I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [047] Corpse Poison

Pearl City, south wall, below the city.

The battle between Feng Laixian and Lin Benshi is still going on. One person and one corpse have been fighting fiercely for more than half an hour.

However, Feng Laixian showed no sign of decline, as if this amount of exercise was not even a warm-up, and Lin Benshi was a living corpse, so he would not feel tired.

But actually the battle is almost over.

A living corpse is just a corpse after all. Lin Benshi's bones have limited bearing capacity and have no ability to repair themselves. In the collisions, its bones have been covered with fine cracks. The next three moves will not require Feng Laixian. If you do it, its body will automatically collapse.

"Big brother, let's go!"

Feng Laixian took a deep breath, her eyes turned slightly red, and then she said in a deep voice.

But before he could take action, a huge rock suddenly flew from a distance. He quickly stepped back and watched the rock fall in front of him, making a big hole in the ground.

Seeing that there was no trap on the rock, he blasted the rock with one punch. Then he saw all the zombies in front of him who were charging and attacking the city stopped and slowly moved out of the way.

Densely packed living corpses pulled thick chains forward step by step. Behind these living corpses was a majestic palace.

"Hey hey hey, I haven't been back for a long time. Sure enough, Pearl City still has an pedantic atmosphere. It stinks, it stinks." The palace door slowly opened, and green phosphorus fire floated out from the palace, followed by a thin, old man. , a bit like a duck's sound came from the door.

Feng Laixian narrowed his eyes and shouted: "I wonder which senior it is?"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, senior? Junior, you are quite smart, I am a little attracted to you." The voice said with a high-pitched smile.

Then a dark figure slowly walked out of the palace. He was covered in tattered black cloth and holding a bone crutch in his hand. His face was thin and pale, like a living skeleton.

"Guess, if you guess correctly, I will spare your life." He looked at Feng Laixian, squinted his cloudy eyes and smiled.

Feng Laixian sighed and said: "Senior is so 'immortal and beautiful', I'm afraid I won't be able to guess it even if I spend my whole life guessing it. Please let me know."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, good boy, good boy, I like you even more. Hehe, you will stay forever and be my caretaker!" The old man smiled strangely.


In an instant, two living corpses rushed out from the group of corpses.

These two living corpses are both human corpses. One is tall and burly, while the other is the exact opposite, short and slender.

In the next moment, the tall and burly living corpse's body quickly grew dense golden scales, and at the same time, a long horn sprouted from its head.

"That's the Indestructible King Kong Cheng Dujiao!" Feng Laixian immediately recognized the identity of the burly living corpse.

The Indestructible King Kong Cheng Dujiao was very famous thirty years ago. He was the squad leader of the patrol. Because after using the ability, the body was invulnerable and powerful, the awakened people called him the King Kong Indestructible, and Cheng Dujiao was his The flower name is similar to Qiu Qiang's stinky Qiang.

After Cheng Dujiao transformed, he immediately rushed towards Feng Laixian with all his strength.

At the same time, Feng Laixian noticed from the corner of his eye that the short and slender living corpse had hooked and sharp claws on its arms. However, this man did not look like a native of Pearl City, but rather a bit like a savage, so he did not Know the details.

But this is not important at all.

Feng Laixian looked at the old man on the palace, and the next moment his eyes burst into bright red light. At the same time, his body was covered in red light, and the terrifying red air flow exploded directly, forming billowing air waves.

"The master of the museum is serious about it." Bai De said to himself, feeling the heat wave hitting his face.


There was a loud bang.

Cheng Dujiao and the short living corpse were each punched in an instant. Cheng Dujiao had a burnt black fist mark on his golden scales, and the short living corpse was even worse. The upper body was directly destroyed by the punch. There was also a terrifying high temperature emanating from the fracture.

"Old guy, I call you senior because you are going to die here tonight. Since you are eager to die, I have no choice but to do it and do it more neatly." In the red air wave, Feng Laixian Looking at the old man on the palace, he sneered.

Cheng Dujiao is worthy of being said to be indestructible. If it were still alive, Feng Laixian's punch would indeed be enough to seriously injure it, but it is a dead person, so this injury is nothing. As long as the body is not destroyed, it can continue to move. stand up.

"Jiejie, Jiejie, if you can do it, you might as well give it a try, young man." The old man smiled sinisterly.

At this time, Cheng Dujiao lowered his head and slammed into Feng Laixian. The golden horn was still emitting a faint green cold light. Originally, Cheng Dujiao's horn did not have any

It is poisonous, but after it becomes a living corpse, its horn contains extremely terrifying corpse poison. Once it is contaminated with no antidote, it will be assimilated into a living corpse by the corpse poison in a few minutes.

Beast King Fist·Taotie Carrying the Cauldron Style!

Feng Lai Only then did he throw Cheng Dujiao to the ground.

With this throw, the earth shook violently.

Cheng Dujiao directly smashed a big pit into the ground and lay in the big pit, unable to move.

All its bones were shattered, its scales exploded, and the horn on its head was broken in half, with black liquid constantly flowing out from the break.

"Old ghost, take your life!"

Feng Laixian dealt with Cheng Dujiao, and then took advantage of the situation and stepped on ape steps, appearing next to the old man as if he had shrunk to an inch.

He punched the old man's head, but was blocked by an invisible shield. A zombie not far from the palace exploded on the spot.

"As long as one of these precious children is still alive, they can resist the damage for me. You made a bad move!" The old man laughed grimly.

The zombies around immediately rushed towards Feng Laixian, especially the zombies holding long-handled weapons, who instantly stabbed Feng Laixian's blind spot with their weapons.


Feng Laixian reacted very quickly. He stepped on the heads of several zombies with his legs and retreated quickly, but there were too many weapons attacking him in an instant, and his sides were still pierced by different weapons.

However, he gritted his teeth and cut off the zombies' weapons with his hand knife. He flew back like a big bird, and when he landed, half of different long-handled weapons were stuck on both sides of his lower ribs.

He pulled out the spear on the right side without changing his expression, and then pulled out the spear on the left side, throwing the weapons on the ground. His wounds healed visibly, and in the blink of an eye, he recovered to his original appearance.

"As expected of a national-protecting Red Emperor Undead Body, this injury healed really quickly." The old man smiled faintly, his eyes emitting a faint green light.

Suddenly, Feng Laixian's face changed slightly, and he felt that something seemed to be taking root in his body.

He immediately grabbed the flesh on his waist with both hands and tore it violently, and blood and flesh flew everywhere. Some flesh and blood with a trace of corpse poison were directly torn apart by him, but more green filaments spread wildly in his body.

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