I Contracted Myself

【096】Nightmare Mirror


I am the Great Immortal Emperor, known as the Emperor!

Wuming suddenly understood his identity, and then many complicated thoughts seemed to emerge from the void and kept surging in his heart.

This woman is called Fairy Shanrou, one of his Taoist companions.

He has three thousand Taoist companions, each of whom is extremely beautiful and stunning. At the same time, he has many lovers outside, who have not yet become immortals, so they have no status so far.

In addition, he is also the ruler of the Great Immortal Court, sitting on the four seas and eight wildernesses, and all living beings are under his rule.

"What kind of setting is this?"

Wuming suddenly reacted and couldn't help complaining.

But this complaint was bad, and the scene around him changed again.

"You should slap your mouth!"

Wuming couldn't help but slap himself lightly. Such a setting worth complaining about was obviously a bait, and he was stupid enough to take the bait directly.

Suicide didn't seem to work.

He didn't even know which level he had fallen to.

This ghost place is too weird. He has not even seen the face of Evil Lust and has been falling into the depths of the realm of illusion. It can be said that although Evil Lust is not as terrible as Evil Killing, it is actually much more difficult to deal with than Evil Killing.

"Forget it, I'll just meditate!"

Wuming looked around and found that he was in a company, and it seemed that he was the CEO, so he closed his eyes decisively and began to meditate.

No need to guess, there will definitely be uniform temptation.

Although he does need uniform temptation, his uniform temptation is not that uniform temptation. Those who understand will understand. Chinese is really profound.


At this time, a coquettish female voice came from the direction of the door.

Wuming thought to himself, 'Sure enough, you are here to seduce me', and then quickly closed the dragon shell's perception of the outside world.

"Ah Ming, hurry up, or I'll leave first!"

Suddenly, Wuming opened his eyes and found himself standing on the sunny street. A little girl was carrying a schoolbag and smiling happily.


Wuming silently wiped out the thought of "Angel". He didn't know where this thought came from. He definitely didn't think so.

But the little girl is really cute.

Wuming calmly wiped out the thought of "But the little girl is really cute".

He looked around and was a little confused.

He had already hidden in the dragon's shell, so why did he still get hit?

The most terrible thing was that the dragon's shell didn't seem to fall with him this time, and it stayed on the upper level.

On this level, he might need to use his young body to fight against the evil.

"Ah Ming, if you don't catch up, you will be late!"

The little girl in front stopped at this time, turned back and looked at Wuming with dissatisfaction, and shouted loudly.

Sure enough, she is still so cute!

Wuming rolled his eyes. Now the situation is unclear, he can only follow and see.

He walked forward slowly, and the little girl frowned, then simply ran back, trying to pull Wuming.

But she had just run a few steps when a truck knocked her to the ground. Blood flowed from her body and the ground was covered with blood.

"Ah, this."

Wuming looked at the little girl lying in a pool of blood, still calm.

"Ah Ming, save me!"

The little girl opened her eyes tremblingly, looked at Wuming with tears, and asked for help weakly.


Wuming immediately realized that something was wrong, and he fell deeper the next second.

His biggest weakness was that he could not sit idly by and watch people who needed help and rescue. When others asked him for help, even if he didn't want to move his heart, his DNA would instinctively move first.


Wuming stood on the side of the road, looking at the pedestrians around him, and suddenly a crooked idea popped up in his mind.

Since E Yin had already grasped his weakness, why couldn't he do the opposite?

He looked at the passerby next to him, suddenly jumped up and punched the passerby in the cheek, and the passerby's head exploded like a watermelon in an instant.

Kill at first sight!

Wuming just forgot to give the First Sight Kill to Dragon's Shell, but he didn't expect it to be useful at this time.

As long as he kills everyone first, no one can make him fall in love!

The way to break the nightmare realm may be to kill!

No matter what you see, just kill it.

It's a pity that the Dragon's Shell is not known in which layer, otherwise he can use it to kill as many people as possible.

Now he can only use the First Sight Kill and kill as many as he can.

On the way, he killed everyone he saw, and soon the police appeared.

Although he has superb fighting skills and extraordinary fighting awareness, he was quickly caught by the police in the face of dense police.

"A six or seven-year-old child can really

kill so many people?" A police officer looked at Wuming in surprise.

Other policemen were also amazed and discussed in a low voice.

Wuming frowned and found that these people looked like real people.


"Everything here is fake!"

Wuming closed his eyes and said to himself silently in his heart.

He couldn't doubt all this. Once his heart wavered, it would be all over.

The scene around him changed again. He was about to be taken to a police car, but now he appeared on a beach.

"I... am I moved?"

"Am I wavering? No, it's impossible. I'm not wavering at all!"

Wuming frowned and looked at the girls in sexy bikinis coming and going, thinking silently in his heart.

He knew very well that it was an illusion, and there was no shaking at all, and there was no possibility of any shaking. How could he fall into the next level?


Maybe I didn't fall into any level at all, I'm always on the first level now.

Wuming reacted and thought to himself.

Maybe the evil lust wanted to create an illusion that he was already moved and collapsed. Once he believed it, it would be the end.

If this is true...

Wuming took a deep breath and immediately waved around. With a crisp sound, the world gradually collapsed.

Darkness fell.

Wuming was still in the dragon shell, and in front of him was a mirror.

The mirror had been cut in half, and something slowly flowed out of it, turning into black mist and dissipating in the darkness.

At this moment, Wuming felt that his vision was improved again, and at the same time he felt more comfortable in this space.

[Ability Obtained: Illusion Nightmare Mirror]

[Illusion Nightmare Mirror: Pull the target's spirit into the realm of illusion nightmare by looking at it. The more the target believes in what he sees, the more he sinks into it. Each time he falls to a certain level, his mental resistance and mental toughness will be greatly reduced. If he falls to the bottom, he will be annihilated. ]

[What is love in the world? It makes people promise to be together for life and death. ]

Wuming looked at the information revealed by the information control and felt a little relieved. Fortunately, his mental toughness was actually very strong, so it was difficult for evil lust to pull him into a deeper level. Moreover, although he was surprised every time he fell, he did not really believe it, but was half-believing and half-doubting.

Because he did not believe it, he actually never fell to the next level.

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