I Contracted Myself

【079】The person you trust the most

Infinite organization, meeting hall.

The Lord of Darkness sat on a loose, jewel-covered main seat, holding a doll in his hand. The people below all remained silent. Some of the new members were slightly uneasy and kept observing the people around them.

"Zhong Dian, Luo Shiyu, Bai Tengyun, Zhou Youhai, in just a few years, four of our infinite members died." The King of Darkness said faintly at this time.

Situ Shibai frowned and said, "King, is someone targeting us?"

"Nonsense!" Bai De complained.

Dark Feng Laixian narrowed his eyes and said: "King, do you think there is a spy among us?"

"If there were no moles and countless parallel worlds, how could the enemy accurately target these four idiots?" the Dark King asked with a smile on his face.

Everyone immediately nodded in agreement. Unless there were specific coordinates, there were so many parallel worlds that it would be difficult to pinpoint one person.

This is definitely harder than finding a needle in a haystack.

"There's a mole!"

In an instant, all members of the Infinite Organization reached a consensus that there was a spy in the organization.

Then everyone looked at the people around them suspiciously, feeling that everyone was suspicious except themselves.

"Wang, if you want to say that the biggest suspect is, I think Feng Laixian is the biggest suspect. He is a good person in every world. I don't think there will be any exceptions. He must be enduring the humiliation and pretending to join us, but in fact he is secretly cultivating a group of people. A force dedicated to killing us!" Situ Shibai took the opportunity to bite.

Dark Feng Laixian glanced at Situ Shibai and said calmly: "When it comes to suspicion, your suspicion is much greater than mine. Ever since you joined the organization, people in the organization have been killed one after another. How should you explain it?"

"In fact, there were so many people present. Except for Zhong Dian, Zhou Wu, and Cheng Long, who joined the organization after the sniper killing, everyone else is suspected!" Chen Weihua sneered, holding a lollipop in her mouth.

Zhong Dian joined the Infinite Organization to replace the dead Zhong Dian. At that time, the sniping against the members of the Infinite Organization had already begun, so he could not be a mole.

Zhou Wu and Cheng Long joined the organization after midnight, so they were naturally ruled out as suspects.

After everyone thought for a moment, they agreed with Chen Weihua's statement.

"I suggest setting up an investigation team, with Zhong Dian, Zhou Wu, and Cheng Long responsible for finding out the insiders in the organization. I believe everyone has no objections.

? "Chen Weihua continued.

She has a good brain and thought of the best solution to this matter immediately.

In addition, she knew very well that the King of Darkness was never a reasonable being. If he could not come up with a reasonable plan, the King of Darkness would even kill everyone present out of impatience and then recruit new people.

The King of Darkness is ruthless and will definitely do such a thing.

She did this just to survive.

"I agree!" Bai De thought for a moment and then agreed.

Dark Feng Laixian said solemnly: "It is true that there are only three of them in the organization who are not suspected, so let's leave it to them."

"Okay, you've heard it too. Next, find the mole for me. If the deadline is... before everyone dies!" the Dark King stared at Zhong Dian, Zhou Wu, and Cheng Long, and said with a smile.

Zhong Dian, Zhou Wu, and Cheng Long could only take on this task.

Chen Weihua also breathed a sigh of relief.

Once the matter is resolved, the Dark King should not go on a killing spree.

After the meeting.

Zhong Dian, Zhou Wu and Cheng Long gathered together.

"The king asked us to find the mole. The problem is that we have just joined, so how can we find it?" Zhou Wu said with a frown.

Cheng Long sighed: "If you can't find it, you have to look for it. You don't want to die, right?"

"I don't think Wang expects us to find the mole. Maybe he has other ideas." Zhong Dian said expressionlessly at this time.

Zhou Wu and Cheng Long were refreshed. They looked at Zhong Dian and asked, "How do you say this?"

"The time limit given by the king is before everyone dies. Do you think this is reasonable?" Zhong Dian asked.

The two of them were stunned. There was indeed something wrong with the deadline.

"I guess the king just pushed us out as a cover for the public. There should be someone else who is really responsible for investigating the insider. We don't need to think so much, and we don't need to be burdened. We can just investigate normally." Zhong Dian analyzed. .

The two people immediately felt that the toilet suddenly opened, and nine of the ten orifices were opened.

"Brother Zhong Dian, thank you very much. Let's investigate as usual." Zhou Wu said with a smile.

Cheng Long also quickly nodded in agreement.

Then the two of them looked at each other and came to the conclusion in their hearts that among the three of them, Zhong was the smarter one and had to hug her!

In fact, after the meeting

Finally, the Dark King did secretly meet the Dark Phoenix.

The two of them sat at the highest point of the eight-story building, looking at the ant-like pedestrians below. No one spoke for a while.

After about ten minutes, the Lord of Darkness asked: "Who do you think is the most suspicious?"

"Everyone is suspicious!"

"However...Chen Weihua's analysis does make sense. The first person to be sniped was the clock, so now this clock can be excluded."

"Because it is impossible for the enemy to guess that the king will recruit Zhong Zou again, and this Zhong Zou came from countless worlds and was reviewed when joining, so there should be no problem."

"But Zhou Wu and Cheng Long, and their subordinates still have doubts. Assuming that the mole has grasped the trends of our organization, it may not be impossible to insert more moles in the opposite direction."

Dark Phoenix was silent for a moment, then organized his words and analyzed.

"Hahahaha, we think the same thing, so I let Zhongdian and the two newcomers form an investigation team. In fact, I just let Zhongdian observe the two of them. The real investigation has to be done by ourselves." The Dark King laughed.

How could he entrust the investigation of the organization's internal traitors to three newcomers, especially when the strength of these three newcomers has not yet been improved. What can they investigate?

"Feng Laixian, you are the only person I can trust. I will give you a task. Investigate who is the internal traitor in the organization secretly. I allow you to act first and report later!" The Dark King looked at Dark Phoenix and said with trust in his eyes.

Dark Phoenix bowed and said, "Yes!"

"Well, go down!" The Dark King smiled with satisfaction.

After Dark Phoenix left, the Dark King's body suddenly melted into a dark shadow and disappeared directly into the darkness.

In another room of the Eight-story Building, the Dark King patted Situ Shibai on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Situ Shibai, you are the only person I can trust. I will give you a task. Investigate Feng Laixian secretly and keep an eye on his every move. If you are suspicious, report to me immediately!"

"Yes!" Situ Shibai responded excitedly.

After Situ Shibai left, the Dark King's body melted into a shadow and disappeared into the darkness.

In another room, the Dark King looked at Bai De and said with a smile: "Bai De, others think you are Feng Laixian's confidant, but they don't know that you are actually my man. Next, I will give you a task..."


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