I Contracted Myself

【078】Blast and kill

"Hard to say."

Zhang Shouzhong thought for a while and finally said helplessly.

He really didn't know if Luo Shiyu would die under such an attack.

After all, no matter how powerful the superpower is, Luo Shiyu is still a human being, and humans have weaknesses.

Some people with super powers can be immune to thunder and lightning, but they are not immune to other attacks. Some people are immune to fire, but not immune to lightning attacks...

The more complex the attack, the more difficult it is for the awakened person to defend it perfectly.

The wave of attacks just now contained shock waves, light and heat, and even heavy radiation. Under such a complex attack, most awakened people would not be able to withstand it because there were too many elements.

Half an hour later, the dust gradually fell to the ground.

Zhang Shouzhong and others all stared at the exposed pit. Then their expressions changed slightly, and they looked at the center of the pit in surprise.

A black metal rod was inserted into the ground, only one tenth of it was exposed, and next to the metal rod was a strange piece of ice.

"Team leader, look inside the ice!" the man in sunglasses exclaimed.

Zhang Shouzhong frowned and said: "I saw it, don't make a fuss. After all, the other party is a transcendent, so it's not surprising that he survived."

While he was speaking, a crack appeared in the ice in the picture, and then the entire ice shattered instantly. Luo Shiyu fell gently to the ground, unscathed.

When she stepped on the ground, the high temperature that was radiating around her was instantly wiped away, and then the temperature of the entire world was distorted again.

It used to be hot in the northern hemisphere and cold in the southern hemisphere, but now the temperatures are starting to reverse.

This is not malicious!

Luo Shiyu actually found human resistance very interesting. The attack was very special and almost hurt her.

Therefore, she decided to reward these people who had the courage to resist and give them a happy life!

These people were destined to die.

Instead of dying slowly in pain and suffering, it would be better to burn him to death quickly. At least he would not be in pain anymore.

Luo Shiyu did not think this was a cruel thing, but instead thought it was his last mercy and goodwill.

After all, the world would have been destroyed, either by her or someone else from the Infinite Organization, or in the worst case scenario, by the Lord of Darkness.

Because the Lord of Darkness takes action, some people will not be able to survive or die.

Luo Shiyu has seen the collection of the Lord of Darkness, and she knows very well where the real collection points of those so-called 'collections' are.

Where, maybe it was because of her unusual intuition that the Lord of Darkness was willing to show her those collections.

After all, showing it to people who don’t know how to appreciate it is like playing the harp to the right person. Collections are only meaningful if they are shown to people who know how to appreciate them.

What the Lord of Darkness collects is never humans or animals. What he collects is the unique fear, despair, pain, sadness...

But just when Luo Shiyu was about to end everything, he suddenly felt something flying towards him.

She did not stop the temperature reversal, but looked to her left side faintly.

"Hey, it turns out to be Miss Human Skin!"

Suddenly, a sound came from the wind and snow, and the next moment there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and the ice surface cracked.

Luo Shiyu looked at the target who made the sound. He was a big man wearing red armor. He was very tall and burly, and he didn't look like a human being. The armor on his body was unusually thick and had a feeling that it was difficult to destroy.

Because the helmet even covered her face, she couldn't see the other person's face, but judging from the voice, she should be a man in his early thirties.

Finally, she withdrew her gaze and asked calmly: "Are you here to challenge me?"

"Sorry, although I really want to chat with you for a few more words, what you are doing is too dangerous. For the sake of the survivors, I can only speak with my fists." Wuming said seriously.

Although Infinite Organization has placed an informant, the informant is not omniscient.

Sometimes clues are hidden in daily conversations, and the coordinates of some worlds also take time to figure out, so by the time the rescue team knows the coordinates of this world, the world has been almost destroyed by Luo Shiyu.

There were only a few million survivors, and hundreds of millions of lives died in the disaster caused by Luo Shiyu.

Wuming knew very well that the Luo Shiyu in front of him was not the miserable Luo Shiyu who was always eaten by the Moon Prince and whose human skin was used, but a scumbag who killed without blinking an eye.

Therefore, he wanted to make a quick decision.

One punch!

Before Luo Shiyu could react, his body had already flown backwards, and severe pain was felt in his bones.

"The enemy is beyond imagination!"

In an instant, Luo Shiyu spat out a mouthful of blood, gritted his teeth and activated his abilities, causing the surrounding temperature to rise sharply.

But this was of no use to Wuming. He was close to Luo Shiyu in an instant, and his fist hit Luo Shiyu's face again.

Luo Shiyu clenched her gums and ate Wu Ming's food

punch, immediately opened his mouth and screamed, shooting a beam of light.

This is one of her advanced skills. It releases all the heat normally absorbed in the body to destroy all enemies.

"Shut up!"

Wuming blasted the beam with one punch, and punched it again.

This punch hit Luo Shiyu's right cheek. Under the huge force, Luo Shiyu's whole body spun like a top, and his teeth were thrown out of his mouth with blood on them.

will die!

Luo Shiyu realized that death was approaching, and she immediately instinctively activated her ability: zero burial!

The temperature around her was instantly absorbed, and her skin turned red, and even a lot of crack-like lines appeared. However, because the surroundings were temporarily at zero degrees, time and space were frozen at this moment.

"I want you to die!"

She looked at Wuming with resentment, and immediately pressed her hands on Wuming's body.

But at this moment, Wuming punched again, and her skin was like porcelain, and a piece was missing under this punch, and a lot of cracks spread to other parts of her body.

"How is it possible, you can still move?" She stepped back, covering her wound, and said in horror.

Wuming didn't want to answer, but seeing that she was a little pitiful, he said lightly: "Because I also have related abilities, but the price to pay is too high, so it's usually unnecessary to use it."

Then, he opened his mouth and blew at Luo Shiyu, and the cracks on Luo Shiyu's body spread faster.


Luo Shiyu wanted to release the energy in her body to save her life, but it was too late.


When the cracks spread all over her body, she exploded like a broken balloon, blood and energy mixed together, forming a red mist that spread out.

The scene of a red mist spreading out can be seen outside the planet.

"We're done!"

After Wuming confirmed that Luo Shiyu was dead, he patted the blood clots on his hands and said lightly.

He still didn't like killing people, but some people really deserved to die and had to be killed.

He had a clear conscience in killing these people.

"Renmei, let's go!"

He adjusted his mentality, looked up at Lin Renmei in the air, and shouted with a smile.

In fact, Lin Renmei had been in the air to scout for him. Once he couldn't beat Luo Shiyu, Lin Renmei would attack and blow Luo Shiyu up.

It can be said that Luo Shiyu was going to die today anyway.

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