I Contracted Myself


"What's inside?" Wuming asked with a frown.

Baodi Bodhisattva replied: "The Ten Evils, Dongfang Cen used his body to evolve the Ten Good Places, but he could not offset the evil thoughts in his heart. Gradually, the Ten Evils began to exist. He had no choice but to seal the Ten Evils in the Hope Post. Station, wait for the next station manager to handle it.”

There is no doubt that Dongfang Cen is the space user in the picture, the old man under the ancient tree just now.

"He can't eliminate the ten evils by himself?" Chen Weihua asked after hearing this.

Baodi Bodhisattva shook his head and said: "His goodness has been transformed into the world, and his evil has been sealed. He is just him, but not him."

"A 'person' who has no desires and desires, but will act according to the past trajectory?" Wuming said thoughtfully.

Baodi Bodhisattva smiled and said: "That's right. He can't kill anyone because he has lost the intention to kill."

"What about you?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Baodi Bodhisattva explained: "Now the poor monk is just like the Dharma, so he can only guarantee the bottom."

He exists in the Land of Ten Good Deeds, and the Land of Ten Good Deeds will never collapse. Once he leaves the Land of Ten Good Deeds, strong men like the King of Darkness will sense the existence of the Land of Ten Good Deeds. No matter what the outcome, the Land of Ten Good Deeds will Something went wrong.

"So, you don't have any attack power?" Zhang Shouzhong said helplessly.

Baodi Bodhisattva nodded and said, "Amitabha, that's exactly what it is."

"How strong are the Ten Evils?" Wuming thought for a while, but decided to play it safe.

If the ten evils are too strong, then: Say goodbye, niche, and come back next time!

Baodi Bodhisattva smiled and said: "Don't worry, Dongfang Cen has detained the ten evils separately. The first thing you need to face after entering is the evil thief. His strength is probably about the same as you, but he may steal your identity. You ability, so you need to be extremely careful.”

"Can we play one more?" Chen Weihua asked.

Baodi Bodhisattva first looked at Chen Weihua, then at Zhang Shouzhong, and finally said: "I advise you two that it would be better not to lose your life in vain."


Chen Weihua and Zhang Shouzhong suddenly looked aggrieved. Baodi Bodhisattva obviously thought that they were too weak and would only die if they went there.

"Wu Ming, let's discuss it carefully first!" Chen Weihua pulled Wu Ming and said.

Then the three of them stayed away from Baodi Bodhisattva and gathered together to discuss.

"I think it's better to forget it.

I hope that there is indeed a lot of precious information in the outpost, but it is not necessary, and there is no need for us to take risks. "Chen Weihua said.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "Besides, that bald man is not reliable. I suspect that he actually wants to trap Wuming. Once Wuming dies, if the two of us are not his opponents, we will be completely controlled by him."

"Moreover, maybe the Ten Evils really exist, but he himself is the greatest evil. After all, he was also sealed in that tower, and he came out of it!" Chen Weihua guessed.

Zhang Shouzhong said in shock: "Is this still possible? How about... Wuming, kill that bald guy before you go in."

"At the worst, we can't just go in like this. Let's go back to find Renmei first, and then come back with Renmei!" Chen Weihua thought for a while and came up with a new method.

Zhang Shouzhong clapped his hands and said: "Good idea, wait...the question is how do we get out of here?"

"How about...ask the bald man, he might know how to leave." Chen Weihua was stunned for a moment, then said unconfidently.

Wuming was overwhelmed by what the two said to each other. At this time, he said helplessly: "If he really has other thoughts, do you think he will tell us how to leave?"

"Then I'll serve you with severe punishment!" Zhang Shouzhong said fiercely.

Wuming rolled his eyes and said, "What if he said that he must get through the Hope Outpost before he can leave?"


Suddenly, Zhang Shouzhong and Chen Weihua were speechless, because then things were back to the original point, and Wuming still had to enter the Hope Outpost.

"But if we go in like this, what if it's really a trap?" Chen Weihua asked in a low voice, somewhat unwillingly.

Wuming sighed: "Actually, I think Baodi Bodhisattva is not lying. His power system is indeed completely different from ours. I have just quietly analyzed Baodi Bodhisattva's body, and he looks like an ordinary person!"

"How is it possible that ordinary people can live so long? And just now he stepped on a lotus!" Zhang Shouzhong said in surprise.

Wuming smiled bitterly and said: "That is another system. As you all know about Fat Cat, it is not an alienated beast, but it also has special powers. The situation of the Bodhisattva is similar to Fat Cat."

"Do you know what system Baodi Bodhisattva is?" Chen Weihua looked at Wuming thoughtfully.

Wuming nodded and said: "I have identified some unusual things and know some external things. If he is really a Bodhisattva, he should be

Good people. "

Then he told the two people some Buddhist knowledge.

But because he actually didn’t know much, he could only give a rough idea.

"In other words, he does not come from a parallel world, but from outside the world?" Zhang Shouzhong said in surprise after hearing this.

To be honest, the existence of parallel worlds is surprising enough. It turns out that there is a world outside this world.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yes, he must be from another world."

"A monk cannot kill, so a Bodhisattva must be a good person?" Chen Weihua asked.

Wuming thought for a while, then smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know, this is also the first time I have seen a living Bodhisattva, if he is really a Bodhisattva."

In authentic mythological stories, most Bodhisattvas are definitely good people.

The problem is that there are many online novels of Xianxia, ​​Honghuang, and Xuanhuan, and the Buddhist sects in them are simply hated by gods and ghosts. Whether it is Buddha or Bodhisattva, they are all scheming and calculating.

Wuming doesn't know what the outside world is like.

What if it is a Bodhisattva from Honghuang Buddhism...

"I'll go and test it." Chen Weihua thought about it and said.

She didn't wait for Wuming and Zhang Shouzhong to stop her, and walked directly to Baodi Bodhisattva, and then asked: "Mr. Baodi, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Amitabha, donor, if I know, I will tell you everything." Baodi Bodhisattva smiled slightly.

Chen Weihua nodded and asked: "Have you killed anyone?"

"Yes, and a lot." Baodi Bodhisattva replied.

Chen Weihua was stunned for a moment, and asked back: "But monks can't kill, right?"

"What does the monk's inability to kill have to do with my Bodhisattva?" Baodi Bodhisattva asked with a smile.

Chen Weihua was unable to refute for a moment, so he had to speak again: "Can you talk about Buddha?"

"Buddha is Buddha." Baodi Bodhisattva said.

Chen Weihua frowned and said: "You are too profound, can you simplify it?"

"No, because I have not yet become a Buddha, no matter how I explain it, it is wrong. I can tell you how to start practicing, how to become an Arhat, how to become a Bodhisattva, but I can't tell you... what is Buddha." Baodi Bodhisattva replied.


Chen Weihua looked at Baodi Bodhisattva, and finally turned away expressionlessly.

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