it is at this location and has the ability to move."

As he spoke, he demonstrated to Zhang Jinmin the movement trajectory of the disaster source during this period.

"The temperature up there is now close to minus 130 degrees. Even if we want to send people to investigate, it will be difficult to reach the destination. So what do you have to say?" Zhang Jinmin coughed, believing Feng Longsheng's words.

Feng Longsheng looked at Zhang Jinmin with stern eyes and said sincerely: "Commander, I suspect that the source of the disaster is actually some kind of alien creature. I hope to apply for a 'celestial tribulation' to attack the target!"

Tianjie is the code name of a satellite. Because it is equipped with space-based weapons, it can attack the ground from space. It is the most powerful weapon they currently have.


Zhang Jinmin frowned and did not agree immediately.

If the source of the disaster is really an alien life, there is no doubt that the other party's purpose is to eliminate them. Once they anger the other party too much, the consequences are unpredictable.

Although they can only exist underground now, they can still survive at least. What if the climate returns to normal after a year?

"Commander, our country has

The population of more than 3 billion has been reduced to only a few million people now. I don’t know what the consequences of this will be, but if it is really an alien life and it really comes to exterminate us, even if we can escape the first day of the new year here, we can’t escape the tenth. Five, we must fight back, even if we die, we must fight back and hit them! "Feng Longsheng said excitedly.

Zhang Jinmin clenched his fist slightly. His son died in the northern hemisphere's heat wave, and died of heatstroke and dehydration. His wife also slipped and fell into the lava, and died miserably.

Doesn't he want revenge?


He wants revenge more than anyone else.

In the past, he could only comfort himself that all this was nature's revenge and the price that humans had to bear for their own sins.

But now Feng Longsheng put the evidence in front of him, saying that this was not a natural disaster, but the method of some mysterious life.

If he could, he would definitely agree to attack the target immediately. Space-based weapons, nuclear weapons, and all available weapons would be bombed.

The problem is that there are millions of people here.

The lives of these people are all in his hands. How can he act arbitrarily with these hopes of life on his back?

"Vote, let everyone choose together." Feng Longsheng saw that Zhang Jinmin still refused to let go, and finally said through gritted teeth.

Zhang Jinmin closed his eyes and frowned. For a moment, he even had the idea of ​​letting someone kill Feng Longsheng, but in the end he gave up.

Because as Feng Longsheng said, if the other party's purpose is to eliminate the indigenous people, they will eventually die if they survive underground.

You can escape the first grade of junior high school, but you can't escape the fifteenth grade!

"Then...vote!" Zhang Jinmin took a deep breath and said hoarsely.

After making the decision, he felt a little depressed and regretful.

After all, he has not yet become a cold-blooded politician who can be shameless in order to survive in the world. Deep in his heart, he still has the blood of a soldier and the blood of humanity.

A week later, the results came in.

More than 80% of the survivors agreed to fight to the end, while more than 15% of the remaining people gave up voting, and only 4% chose to live.

After confirming the result, Zhang Jinmin pressed the attack button under the eyes of countless people.

This time not only will the ‘Heavenly Tribulation’ be used, but the people will also be used

The unknown secret weapon ‘Judgment’.

The Judgment Satellite is equipped with a large number of nuclear weapons and can attack any location on the earth in a short period of time. Once the attack is confirmed, it will definitely be able to bombard the target with a large amount of artillery fire in a very short period of time.

"Heavenly calamity?"

Luo Shiyu looked at the sky curiously.

She has actually been monitoring everything in the survivor base, and every move of the people inside is under her nose.

But she really doesn't know what the Heavenly Tribulation is. After all, 'Heavenly Tribulation' is just a code name. Her limited knowledge cannot understand what form this weapon exists in.

Moreover, even if she knew, she wouldn't care too much. After all, although the technology in this world is very interesting, it poses very little threat to her.

Even with the so-called nuclear weapons, she has countless ways to defend against them.

"Let me see how far you can go in your final struggle." She thought happily, this was also a little fun that the humans in this world could provide her.

After all, it takes a long time to destroy a world, and during this time, she has been using her abilities again and again, which is too boring.

She hoped that humans could make a little resistance, even if these resistances were ridiculous and powerless.

"Heavenly Tribulation, a disaster from the sky?"

Luo Shiyu raised her head, looked at the blue sky, and waited for the attack to appear.

Suddenly, she saw a red light in the distance.



When she saw the red light, the red light came at an unimaginable speed, and the whole city exploded in an instant, and countless fragments splashed around.

In the rolling dust, the earth sank, and a terrifying shock wave radiated around, and the dust suddenly turned into a wave shape and spread around.

This is not over yet.

After the attack of the heavenly tribulation fell, about a few minutes later, missiles fell quickly, and mushroom clouds rose up, destroying everything with the blazing light.

"Damn it!"

Under the ice, all members of Intelligence Team 3 stared at the explosion on the screen in amazement. It took a while for Zhang Shouzhong to react and he couldn't help but curse.

"Team leader, you said... is Luo Shiyu dead?" The man in sunglasses asked curiously.

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