I Contracted Myself

【090】Evil Thief

"I know too little about Buddhism, and it is so inexperienced that I can't see the problem."

Chen Weihua returned to Wuming and Zhang Shouzhong, clenched her fists, and said to them unwillingly.

In fact, the main reason is that she knows too little about Buddhism. If she had enough understanding, she could use Buddhist questions to test Baodi Bodhisattva.

"Then I'll go!" Zhang Shouzhong gritted his teeth.

Wuming held Zhang Shouzhong's shoulders and said helplessly: "Forget it, you won't be able to ask anything."

"Then now we can only enter the Hope Outpost and have a try?" Zhang Shouzhong frowned.

Wuming smiled and said: "This is the only way to go. You two have to be suspicious."

"But just in case..." Chen Weihua wanted to say something else, but Wuming interrupted: "There is no such thing as just in case."

He knew very well that if this continued, there would be no end, and unless the Bodhisattva Baodi died, there would be no way to prove his innocence, and it would be impossible for Chen Weihua and Zhang Shouzhong to feel at ease.

But he didn't want Baodi Bodhisattva to die, and he didn't want to stay like this forever, so he could only take a gamble.

Even if something goes wrong, you'll have to start all over again!

"Okay, we'll listen to you." Chen Weihua saw Wuming's determination, so she stopped talking.

Wuming nodded, then smiled and said, "Let's go."

The three of them returned to the door of Hope Outpost. Wuming apologized and said, "Sorry, they are just worried about my safety."

"The stationmaster doesn't need to explain, the poor monk understands." Baodi Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and smiled slightly.

Wuming looked at the door and asked, "Can I just go in?"

"Not bad." Baodi Bodhisattva nodded.

Wuming signaled Chen Weihua and Zhang Shouzhong to step back, and then controlled the Dragon Shell to hold down the door and push it open little by little.

It was pitch black inside the door, and there was an extremely strong cold air. As soon as the door was pushed open, the cold air spread out, and a thin layer of frost appeared on the ground.

Wuming looked at Baodi Bodhisattva, who nodded with a smile. Wuming took a deep breath, then strode forward, his body gradually covered by darkness.

Dark, cold...

There is also a pervasive sense of voyeurism.

Someone is watching!

Wuming squinted his eyes and gradually looked around, but everything was dark.

This kind of blackness is not the blackness of the night. He has night vision ability. If it is ordinary

He could actually see through the darkness without feeling dark.

He slowly raised his hand, and a ball of light appeared instantly, but the range that the light could illuminate was extremely limited, and the visibility was still very low.




At this time, footsteps came from three directions at the same time.

Wuming frowned, his eyes gradually fell on his feet, he raised his legs and took a step forward: Ta!

Those three sounds were exactly the same as his footsteps!

"Evil thief?"

Wuming remembered the reminder from Baodi Bodhisattva just now.

His first enemy is the evil thief among the ten evils, which is actually the evil of robbery and theft.

Everyone has thoughts of robbery and theft. When others have better material conditions, some people will envy them, and some people will be eager to take them away.

Perhaps because of the law and its own power, this idea of ​​seizing can only be an idea and has no conditions for actual implementation, but this idea is actually an evil idea.

When a strong person reaches a certain level of strength, all thoughts will turn into monsters.

There is no doubt that Dongfang Cen is such an existence. His evil thoughts of thieves finally turned into a monster and were sealed here.

"It's imitating me, and stealing my abilities or power in the process of imitating?" Wuming secretly guessed in his heart, and at the same time he raised his hand and shot a ball of light into the darkness.

The ball of light flashed away and was quickly swallowed up by darkness.

Wuming showed a smile, and controlled the dragon's shell to erupt with bright fire. In an instant, the shape of the dragon's shell changed, transforming from its original human form into a giant dragon form.

He hit the darkness directly, and the darkness disappeared wherever he passed.

"Stare at the target and imitate the target in the dark, but what if I change a lot? Can you imitate it? Or should I find you first?" Wuming sees in all directions and listens in all directions, moving forward indomitably.

From time to time, there would be sounds coming from the darkness.

The villain is changing and becoming more and more nameless.


Sure enough, after Wuming had been flying for dozens of minutes, a giant red dragon suddenly flew towards him in the darkness. When it revealed its visible form in the darkness, Wuming had no time to control the direction of the dragon's shell, so the heads of the two giant dragons collided. Together, they made a loud noise.

"Fake, you look for it

die! "

The giant dragon roared angrily, and immediately opened its mouth and spit out a blazing flame at the dragon's shell.

Good guy!

This calls itself genuine.

Wuming sighed inwardly, and at the same time controlled the dragon's shell to transform into a human form. A sword instantly appeared in his hand, and he waved it towards the flames.

The sword energy swept across, the flames split into two, and then rolled back crazily.

When the giant dragon saw the sword energy coming towards him, he immediately shut up and rolled around, putting his head on the ground to avoid the attack of the sword energy.

"I can change a lot, can you?" Seeing this, Wuming had an idea and asked provocatively.

The next moment, he controlled the dragon's shell to turn into a huge crocodile, and sprayed a huge water column at the dragon. When the dragon saw it, it immediately turned into a crocodile, opened its mouth and sprayed out a water column.

"It's really good!" Wuming said in surprise.

Then he controlled the dragon's shell to change again, from a giant crocodile to a stag, with its horns emitting brilliant divine light. The evil thief also immediately transformed from a crocodile to a stag, and also controlled his horns to emit divine light.

"I don't believe you can really change!"

Wuming roared with a smile, controlling the dragon's shell to turn into an eagle.

Sure enough, the evil thief also turned the stag into an eagle, flapping its wings proudly in the air, and even making provocative calls.

Wuming then controlled the dragon's shell to turn into a huge python, roaring at the giant eagle in the air.

The giant eagle immediately landed, and after a twist of its body, it turned into a huge python.

But it was dumbfounded as soon as it opened its eyes.

Because at this time Wuming had already changed back to human form, holding a book in his hand, and a strange little bird quickly appeared out of thin air.

The evil thief didn't have time to think about why Wuming didn't continue to change, and the little bird flew straight over.

What threat is there for such a small bird?

As soon as this thought flashed through the evil thief's mind, he saw the bird open its claws and fly past at a very fast speed, and his consciousness formed by countless evil thoughts collapsed instantly.

After killing the giant snake transformed by the evil thief, the Second Snake Nighthawk turned around and quickly returned to Wuming's shoulder, and then gradually turned into a blue light spot and dissipated.

"This is the end of plagiarism."

Wuming closed the book of good deeds, looked at the giant snake corpse on the ground, and couldn't help laughing.

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