I Contracted Myself

【094】Awei is dead


Wuming looked at the dark road ahead, his head was buzzing and he couldn't react.

What kind of hellish way is this to die?

"Amitabha, stationmaster, are you okay?" Baodi Bodhisattva asked worriedly when he saw Wuming staring ahead blankly.

Wuming shook his head, and then said in an unbelievable tone: "I just died of laughter at the vicious killing."

"Stationmaster, please cheer up!" Baodi Bodhisattva said.

Wuming sighed and said distressedly: "I'm not negative at all, just a little desperate."

Damn it.

Even laughing can make you laugh to death. Is there any royal method?

Wuming was actually cursing in his heart, but he was well-educated and no matter how angry he was, he would not express his anger towards innocent people, so he did not show his anger towards Baodi Bodhisattva.

"Amitabha, webmaster, there is no need to despair. There are poor monks here. Even if the webmaster is the worst, he can still get a guaranteed reward. Now he just needs to move forward bravely!" Baodi Bodhisattva said with a smile.

Wuming said sadly: "Bodhisattva Baodi, if you were me, what would you do?"

"No sorrow, no joy, keep working hard until you succeed!" Bodhisattva Baodi replied.

Wuming asked doubtfully: "Don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Being laughed to death just now was definitely the most painful time for him. He actually didn't want to face the vicious killing anymore.

"I'm used to it. Ever since I became a Bodhisattva, I can only do it with a minimum guarantee no matter what I do." Baodi Bodhisattva clasped his hands together, looked up at the darkness, and shed two lines of tears as he closed his eyes.

Everything is subject to probability, and Bodhisattva Guarantee is at the lowest level of probability.

If a hundred people go to draw a lottery, he will definitely be the 100th.

In the card drawing game, the goods will be shipped if you draw ten draws. Others may have the opportunity to draw the goods three times, and some people may be able to ship the goods if they draw five. But if it is the turn of Guaranteed Bodhisattva, the goods must be shipped ten draws.

"Then if you want to pass this level, how many times do you need to die?" Wuming realized that someone was worse off than him, so he asked sympathetically.

The guaranteed Bodhisattva sighed and said: "It must be ninety-nine and eighty-one times. This is the guaranteed number of times for a poor monk. Everything can only succeed ninety-nine and eighty-one times!"

"You can pass the level in eighty-one attempts. Why don't you try this level with Baodi Bodhisattva?" Upon hearing this, Wuming immediately suggested.

You can beat it in eighty-one attempts, which is awesome.

If it were Wuming himself, he probably wouldn't have been able to solve the vicious murder if he hadn't done it thousands or tens of thousands of times.

The problem is that he can't really die thousands of times. Firstly, he doesn't have that much luck, and secondly, he doesn't have that much lifespan.

Although he can imitate Lin Renmei's abilities by imitating the master, thereby increasing his potential and even lifespan, this actually requires consuming 'admiration energy'.

This is an emotion similar to envy.

When this emotion is consumed, he will have no feeling of envy towards Lin Renmei at all.

Therefore, this is a limited resource. It is impossible for Wuming to use Imitation Master to imitate Lin Renmei indefinitely. It is actually very wasteful to use it here.

"Not eighty-one times, but ninety-nine and eighty-one times!" Baodi Bodhisattva looked at Wuming with sad eyes and explained.

Wuming was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Nine-nine is... nine hundred and ninety-nine? No, is it ninety-nine and eighty-one?"

"Yes, it's exactly ninety-nine and eighty-one." Baodi Bodhisattva said with his hands clasped together.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one, isn’t that eight thousand and nineteen times?

"Actually, it doesn't seem to be much." Wuming touched his chin, and then said to himself.

The Bodhisattva of Guarantee looked at Wuming speechlessly. It took eight thousand times to guarantee it. Isn’t that too much? Are you a devil?

"Since the webmaster is in the mood to joke, I believe he has already recovered. Let's solve the murder as soon as possible." Baodi Bodhisattva looked at Wuming expressionlessly and said calmly.

Wuming helplessly looked at the darkness ahead, then simply took out a chair and said lazily: "Let me rest for a while. It's too uncomfortable to die so many times at once."

"Then stationmaster, have a good rest. I won't disturb you, this poor monk." Baodi Bodhisattva said calmly.

He stood aside and clasped his hands together, chanting sutras silently.

Wuming looked at Baodi Bodhisattva and then really started to sleep.

He was really uncomfortable this time. After all, he died continuously in a short period of time, and the way of death was so weird and bizarre. If he was an adult, he would naturally not need to rest. The problem is that his body is actually a child.

A child's body is too immature and cannot withstand much abuse, so he must take good care of his body to avoid irreversible damage.

Although he can use the Hidden Dragon Transformation Method to come back again, it is really too difficult to start from a baby.

He felt so uncomfortable that he didn't want to start over again if necessary.

I slept for a long time.

When Wuming woke up, Baodi Bodhisattva was still chanting sutras. Wuming checked his body and made sure there was no serious problem before setting off again.

"Amitabha, it seems that the stationmaster is not afraid." Baodi Bodhisattva looked at Wuming's back and thought happily.

Next, every ten minutes, Wuming will appear on the guarantee mark again.

Every time there was a death, Wuming would record the attack methods used. Fortunately, there were only a few random killing methods. After the deaths, various weapons began to appear one after another.

Kill with sword, kill with arrow, kill with gun, kill with halberd...

Wuming was not numb. Instead, he felt particularly uncomfortable after each death. He needed to spend time overcoming the resistance in his heart before starting again.

In a blink of an eye, he had died more than 500 times, and in the meantime he had to "renew" the guaranteed mark, which consumed a lot of longing energy.

"This time it was poisoned."

Wuming appeared from the guaranteed mark, and then gritted his teeth and said.

The information control quickly recorded the information of the poison, and there was already a row of various strange ways of death on it.


Wuming glanced at the guaranteed Bodhisattva, and then walked into the darkness again in silence.

Ten minutes later, he appeared on the guaranteed mark again.

553 times!

608 times!

666 times!

888 times!

999 times!

1026 times!

1314 times!

2333 times!

In the following days, Wuming's number of deaths continued to accumulate, and the number became more and more exaggerated.

Wuming felt that he could never get used to it from the beginning, and finally gradually got used to various ways of death, especially after realizing that the dragon shell was useless, he occasionally even went there in person to experience the means of evil killing.

"Ah, I'm dead!"

After countless times, Wuming saw Esha appear, and suddenly had a bad idea, so he took out a knife and stabbed himself to death before Esha.

Esha held the weapon in his hand, and his body froze in place, watching Wuming's body disappear.

After a moment, he slowly pointed the weapon at himself, and then stabbed it hard.

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