I Contracted Myself

【085】Giant and Disaster

In the vast universe, an unimaginable giant has his feet on the galaxies and his hands holding the sky.

The two universes that were about to collide were actually held up by this giant and did not collide together.

This scene is as shocking as the opening of the sky. No matter Wuming, Zhang Shouzhong or Chen Weihua were deeply shocked by this scene.

However, the good times did not last long.

The two worlds were still slowly approaching each other, and the giant's body was bent down step by step.

When people from two worlds find each other, a war begins.

From the ground to the sky, from the deep sea to outer space, corpses were everywhere and blood flowed into rivers. The giant showed a painful expression, and with his last punch, he shattered the world above and gradually destroyed that world.

He knew that a world must perish before this cruel battle could stop.

As he expected, when the world above was destroyed, the remaining survivors were quickly wiped out by the people in the world below, and the world was temporarily safe.

The giant's body gradually became smaller, and he lived in isolation, often feeling pain and powerlessness because of what he had done.

At this time, a woman appeared. She was an invader from another world. She hid after realizing that the situation was over. She came to avenge the people of her own world.

The giant did not resist and was still attacked by the woman, but the woman's power fell on him but was too insignificant.

In the end, the woman understood the giant's pain and helplessness. She put down her hatred and became the giant's neighbor.

The two often discuss the mysteries of the world together and discuss whether there are other ways.

Later, they got together.

At the same time, they established a hope outpost, hoping to pass everything on.

The first scene is over.

Wuming, Zhang Shouzhong, and Chen Weihua came to their senses, looked at each other, and sighed in their hearts how terrifying the giant was.

So far, except for the King of Darkness whose strength is unknown, Wuming can be sure that the giant is the most powerful life form he has ever seen. The scene of the stars collapsing and the universe dispersing under that punch is so beautiful and terrifying.

The planet is not even considered as dust in front of the giant, and the sun is not as good as one of his branches.

The vellus hair is so majestic and shocking.

At this time, the darkened scene in the sky lit up again.

In the picture, a little girl is accompanying her parents on an outing. Through the dialogue, it can be known that they are both members of the Hope Outpost and are collecting seeds from the wild.

Hope Outpost stores a large number of seeds, embryos, materials, and resources.

If human civilization suffers a devastating blow, the survivors can re-establish civilization through the Hope Outpost and continue the survival of the human species.

This work is of great significance, and many people with lofty ideals have joined in the construction of the Hope Outpost.

However, Wuming and the others learned from the conversation between the little girl and her parents that five to six hundred years had actually passed since the giants established the Hope Outpost.

Hope Outpost is actually a big force.

Just when Wuming and the others wanted to follow the little girl's parents to learn about the Hope Outpost, a meteor hit the Hope Outpost, and at the same time a large number of Awakeneds attacked the Hope Outpost from different directions.

There is no doubt that the presence of the Hope Outpost was too obvious, which aroused the fear of some people in power at the time, which led to its current destruction.

The little girl's family escaped disaster because they went out, but they could only remain anonymous to avoid being hunted by those in power at the time. However, under the guidance of her parents, the little girl gradually became a qualified sentinel of hope.

A few years later, the grown-up little girl began to rebuild the Hope Outpost under a canyon. At the same time, she recollected many scattered resources and spent her life writing the story of the Hope Outpost.

"I just said that the location chosen by Boss Guquan is a bit wrong. It turns out that the Hope Outpost was destroyed once." Zhang Shouzhong said at this time.

Guquan is the giant in the first act.

At first no one knew his name, but he only revealed his name when his wife asked.

"This outpost probably won't last long," Chen Weihua judged.

However, this outpost did inherit many resources from the previous outpost. Those resources were of little value to those in power, but were crucial to the Hope Outpost.

In fact, after seeing this, Wuming and the others already understood that this should be the history of Hope Outpost.

It's a pity that the hope outpost was gradually defeated in the end.

It fell and became what it is now.

The scene continues.

The little girl's name is Gu Duo'er. She learned the lesson from the last time and chose to keep a low profile. Thanks to her efforts, the Hope Outpost became more like a secret organization that did not appear in front of ordinary people and only acted in secret.

Thanks to the efforts of Gu Duo'er and some people with lofty ideals, the Hope Outpost has finally gradually returned to its original size. A large amount of materials have refilled various warehouses, and the shelters used to avoid disasters have also been continuously expanded.

Screen added.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years later, Gu Duoer died surrounded by countless apprentices and friends. The new webmaster was Gu Duoer's eldest disciple Guduoer.

Then Gudbeth also died, and was succeeded by Gussen, the son of Gudbeth.

But this Gusen is a strange person. His ability can make all kinds of strange props, and he actually turned the Hope Outpost into a movable secret fortress.

In this way, it is hoped that sentinels can appear around the world at any time and collect various rare resources.

When the Hope Sentinels of Hope Outpost attacked everywhere, disaster came unexpectedly, just like what Giant Guquan had to face, a world gradually approached.

The first to appear was not an enemy from another world, but a meteorite.

These meteorites were easily swept away by Giant Guquan at the beginning, but now they have become a fatal disaster. Countless meteorites fell, and the city on the ground turned into a sea of ​​fire and ruins in an instant.

The Hope Sentinels came out in full force and began to try their best to save more people. The shelter of Hope Outpost was soon full.

At this moment, all the talents of Hope Outpost realized that their preparations were far from enough, and Gu Sen realized a truth in despair.

They are too small!

Only the first generation stationmaster can save the world.

He no longer paid attention to the disasters in the outside world, but was obsessed with studying all the information of "Giant Guquan". He wanted to copy this powerful power and use this power to protect the world and everyone.

As a result, he succeeded and failed.

He found the burial place of Gu Quan, extracted the bone marrow from Gu Quan, and combined the abilities of countless Hope Sentinels at the Hope Outpost to create the 'Giant God'.

But the Giant God is an irrational beast!

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