I Contracted Myself

【086】The Great Sage and the Ancient God

It devoured everything crazily, whether it was the sentinels of hope or the refugees in the shelter, they were all devoured by it.

In the end, the few surviving Hope Sentinels fled for their lives. Gusen wrote a suicide note in regret and committed suicide in the stationmaster's room.

However, the disaster will not stop because of Gu Sen's suicide. After the 'Giant' came out of the Hope Outpost, he began to kill and eat crazily, starting his own evolution.

Although it was built from the cells of the giant Guquan, it actually had more complex powers. It grew at an unimaginable speed. It grew from ten meters to tens of thousands of meters in just a few days, and was eaten by it at the same time. There are so many things dropped that it’s hard to count.

In fact, although this disaster is extremely terrifying, it is not a despair-level existence.

In the world that collided with this world, there existed a strong man called the Great Sage. He used himself as a medium to gather the most powerful superpowers in the world and forcibly eliminated the disaster.

This exclusion is also very exaggerated in the eyes of Wuming and others.

Countless stars were moved away, countless stars were transferred, and finally two similar planets magically merged together and did not explode due to collision.

And according to the great sage, doing so will strengthen the essence of the planet, thereby giving the creatures living on this planet higher potential.

When everything was completed, when the people of this world cheered, a huge black shadow emerged from the distance, and the cheering people were all silent for an instant.

"Run!" Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help but remind him when he saw this scene.

Wuming helplessly held his shoulders and said, "This is a scene from the past, don't get excited!"

The next scene was extremely horrifying. These surviving ability users were already exhausted due to activating their abilities, and now they had little power to resist. Under the ravages of the giant god, except for a few special ability users who escaped, there were many more people on the ground. Messy, bloody shreds of clothing.

"Gu Sen really deserves to die!" Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help but cursed when he saw this scene.

Chen Weihua smiled bitterly and said: "I can sympathize with Gu Sen's thoughts, but it's a pity that he failed."

"Keep reading." Wuming pursed his lips and said helplessly.

These pictures are of great value. Just now they have provided him with two good ideas. One is the ancient complete set of giants.

The method of holding up two worlds, and the other method of merging two planets with the great sage.

Although the former failed, it was actually just a lack of power. If there was a stronger and more stable force, it might not be able to keep the two worlds in that state forever.

The Great Sage's method was a bit difficult, because there were really too many esper users using their abilities at that time. In addition to the Great Sage's integration ability, the abilities of those esper users were also crucial.

Wuming wasn't sure if he could gather so many strong men if he gathered the power of the entire world.

The scene in the sky continues.

The Great Sage was also one of the people who escaped. He used his ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil, and actually escaped to Hope Outpost. Then he learned all the secrets of the Titan through countless messages and Gusen's suicide note.

He buried Gu Sen, who committed suicide, and then studied the Titan at Hope Outpost, studying some of the remaining bone marrow of the Titan Gu Quan.

Time started to speed up.

Day after day, night after night.

The great sage spent all his time and food, worked hard, and devoted all his enthusiasm to research. Several times, the giant god appeared near the Hope Outpost, but he managed to avoid it in a thrilling manner.

Hundreds of years later, the Great Sage created a mysterious injection liquid with unknown effects and injected this liquid into his own body.

Chen Weihua frowned and said calmly: "Stupid, the only lesson humans can learn from history is to never learn any lessons."

It was obvious that the great sage did not take warning from Gu Sen's lesson before. He actually took part in such a dangerous experiment without any testing.

In Chen Weihua's eyes, this behavior is seeking death!

But Chen Weihua was soon slapped in the face, because not only did the great sage not die, but his body gradually split into a baby.

He spent the next time taking care of the baby, teaching the growing baby, and naming the baby 'Old God'.

The Ancient God is really just like the Son of God. He has learned all the knowledge of the Great Sage at the age of three. He has awakened his superpower at the age of five and can transform into a nine-meter-tall giant.

Moreover, the giant he transformed into was very special. It looked like a flesh and blood body, but its body was unimaginably hard and had a psychic force field that was similar to a biological force field.

As soon as he awakened his super power, the great sage was no longer the ancient god.


That day, the great sage solemnly told the ancient god that he had a destined enemy, the giant god!

From that day on, in order to be able to defeat his destined enemy, the ancient god underwent countless experiences under the guidance of the great sage. He learned various combat techniques and ancient boxing techniques one by one, and absorbed them as his own.

In the picture, the great sage also specially designed a set of techniques for the ancient gods to strengthen the operation of the psychic force field in the internal organs. When used in conjunction with ancient boxing techniques, this technique is as exaggerated as a superpower.

The psychic force field is very similar to the biological force field. In theory, this method should be used on the biological force field.

Wuming and the others also watched these scenes throughout the whole process, so it was equivalent to learning along with them.

Finally, except for Zhang Shouzhong, Wuming had already mastered many ancient fighting skills through information control, and Chen Weihua also remembered all the skills with her photographic memory, although only her brain knew them, but her body didn't.

"Have you all learned them?" Zhang Shouzhong asked uncertainly when he saw that the two of them looked like they had gained a lot.

Wuming and Chen Weihua nodded at the same time, and Wuming smiled and said, "It's not that difficult, but it's a pity that it doesn't work for me. Renmei should need these skills more than me, especially the skills of biological force field running in the body."

"The great sage is worthy of being a great sage. He has studied the spiritual force field of the ancient gods so deeply. Even though there are many subtle differences between the spiritual force field and the biological force field, I still feel that I have benefited a lot from it by analogy." Chen Weihua added at the same time.

Then she closed her eyes and operated the biological force field according to one of the operating methods taught by the great sage, then she posed and punched.

You can see that there seems to be a burst of fire spurting out of her fist.

"It's really good!" Zhang Shouzhong said in shock.

Chen Weihua smiled bitterly and said, "There are still some differences between biological force fields and mental force fields. If it was a mental force field, the punch just now should have been able to produce the power of a cannon, not just a little flash."

"Since we already have a direction, continue to study, and sooner or later we will be better than you!" Wuming comforted.

At this time, the picture that was originally accelerated gradually slowed down, and finally returned to the normal playback speed.

The three people immediately stopped communicating and looked up at the picture above the sky.

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