I Contracted Myself

【080】Potential capacity

Rescue team, headquarters.

Wuming sat cross-legged on the bed, meditating.

His body is now six years old. In addition to proper exercise, he meditates most of the time to fix his thoughts.

Superpowers are actually the embodiment of everyone's wishes, but most people's thoughts will become messy at the moment of awakening, so superpowers will also undergo various changes.

For example, a person wants to awaken the ability to control fire, but doubts himself a moment before awakening. Can he do it? Can he really control fire?

Once this kind of doubtful thought appears, it often leads to changes in ability.

It is possible to awaken the opposite ability and become able to control water flow, or it is possible to get the ability to be immune to fire, but unable to control fire...

Wuming has already thought about what superpower he wants in his heart. What he needs to do now is to meditate and strengthen his thoughts.

Of course, because his ambition is a bit big, he also needs to swallow a lot of potential gems to improve his potential.

Potential gems are not contract gems, but a kind of gem that purely improves the potential of the user.

Wuming does not plan to swallow contract gems again.

When he was using the Dormant Dragon Transformation Method, he found that his heart was full of dark thoughts, and even a lot of painful emotions were accumulated in his heart. It was only because he had given himself an absolute order in the past, "Not allowed to get lost, not allowed to sink", so these factors that would lead to getting lost and sinking were suppressed.

Based on these discoveries, he realized that he who was controlled by the order was not the real him, but the him who was distorted by the order.

After understanding this, he decided to face everything in the future with his own will, instead of suppressing all the bad thoughts.

Although he didn't know whether such suppression would have side effects, he knew very well that the so-called "absolute order" actually had an upper limit.

If some emotions are accumulated too much, there is no guarantee of what terrible changes will happen.

"Little Wuming, the thing you want, big brother helped you get it!"

At this time, Zhang Shouzhong swaggered in, looked at Wuming on the bed with a smug look, and said with a smile.

Wuming opened his eyes and nodded, "Well, put the things down, you can go away."

"Want me to go away? No way!"

Zhang Shouzhong put down the package and immediately sat on the bed

, directly bounced Wuming up and almost hit the ceiling.

When Wuming fell, Zhang Shouzhong caught him with one hand and smiled: "Unless you say, thank you, big brother Zhang Shouzhong!"

"Fatty, you are itching, right?" Wuming rolled his eyes.

Then he did a front flip and landed on the bed. After putting on his shoes, he walked to the table and quickly opened the package brought by Zhang Shouzhong.

The package was not big, and there were four metal bracelets in it.

"Wuming, you are only six years old now, is this really suitable for you?" Zhang Shouzhong asked with some concern.

In fact, he didn't want to buy it for Wuming, but he couldn't persuade Wuming, so he had to help buy it.

"Others don't believe me, but you still don't believe me?" Wuming said helplessly.

He put the four bracelets on his wrists and ankles respectively, and turned on the bracelets the next moment. In an instant, he felt the gravity increase little by little.

"It's not that I don't trust you, I just think you won't grow taller like this." Zhang Shouzhong complained.

How can a five or six-year-old child use a gravity bracelet to exercise? This is too exaggerated.

This kind of equipment is originally for adults. In order to get a smaller bracelet, he went to the R\u0026D department to ask for help.

He is now very worried that if Su Jingyao and others find out that he secretly helped Wuming get the bracelet, he will not see the sun the next day.

"That's why I hate those women, they are short-sighted." Wuming complained.

At first, he said he wanted to buy it, but in fact he asked Su Jingyao for help. In the end, Su Jingyao refused no matter what he said, so he had to find Lin Renmei and Chen Weihua, but he still couldn't convince them.

In the end, he had no choice but to find his good brother Zhang Shouzhong.

"Ordinary children are not suitable for this exercise, but I have the shell of a dragon, which allows me to exercise without side effects, and doing so will only expand my body's potential capacity, making me taller and more handsome, how can I not grow taller."

Wuming started squatting on the spot, saying as he did it.

Every life has "potential" when it is born, and in addition to potential, there is actually "potential capacity".

In simple terms, potential is water. When you want to become stronger, you will consume this water called potential. And the cup used to hold the water of "potential" determines the "potential capacity".

Some people are born with big cups that can hold extremely high potential, while others are small cups.

Even if you get a natural treasure that can increase your potential, and finally fill the entire cup, it will only increase a few stars.

If a natural treasure is extremely intense, then people with too low potential capacity will even explode and die if they swallow it.

Wuming has eaten a lot of potential gems during this period, and his potential is currently 25 stars, but he also found that his potential is no longer increasing.

Fortunately, the potential gem is a mild treasure, so he did not explode on the spot because of the peak potential capacity. However, if he wants to increase his potential capacity, he must find a way to expand his potential capacity.

"Then take it easy. If something happens to you, I will die. Don't blame me for splashing blood on your face when I die." Zhang Shouzhong said helplessly when he saw Wuming start to exercise.

Wuming was soon sweating profusely. He took a breath and said, "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

"By the way, why didn't Su Jingyao and the others agree? Didn't you explain it to them?" Zhang Shouzhong grabbed a snow pear with a nanorobot and asked while eating.

Wuming finished thirty squats and switched to push-ups. While doing it, he answered, "I explained it very clearly, but they think a child with muscles all over his body is too weird. Sister Weihua also said that as people grow up, their potential capacity will gradually increase. There is no need to be so anxious."

"What Weihua said is right, why are you so anxious?" Zhang Shouzhong asked with a frown after listening.

Wuming sighed and said, "Do you know how old Renmei awakened?"

"How old?" Zhang Shouzhong really didn't know, so he asked.

Wuming replied, "Nine years old, and my awakening time should be earlier, maybe eight years old, or even seven years old!"

"Then you tell them." Zhang Shouzhong complained.

Wuming sighed, "They don't believe me. They almost treat me like a child."


Zhang Shouzhong was shocked when he thought of the women's attitude towards Wuming. He already understood Wuming's difficulties.

After a while, he sighed, "Women are really sentimental..."

"Oh no, Jingyao is back!"

Wuming suddenly stood up, and the dragon shell instantly put away the bracelet.

Then Su Jingyao walked in, glanced at Zhang Shouzhong who was looking at the ceiling with a guilty conscience, and then looked at Wuming who was panting, and suddenly felt that the picture exuded a philosophical atmosphere.

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