I Contracted Myself

【084】Ancient Jade Whistle

"I think I can live here." Zhang Shouzhong looked at the village and said directly.

Chen Weihua also nodded and said: "I feel like I can find inner peace here, and I want to live here too."

"Actually, it's pretty average." Wuming was not captured by the village.

The main reason is that healing White Tiger also has the power to calm people's hearts. He usually sleeps too much on White Tiger, so he has become resistant.

He continued to walk forward, smiling as he walked: "I guess the owner of this space should be inside. Let's go and take a look."


Zhang Shouzhong and Chen Weihua said in unison.

The three people walked into the village through the stone bridge. They all noticed that the village was full of life, but there was no one there.

In fact, let alone humans, there are no other creatures in this space, not even an ant.

"It clearly looks like someone has lived there, why is there no one there?" Chen Weihua gently touched the wall of the house and said with some confusion.

Wuming walked in front and analyzed: "It may be that the ability users brought in the entire village, but excluded all living creatures."

In fact, he can also do this method. For example, if he puts things into the Dream City, the bacteria on the surface of the things will be brushed off and he will not be able to follow them into the Dream City.

When he thought about it, this village might have been taken in like this.

"There's someone there!"

At this time, Zhang Shouzhong reminded solemnly.

Wuming and Chen Weihua glanced at Zhang Shouzhong, then looked ahead. After walking forward for about three minutes, they saw an old tree, and an old man was sitting under it.

The old man was wearing dark green ancient clothes and was sitting on a root of an ancient tree. He was holding a cane and lowered his head as if he was dozing off.

The three of them approached cautiously, but the old man made no move at all.

"He's dead." Zhang Shouzhong stepped forward to check, and then said sadly.

This small village was so beautiful that it gave him the urge to live in seclusion, so when he saw the old man, he felt as if he had seen his own end.

"Is he the owner here?" Chen Weihua asked.

Wuming frowned, and after a while he said: "Yes, he is the master here, but I didn't expect that he had died.


"This is normal. The place of experience existed before Pearl City. It may be so ancient that we can't imagine it. If you can't live forever, you will definitely die." Zhang Shouzhong said with emotion.

This further strengthened his belief that he did not want to die of old age and obscurity in such a small village.

"His body has completely become an empty shell, without any research value." Wuming said helplessly.

He didn't find any extraordinary elements in the old man. He was just like an ordinary old man, and his death was an ordinary old man.

But it is precisely because of this extreme ordinaryness that it became the old man's flaw.

"What are you going to study now?" Chen Weihua looked at Wuming and asked worriedly.

Wuming smiled and said: "I already have an idea about the anchor point."

"Can we go back now?" Zhang Shouzhong asked immediately.

Although the tenth space is a bit interesting, after being separated from the artistic conception created by this space, it actually feels like it is just that. It is better to go home and play games.

"Okay, the problem is... I don't know how to leave this space." Wuming replied with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong's face suddenly darkened and he asked, "Didn't you think about how to leave before you came in?"

"How do I know what's going on here without coming in? If I don't know what's going on, how do I know how to leave?" Wuming rolled his eyes and then asked.

Zhang Shouzhong said frantically: "Have you never thought about what to do if this is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den? We won't even have a way out by then!"

"What are you afraid of? It's just a life." Wuming said indifferently.

Zhang Shouzhong looked at Wuming, feeling very tired at this moment.

Although he knew that Wuming must have left an escape route, it was too deceptive to have an escape route that only worked once he died.

"Forget it, don't be angry, don't be angry with your son." Zhang Shouzhong took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

Chen Weihua looked around and said with a smile: "Since the master is dead, there must be a way to leave. We don't need to worry, we can just look for it slowly. Why don't we investigate this place first?"

"Let's investigate!" Zhang Shouzhong said weakly.

The next moment, a large number of nano-robots were sent out by him, until

Enter the village and start searching.

Wuming looked at the house opposite the ancient tree, then controlled the dragon's shell to wrap around himself and walked towards the house.

This house looks most like the 'owner's' house.

If the old man left any clues, they should be in this house.

The room is not dark, but is very bright and bright. The furniture is also very ordinary, with strong traces of time.

Wuming walked around and found nothing else, so he had to check the room, but there was no special item in the room. After analyzing it again and again, he had to leave the house.

"Is this really just the maker's retreat?" He looked up at the sky and thought in confusion.

But the next moment his eyes suddenly widened and he looked at the sky in surprise.

As mentioned before, the ground here is the ground, but the sky is the sea water, and the sea surface is as calm as a mirror, which can perfectly reflect the scenery on the ground.

But now the reflection in the sea is different from the ground.

The picture reflected in the sea water shows that there are countless people in the village, some are working, some children are playing, some old people are playing chess under the ancient tree, and some women are washing clothes by the stream not far away.

At the top of the ancient tree, a ball of light is emitting light, just like the sun shining on the earth.

Just now, Wuming and the others thought it was sunlight, but ignored the fact that there was the sea above their heads, so they did not notice this obvious difference.

"It turns out to be above!"

Wuming understood something in his heart and slowly flew to the top of the ancient tree. He stretched out his hand in front of the picture displayed by the sea, and ripples appeared in the space. Then he felt something cold in front of him and grabbed it decisively with his hand.

After confirming that there was nothing else in it, he withdrew from the space and found that he was holding a round piece of ancient jade in his hand.

Pull the whistle?

There are two small holes in the middle of the ancient jade, and a rope is inserted through the small holes. Isn't this a whistle!

Wuming thought about it, then held the rope with both hands and gently pulled it. Gradually, the ancient jade began to spin in the rope, and a strange sound was heard.

In the sky, the picture went dark, and the whole space seemed to go from day to night.

Wuming, Zhang Shouzhong, and Chen Weihua all looked up at the sky, and then saw an amazing scene.

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