I Contracted Myself

【092】Unlimited encounter killing

After half an hour, Baodi Bodhisattva finished reciting the Heart Sutra and opened his eyes again to look at Wuming.

Before Wuming could speak, he smiled and said, "You want to ask how the poor monk escaped from sin?"

"Hmm!" Wuming looked at Baodi Bodhisattva curiously.

Baodi Bodhisattva said calmly: "It's a pity that the poor monk did not escape the punishment of the law, but ate the peanuts instead."


Wuming looked at the red dot between Baodi Bodhisattva's eyebrows and suddenly wondered if it was caused by a bullet, right?

"It happened that the world where the poor monk lived was invaded by some mysterious force at that time. Although the poor monk was dead, he turned into a spirit body in the flames."

"At that time, the poor monk only had resentment in his heart, and he specialized in hunting down game operators and planners, so that domestic game companies went bankrupt one after another."

"Later, the poor monk met the master. Because of his lack of strength, he was suppressed by the master in the beads. He listened to the master's chanting every day to wash away the resentment and anger in his heart. In the end, he became a Buddhist, and the Dharma title was guaranteed!"

Baodi Bodhisattva continued, telling Wuming his story piece by piece.

"Baodi Bodhisattva, your experience... is really shocking." Wuming wiped away the non-existent cold sweat, feeling a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

Baodi Bodhisattva smiled and said: "It's a sin, it's a sin. At that time, the poor monk was blinded by anger and did many evil things."

"Let's talk about your abilities. What is the guarantee?" Wuming said with a bitter smile.

Baodi Bodhisattva looked at the ten-thousand-character mark on the ground and explained: "In this space, the poor monk can leave the Baodi mark. If something unexpected happens to you, the poor monk can pull you back to this point in time. No matter how many times you fail, will truly die."

"I understand, it's like it's archived." Wuming nodded.

Baodi Bodhisattva smiled and said: "You can also understand it this way. If a poor monk supports me, the stationmaster will just give it away!"

"Wait a minute, isn't it going to be dangerous ahead?" When Wuming heard the words 'just send it', he suddenly came back to his senses and realized that things didn't seem that simple.

He had just come in to deal with the evil robbers, but Bodhisattva Guo did not protect him, and now he actually wanted to protect him. This is very confusing.

"It is indeed dangerous. What the webmaster needs to face next is vicious killing. Its ability is to kill on sight. If you can't predict how it will attack when you see it for the first time, then the moment it attacks, it will be equivalent to being killed. Sentence of death," explained Baodi Bodhisattva.

Wuming frowned and said: "Every time it

Are the shots different? "

"It's different, so I need you to try your luck, webmaster!" Baodi Bodhisattva said with a smile.

Then the Guaranteed Bodhisattva reminded: "By the way, the webmaster had better solve the vicious murder as soon as possible. The poor monk's guarantee mark is not omnipotent. Every death will reduce the webmaster's luck. If the luck is completely reduced, the guarantee mark will be completely lost. Effect."

"I'll do my best!" Wuming glanced at the mark on the ground and said somewhat unconfidently.

Evil killers are much more difficult to deal with than evil thieves.

If Baodi Bodhisattva didn't come in and tell him about the vicious killing, he would probably be killed instantly by the vicious killing. He wasn't even sure if his reset eye would be able to activate by then.

"Baodi Bodhisattva, are you sure I can be resurrected after death?" He asked worriedly.

Baodi Bodhisattva smiled and said: "Master, please believe in this poor monk!"

"Then I'll do it!"

Wuming thought for a while, and finally looked towards the darkness ahead.

In fact, if Baodi Bodhisattva really wanted to harm him, he would not have to come in at all. He would just run into the sealed place where evil was committed, and then be killed on sight.

Therefore, Baodi Bodhisattva definitely has no intention of harming him at least now.

He took a deep breath and slowly advanced towards the darkness. The voice of the Bodhisattva Baodi came from behind: "Stationmaster, the vicious killing was the result of Dongfang Cen's killing intention. Remember, there is killing intention first and then there is the killing move!"

Killing intent?

Wuming kept it in his mind and continued to move forward.

Compared with before, it is actually much better now. At least his visibility in the dark has improved and he can see further.

After walking for about ten minutes, he suddenly felt a little panicked.

In fact, he himself didn't know what he was panicking about, and it was clear that his sixth sense did not issue a warning.

call out!

Suddenly, he noticed something approaching, and then he saw a dark figure close to his face instantly, and a long sword was inserted into his chest when he came to his senses.

This happened to be the position of Wuming's body in the dragon armor. Inside the armor, his body's eyebrows were pierced by a black thin sword.

"it hurts!"

Wuming's eyes darkened, and when he came back to his senses, the person had already appeared at the location of the mark.

"Amitabha, it seems that the stationmaster was killed once." Baodi Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and sighed.

Wuming was a little confused. Was he killed just once?

He established

That is to say, he controlled the dragon armor to call up information control, but the information obtained from the information control was pitiful. Even the picture was similar to what he knew.

The black shadow was very thin and very fast.

"Is this a vicious killing?"

Wuming looked at the black shadow on the screen and gritted his teeth.

Then he turned off the screen, looked down at the Baodi mark, and found that the golden 10,000-character mark was missing a little bit. He looked at Baodi Bodhisattva in confusion.

Before he could ask questions, Baodi Bodhisattva explained: "This means that the webmaster's luck has been reduced. When the golden color completely fades, it means that the webmaster's luck has been exhausted."

"I see, then I'll go!" Wuming suddenly realized, and then looked into the darkness.

ten minutes later……

Wuming opened his eyes and immediately looked at the guaranteed mark on the ground. Sure enough, the guaranteed mark was missing a part of the gold color.


How did he die this time?

Wuming tried hard to recall, opened the information control to check, and finally found to his surprise that he really died unclearly this time, and he didn't even know how the evil killer attacked.

"This is too pitfall!"

Wuming was a little dumbfounded. He wanted to try a few more times, first master a few of the evil killer's attack methods, and then try his luck.

But in the end, he didn't know when the evil killer attacked. How could he do it?

But now he has no better way. The first time he went to find out the bottom, the second time he actually used many defensive super powers, and even used the imitation master to imitate Lin Renmei's ability, but the result was still death.

Now he can only face the challenge!

Wuming entered the darkness again, and after walking a distance, he first created a large number of light balls and controlled the light balls to rotate around himself.

Suddenly, he saw a shadow moving quickly in an S shape. The image of the sword killing immediately appeared in his mind, and then a figure suddenly jumped out of the shadow.

No sword!

Wuming immediately noticed that the figure had no weapon in his hand, and then he saw the figure open his mouth and a tongue suddenly stabbed out.

The most disgusting thing about the face-to-face killing is that you will die if you don’t guess the method of the first attack.

Wuming’s chest was instantly pierced, and his head was blown up by the evil killing tongue on the spot.


Wuming came back to his senses and found that he was already standing on the bottom mark, and the bottom mark had changed from a swastika to a cross.

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