I Contracted Myself

【083】The Land of Ten Virtues

"Then the question is, do we have domainers here? Is there anyone here who can explode space?"

Zhang Shouzhong saw that Wuming didn't continue and guessed what Wuming was thinking. He didn't mention the King of Darkness or anything, but just followed Wuming's words and asked.

"Can the power of human beauty be used?" Chen Weihua also asked.

Wuming shook his head and said: "No, although Renmei's power is very strong, there is still a long, long way to go before she can explode the space. Even if she can destroy a planet with one punch, it is impossible to explode the space."

If the power of destroying planets can shatter space, then if two planets collide and explode, wouldn't it mean that space will be shattered in minutes?

Even the explosion of the sun is not enough to blow up space, which shows how stable space is.

Probably only at the level of a black hole can it be possible to distort space.

In those fantasy novels, a few strokes of power can blow up the space. It can only be said that the protagonists must have traveled to a low-dimensional space, at least a normal world. This power is too insignificant for the entire universe.

"That's nonsense. Go home, go home, I want to go home and play games." Zhang Shouzhong immediately complained.

Wuming smiled and said: "Don't worry, I've already told you that those are just two more formal methods. In fact, you can still use a little trickery!"


Zhang Shouzhong suddenly looked at Wuming with a speechless expression, and couldn't help complaining in his heart, in this case, why did you say so much just now?

"We have neither domainers nor enough power to break the space, so we can choose to use base runes to deceive the space and make the other party think that we have left. Theoretically, we only need to take one step forward to enter the tenth Space!" Wuming explained with a smile.

Chen Weihua said helplessly: "My research on the basic runes is not very deep. Are you sure you can use the basic runes to deceive this space?"

"No problem!" Wuming smiled.

Zhang Shouzhong said angrily: "Why don't you hurry up? I seriously suspect that you want to waste my time."

"Then you can go home and play games now." Wuming looked at Zhang Shouzhong provocatively and said with a mean smile.

Chen Weihua looked at the two people speechlessly, and said before the two were about to start fighting: "Okay, business is important, quickly arrange the basic runes."


Wuming had no choice but to put it away

Playing tricks on Zhang Shouzhong's mind, he began to make preparations.

"You are the same, you are dozens of years old and you are still arguing with a child." Chen Weihua then looked at Zhang Shouzhong and scolded.

Zhang Shouzhong suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at Chen Weihua with an innocent face.

After Chen Weihua fell behind in the count, she finally endured the frustration.

More than ten minutes later, while Chen Weihua wasn't paying attention, Zhang Shouzhong approached Wuming who was preparing the basic runes and asked in a low voice: "Wuming kid, can I learn your Hidden Dragon Transformation Technique?"

"Kid?" Wuming stopped what he was doing and asked calmly.

Zhang Shouzhong quickly changed his words and said: "Brother Wuming, big brother!"

"Everyone can use the Hidden Dragon Transformation Method, but this ability requires a shell. Do you have a shell that I can use?" Wuming asked in return.

Zhang Shouzhong thought for a while, patted his belly and asked, "Is this okay?"

"That's your body, not your shell." Wuming complained.

Zhang Shouzhong frowned and said, "Then how to make the shell?"

"Probably dozens of abilities are needed." Wuming unintentionally said about Circuit de Versailles.

Zhang Shouzhong fell silent, feeling his fist harden.

He finally let out a sullen breath, stood up and said, "Forget it, I won't learn from your grandpa anymore. Looking back, I won't come up with a mechanical ascension to show you off!"

"Then come on!" Wuming smiled.

So angry!

Zhang Shouzhong went back to the side and sat down. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. It would be great if he had more abilities!

All right.

Having so many abilities is truly amazing.

The flesh and blood are weak and the machine soars!

Zhang Shouzhong decided that he also wanted to follow a different path.

Time flew by in preparation, day finally turned into night, and Wuming was ready.

"Everyone holds hands, forms a circle, and then looks at these basic runes clockwise. Remember, try to be as clear-minded as possible, pretend that you no longer exist, and just follow me when you see me moving. Wuming stood up and said to the two of them.

The basic runes are drawn on the black turtle's shell. They look like densely packed tadpole characters. If you look closely, you will even feel a distortion.

"Has it started?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Wuming stretched out his hand, nodded and said: "Come on,

Let’s go to the tenth space and have a look! "

The three of them held hands, and then stared at the basic runes on the turtle's back. Gradually, the three of them entered a state of high concentration, and their bodies even showed a translucent feeling.

When the translucency gradually spread to the head, Wuming immediately stepped out, followed by Zhang Shouzhong and Chen Weihua.

With this step, the three of them disappeared out of thin air.

The perspective of the three of them was that they crossed the space with one foot, and suddenly their eyes turned into a sea of ​​flowers, and the sky turned into blue sea water, reflecting the sea of ​​flowers in the feature film like a mirror.

"So beautiful!" Chen Weihua looked up and looked around and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zhang Shouzhong quickly looked around and made sure there was no obvious threat before asking: "Is this the tenth space?"

"Yes, this is the tenth space!" Wuming affirmed.

In fact, he did not expect that the tenth space would be so dreamy and beautiful, almost like a fairyland.

"Don't act rashly. I'll release the nanorobots to investigate the surroundings." Zhang Shouzhong thought for a moment, then said to the two.

He is the leader of the intelligence team. When he came to such a strange place, he must investigate first and make sure there is no danger before moving freely.

"Don't worry, I can feel that this place is full of "goodwill". It should not be a dangerous place." Wuming smiled.

Then he did not listen to Zhang Shouzhong's advice, but strode forward and walked through the sea of ​​flowers. Chen Weihua immediately followed. Zhang Shouzhong looked at the two helplessly, and finally could only sigh and quickly followed them.

There were no animals in the sea of ​​flowers, and the ground was all grass with excellent touch. Wuming walked and walked, stretched out his hand to pick a flower and inserted it in his ear, then jumped back, and the dragon shell immediately caught him and put him on his shoulder.

"This place is so beautiful. If I can live here, I must be very happy." Chen Weihua also picked a flower and held it in her palm, feeling that her girlish heart was completely satisfied.

Zhang Shouzhong, on the other hand, felt nothing. He even had the urge to sneeze. This place smelled so good.

The three of them walked in the sea of ​​flowers for about fifteen minutes. Suddenly, the scenery in front of them changed. There was a small village with green mountains and clear waters in front of them.

The mossy stone bridge, the clear stream, and the old tree covered with peach blossoms made people's hearts return to tranquility from restlessness.

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