I Contracted Myself

【088】Guaranteed Bodhisattva

"Wu Ming, be careful of fraud!" Chen Weihua looked at the key on the ground and immediately warned.

Wuming walked forward with a smile, bent down to pick up the key on the ground, and explained: "Don't worry, this is just the key to Hope Outpost."

"Wait a minute, haven't we been to Hope Outpost?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Chen Weihua instantly understood Wuming's meaning and explained to Zhang Shouzhong: "Strictly speaking, the Hope Outpost we went to is just a projection of the original version. The real Hope Outpost should be here."

"Let's go!" Wuming put away the keys and walked directly out of the village.

Zhang Shouzhong and Chen Weihua immediately followed. Zhang Shouzhong asked as he walked: "Wu Ming, do you know where the Hope Outpost is?"

"Didn't the video just give the answer?" Wuming asked helplessly.

While talking, they left the village. In front of them was a quiet bamboo forest, and deeper in the bamboo forest was an ancient pagoda.

Wuming walked forward slowly, took out the golden key and inserted it into the door of the ancient pagoda. Then the entire ancient pagoda gradually turned from gray to gold. At the same time, the ground shook violently, and something gradually emerged from the ground under the ancient pagoda.

"Go back!" Wuming reminded, while he kept backing up.

The ground cracked open, and the Hope Outpost slowly rose from the ground.

It is a bit like a Hakka earth building, but it is in the shape of Bagua. The ancient pagoda just now is located at the top of the earth building, which just seals the roof of the entire earth building.

It took ten minutes for the ground to stop shaking, and the Hope Outpost was fully exposed in front of the three of them.

"Although I have seen it in the video just now, I was still shocked when I saw it with my own eyes." Zhang Shouzhong sighed.

Chen Weihua nodded and said: "And this is a treasure in itself, and it is extremely difficult to be damaged!"


At this time, a melodious voice came from above.

The three of them looked up and saw a monk with most of his face made of rock walking out of the ancient pagoda.

Every time the monk took a step, golden lotuses bloomed under his feet. At the same time, his partially petrified body also emitted golden light, gradually becoming more majestic.

"Bald man, who are you?" Zhang Shouzhong narrowed his eyes and asked.

There are no monks and no Buddhism in this world. Except for Wuming who knows that this is a monk, both Zhang Shouzhong and Chen Weihua

Just think of him as a weird-looking awakened person.

"Amitabha, the poor monk's Dharma name is guaranteed." The monk replied seriously.

Then he slowly walked down from the roof of the Hope Outpost, looked at Wuming, and said with a smile: "This donor should be the stationmaster of this generation, right?"

"Wait a minute, why do you look down on others? Don't I look like the webmaster?" Zhang Shouzhong stood in front of Wuming and joked.

Baodi just clasped his hands together and looked at Zhang Shouzhong with a smile but without saying a word. Gradually, Zhang Shouzhong felt that he was losing his temper.

"Excuse me, why are you here?" Wuming helplessly asked Zhang Shouzhong to step aside, and then asked.

This sentence is actually a pun. It not only asks why Baodi appears in this world, but also asks why Baodi appears in the Land of Ten Good Deeds.

"The poor monk was sent here by my Buddha. As for why he is here, it is because the land of ten good deeds needs poor monks," Baodi replied.



Gautama Buddha? Tathagata Buddha?

Wuming looked at the guarantee with some surprise, but he quickly accepted this setting. After all, superpowers and parallel worlds can exist, so why should he deny the gods and Buddhas in the sky?

Perhaps, the so-called gods and Buddhas are just awakened ones with different upgrade routes.

"The Buddha you are talking about is Sakyamuni?" Wuming thought for a while and asked.

Baodi shook his head and said, "Donor, the Buddha is the Buddha."

"What about you? Are you a Buddha?" Wuming asked again.

Baodi shook his head again and answered truthfully: "The poor monk has not become a Buddha, he is just a Bodhisattva now."


Wuming looked at Baodi in surprise, this time he was really shocked.

Although he didn't know how powerful the so-called gods and Buddhas were, the Bodhisattvas in myths and stories were not weak. The most famous one was Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who was a being with great supernatural powers in various stories.

"The donor may have misunderstood. Although the poor monk is a Bodhisattva, he can do very little in this world." Baodi Bodhisattva looked at Wuming and explained.

The energy nature of this world is single. Most extraordinary beings will lose their power when entering this world. Only those with great supernatural powers can retain such a trace of magic.

The power of Wuming and others comes from the base runes.

, is actually the will of a being that is more powerful than those with great supernatural powers, and already has the power to modify and distort the laws of the world.

Although Baodi Bodhisattva is not weak in strength, the power he can exert in this world is extremely limited. Now he can only protect the Ten Good Places and suppress the Hope Outpost in the Pagoda.

"I understand. To put it simply, you are the guardian of the Ten Good Places." After listening to Baodi Bodhisattva's explanation, Wuming suddenly realized.

Baodi Bodhisattva smiled bitterly and said, "You can think so."

"Can you tell me about the outside world?" Wuming asked curiously.

Baodi Bodhisattva sighed and said: "Instead of paying attention to the outside of this generation of stationmasters, I think it is more appropriate to understand the inside first. For example, inside the Hope Outpost, there is a big trouble waiting for you to deal with."

"Big. Trouble?" Wuming frowned.

Only then did Zhang Shouzhong find an opportunity and asked in a low voice: "Wu Ming, what kind of Bodhisattva is this? A person who has been promoted to the holy realm. Will there be another Bodhisattva now?"

"Bodhisattva... you have a really big imagination, but it's a pity that Bodhisattva exists in another system. To be honest... although I have thought that there must be other power systems in the world before, seeing a living Bodhisattva in person still feels a bit like a dream." Wuming first complained, and then sighed with emotion.

At this moment, he thought of many things. Since gods and Buddhas exist, will there be a world of immortal cultivation? Will there be anime, film and television world?

Does Sun Wukong really exist?

Is Qiannu really enchanting?

And is the skull structure of a two-dimensional girl different from that of an ordinary person?

"The world is so big, I want to see it."

Wuming clenched his fists. If he had the chance, he would definitely leave the Lashao Universe to see the wider world.

"Hey, come back to your senses, the bald guy ran away!" Zhang Shouzhong shouted at this time.

Wuming looked at the Baodi Bodhisattva and found that Baodi Bodhisattva had walked to the gate of the Hope Outpost and was standing aside, waiting for him to open the door.

The outside world has its own excitement. Now the most important thing for him is to find a way to save the Lashao Universe.

Wuming strode forward and finally reached the gate of Hope Outpost. He looked at the Bodhisattva of Protection, who put his hands together and said with a smile, "Stationmaster, are you ready?"

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