I Contracted Myself

【093】A weird way to die

Is it because I have too little luck, or because the guaranteed mark consumes too much?

Wuming watched the guarantee mark turn into the shape of a cross, and felt a little helpless to complain. He had only died three times!

"Amitabha, if you feel tired, stationmaster, you might as well rest here for a while to regain your energy before fighting against the evil killer." Baodi Bodhisattva said.

Wuming shook his head and said calmly: "I'm fine, I'm just worried that I'll die too much."

"People's luck is like the tide. It is high and low now. It may be low now but it may be high the next moment. The webmaster just needs to keep his attitude." Baodi Bodhisattva said with a slight smile.

Wuming glanced at Baodi Bodhisattva, and wanted to complain in his heart. This sentence was said by Baodi Bodhisattva again and again, and it was really not convincing at all.

He sighed and set out again.

Ten minutes later, he saw Evil Kill, and then Evil Kill opened his hands, and the armpit hairs shot out like spikes. He only had time to yell, "What the hell kind of attack is this?" before the armpit hairs were stabbed into a sieve.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Wuming was resurrected. This time without thinking, he turned around and rushed into the darkness angrily.

Ten minutes later, the evil killer jumped out of the shadows, holding a huge mace and hitting Wuming on the head. The dragon armor and Wuming's body turned into meat patties, and there were still a lot of small holes in the meat patties.

"I don't believe it!"

Wuming was resurrected again, he roared angrily, turned around and charged into the darkness.

Ten minutes later, Evil Dead suddenly appeared in the darkness. He walked up to Wuming and spread out his hand. He actually held a piece of shit in his hand.

Evil Kill blew into the shit, and Wuming was stinked to death on the spot.


Wuming was resurrected, the chest of the dragon armor opened, and Wuming rolled out, vomiting wildly on the ground.

He had never smelled such smelly shit in his life. It was definitely the smelliest shit in the world!

"Baodi Bodhisattva, why don't we just forget it!"

After Wuming finished vomiting, he looked at Baodi Bodhisattva feebly and said with extreme discomfort.

It's not that he is too fragile, but that the method of killing is too vicious.

"Amitabha, if the station master is willing to stay here for the rest of his life, I have no objection to this poor monk." Baodi Bodhisattva said with a smile.

Wuming rolled his eyes and sat on the ground to rest while trying to forget the stench he just smelled.


It's okay if I don't think about it, but I feel like vomiting when I think about it.

Wuming held his stomach in discomfort

, retching from time to time, and it took half an hour to recover.

"Baodi Bodhisattva, can some of the methods of evil killing affect me after resurrection?" He asked thoughtfully after feeling better.

Baodi Bodhisattva nodded and said: "That's true. The poor monk can only guarantee the bottom and does not have the ability to purify all negative effects."

"In other words, if it uses some kind of ability similar to mental pollution to kill me, even if I am resurrected, I may still be mentally contaminated?" Wuming asked solemnly.

Baodi Bodhisattva nodded, and then comforted him: "Don't worry, stationmaster. The poor monk learned from the krypton gold monk and is proficient in personality modification. If the stationmaster is mentally contaminated, the poor monk will use personality modification to restore the stationmaster to normal."


Wuming looked at the serious Bodhisattva Baodi, and for a moment he didn't know whether to complain or complain.

The name "Personality Modification Technique" doesn't sound like a serious ability. It's not Buddhist at all!

"Besides, abilities such as mental pollution are only a small probability event after all, so the webmaster doesn't need to worry too much." Baodi Bodhisattva saw Wuming looking at him with a speechless expression, so he smiled and comforted him.

Wuming glanced at the guarantee mark under his feet and felt that the death omen star above his head was red and bright. This thing consumes luck.

When he is unlucky, isn't he a good spirit that does not work but a bad spirit?

It's okay if he didn't think about the level of mental pollution. Now that he has thought about it...according to the law of universal attraction, he will probably encounter it!

He, who never panics, is really panicking at this moment.

"Wait, there's a way!"

Wuming turned around and was about to enter the darkness again when suddenly an idea flashed in his head.

When he had a flash of inspiration, Baodi Bodhisattva noticed that the Baodi mark under his feet had returned to the ten-thousand-character seal.

“I can’t understand Lin Renmei’s advanced skills at all!”

Wuming roared, first blessing himself with a state, and then using the Imitation Master to consume his lifespan to make a wish to bless more luck.

He has plenty of ways to make up for his lifespan, but the most important thing now is luck!

When he looked down after replenishing his luck, he couldn't help but smile. The ten thousand-character seal on the ground had grown a lot, and even the entire ten-thousand-character seal had expanded in a circle.

"Amitabha, the poor monk said that luck is not static, but like the tide that rises and falls. Isn't it getting better now?" Baodi Bodhisattva said with a smile.

Wuming said confidently: "Then I'll do it!"

He strode forward and quickly rushed into the darkness. This time he ran directly forward, and in a few minutes he arrived at the location where he had been killed time and time again.

Although the surrounding visibility is still not high, the information control already knows this area well.

Wuming didn't need to look. He noticed the evil killing at the prompt of information control. He instantly turned to look to the right. A large amount of dark mist spurted out from the dragon armor, forming a huge scythe and slashing towards the darkness.

Since Evil Kill's ability is to kill in person, wouldn't it be nice if he killed Evil Kill first before meeting him!

It's a pity that the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny.

At the end of the sickle swing, a large amount of hair swept over, entangled the dragon armor and twisted it, and the dragon armor was directly twisted into a knot, and blood flowed out of the cracks in the armor, just like squeezing juice.

"It hurts!"

Wuming came back to his senses, and he had returned to the position of the guaranteed mark.

He touched his body, and his heart was chilled. The way he died just now was too painful.


In fact, every way of dying is very painful. Most people may collapse mentally after persisting for a few times.

He can endure the pain that ordinary people can't endure, so he can persist so many times, but even he feels a little difficult to bear. This evil killing is too disgusting.

"Haha, this time my luck is almost not consumed!"

Wuming decisively used the method of diverting attention, looking at the guaranteed mark on the ground, looking at the full guaranteed mark, he became happy again.

After calming down, he continued to set off.

At present, he knows that the means of evil killing include sword stabs, armpit hair stabs, feces odor, mace, and hair.

His mind was as fast as lightning. As long as Esha used any of the attack methods next, he could change his mind instantly to deal with the encounter kill.

As long as the encounter kill was cracked, Esha was not difficult to kill.

The only question was how many weird killing methods did Esha have?

Ten minutes later.

Esha suddenly jumped out of the shadows, and his face was extremely funny.


Wuming couldn't help laughing when he saw the funny face, and he found that he couldn't stop laughing.

Damn, I can't breathe!

Ouch, my head is going to explode!


His eyes went dark, and when he came to his senses, he was back to the bottom mark again.

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