I Contracted Myself

【091】Master of Imitation

Are evil thieves strong?


It can perfectly plagiarize the abilities displayed by its opponents.

In theory, the longer the delay, the greater the chance of the evil thief winning.

Wuming can win mainly because this guy has no brains. He just copied hard and doesn't even know how to make magic changes.

If the evil thief turns into a giant python but still retains the characteristics of a dragon, he will turn into a dragon. The snake-seconding nighthawk can only turn snakes but not dragons. Wuming will really be in big trouble next.


When Wuming was about to move forward, he found that the corpse of the evil thief on the ground gradually vaporized, and finally merged into the surrounding darkness.

Vaguely, he felt as if he was being accepted by the darkness, and the surrounding visibility immediately improved a lot. At the same time, he vaguely felt that a new power was born after the evil thief's power was purified. If he had to give this power a name, it could probably be called 'Longing'.


Wuming opened one eye slightly in the dragon shell and murmured to himself.

The ten evils may not be absolutely negative in nature. They once had positive emotions.

Because I longed for something, I wanted to get close, but I knew I couldn't get close, so I felt desperate, and finally took the risk to steal or seize it.

[Ability acquired: Imitation Master]

[Master of Imitation: Any superpower can be imitated using the ‘Entertainment of Envision’ after seeing it with your own eyes once. The less you understand the target’s superpower, the higher the level of imitation. The more you understand the target’s superpower, the lower the level of imitation. 】

[Longing is the emotion furthest from understanding. 】

Wuming felt that a force was penetrating into his body, but after thinking about it, he transferred the energy to the dragon shell.

Compared with the superpowers that he got out of nowhere, he still hopes to get his own exclusive abilities.

Before awakening, he would not let other abilities pollute his pure body.

He controlled the Dragon Shell and tried to punch. When he punched, he was thinking of Lin Renmei. In an instant, his fist caused an air explosion, and his power suddenly increased several times.

To be honest, he was very familiar with Lin Renmei and his abilities, but it was absolutely impossible to understand Lin Renmei's abilities.

Lin Renmei itself is like an accident, with unlimited potential and unlimited lifespan, completely unable to


But just because he couldn't understand it, the effect of imitating the master was extremely good. This punch could reach at least 70% of Lin Renmei's power, which was already very, very exaggerated.

"It turns out there are additional benefits, so let's go see the next opponent!"

Wuming put away his fists, but now he was looking forward to it. If each of the ten evils had his own unique ability, wouldn't this trip add ten superpowers out of thin air?

If everyone was like Taskmaster, he would definitely make a lot of money.

Even though he has countless abilities now, in fact many of them cannot be used except for renting out. There are very few truly excellent abilities. It is better not to awaken some abilities if they are awakened.

for example.

Wuming once choked on drinking water, and as a result, he awakened the "water bag" ability. A real "water bag" grew in his body, which could be used to hold a large amount of water.

The problem is that this water bag conflicts with many superpowers. When using those superpowers, the water bag will become an obstacle.

In the end, Wuming could only rent the water bag to a person with the ability to spray water.

This person with the ability to spray water can spray out the water stored in the body, but if he sprays too much, he will become comatose due to dehydration, which may even be life-threatening.

Usually he can only drink more water, and then squirt out the water he drank before. With the water bag, his squirting ability was greatly improved.

It is worth mentioning that this person with the ability to spray water is not a combatant, but a garden sprayer.

There are countless parallel worlds, countless Pearl Cities, and countless awakened people, but the awakened people who have awakened useful abilities only account for about 50%. There are actually many useless level ability users and convenient level ability users. The situation is sometimes even worse than that of ordinary people.

Mainly because their abilities are of little use and they can only be farmers like ordinary people.

But many ordinary people among farmers are jealous of awakened people. They don't dare to bully those powerful awakened people, but they dare to bully those with useless or convenient abilities.

If one person can't beat the Awakened One, then three, four, or seven or eight people will fight together. Even if the person with useless level abilities is a little better physically, he or she will be unable to defeat the Awakened One with two fists, and he will definitely be the loser in the end.

If Wuming hadn't had the idea to make a contract on his own and really went to be a farmer, he might have had to act like a "good-for-nothing boy" in the future.

The plot of being bullied and then finally getting angry and trying to become stronger is a slap in the face.

Of course, in the world now ruled by rescue teams, due to the popularization of biological force fields, the relationship between awakened people and ordinary people has become much better, and this situation is rare.

Although the relationship between people cannot always be in one state, there must be friendly objects and disgusting objects, but at least it will not be a fire and water due to identity issues, and at most it will be just personal grudges.


When Wuming was distracted and thinking about what other abilities he could imitate, the voice of Baodi Bodhisattva suddenly came from behind.

Wuming immediately came back to his senses and said in surprise: "Baodi Bodhisattva, why did you come in?"

"The poor monk felt that the evil thief was dead, so he came in." Baodi Bodhisattva said with a slight smile, and then he waved his hand, and a ten-thousand-character mark appeared on the ground.

Wuming looked at the Guaranteed Bodhi Bodhisattva with some doubts, and the Guaranteed Bodhi Bodhisattva explained: "My greatest ability is 'guaranteed'. Do you know what guaranteed means?"

"Could it really be that guaranteed?" Wuming was surprised.

Although the Guaranteed Bodhi Bodhisattva had said before that his ability was guaranteed, Wuming actually thought he was joking at the time and did not take it seriously.

Guaranteed Bodhi Bodhisattva smiled and said: "It is that guaranteed. The name of my master is the Krypton Monk. He was obsessed with games in his early years, so much so that he lost everything. In the end, he had no choice but to escape from debt and became a monk. So the master gave him the name Krypton."

"What about you?" Wuming asked curiously.

The Guaranteed Bodhi Bodhisattva put his hands together, chanted a Buddhist name in a low voice, and then answered: "Before I became a monk, I was a bastard and a gambler. Later, gambling was increasingly illegal, and I couldn't find a place to gamble. Finally, I became obsessed with various card-drawing games, but because they were always guaranteed to be delivered, I went to the game company with a knife in anger and chopped from the first floor to the twelfth floor, especially Gou Ce Hu and Gou Guanyong. I chopped them up ninety-nine eighty-one times, which is exactly the number of ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties..."

Ah, this...

Wuming opened his mouth and looked at the Guaranteed Bodhi Bodhisattva in shock, and was speechless for a moment.

"Amitabha, mentioning the past, I have the intention to kill again. This is not good, this is not good, Amitabha!" The Guaranteed Bodhi Bodhisattva closed his eyes at this time and began to recite the Heart Sutra silently.

Wuming reacted and was immediately at a loss for words. He had a hundred thousand complaints in his heart and didn't know where to start.

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