I Contracted Myself

【097】I am so angry

"Amitabha, the webmaster really has the appearance of a webmaster. The poor monk knows that the webmaster can definitely solve the evil deeds!"

Baodi Bodhisattva's voice suddenly came from the darkness. Wuming was suddenly excited. He looked back at Baodi Bodhisattva and said with suspicion in surprise: "Baodi Bodhisattva, are you real or fake?"

"The poor monk is of course a real existence." Baodi Bodhisattva smiled.

Wuming was still a little doubtful and asked, "Then why are you here if you don't keep the guarantee mark?"

"The three major evils among the ten evils have been conquered. With the ability of the three major evils, the poor monk believes that the webmaster can pass the level without guaranteeing the minimum!" Baodi Bodhisattva said with a smile.

Wuming reacted immediately and asked, "Did you cancel the guarantee mark?"

"That's right." Baodi Bodhisattva smiled.

Wuming stared blankly at the Bodhisattva of Guarantee, and said one last word: "Without the guarantee mark, I refuse to continue!"


Baodi Bodhisattva looked at Wuming, Wuming looked at Baodi Bodhisattva, and both sides fell into silence.

After a moment of stalemate, Baodi Bodhisattva said helplessly: "The webmaster is really cautious, so let's keep the mark!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a guarantee mark appeared on the ground.

"Where's my luck?" Wuming glanced at the dry guarantee mark and asked through gritted teeth.

Baodi Bodhisattva waved his hand helplessly, and the Baodi mark suddenly changed back to its chubby appearance.

"I'm leaving."

Wuming looked around suspiciously and said coldly.

He turned around and wondered wildly in his mind whether all this was true or false.

If Bodhisattva Baodi had not appeared, he would not have suspected so much, but Bodhisattva Baodi suddenly appeared.

If the evil nightmare realm has not been cracked, is it possible that he is still inside the nightmare realm and all this is an illusion?

"That's the only way to do it!"

Wuming sighed slightly in his heart, and the next moment the dragon shell stopped, and his body in the dragon shell immediately closed his eyes.

In an instant, his spirit body floated out of his body and crashed directly into the gem between Dragon Shell's eyebrows. In the clean world, countless spiritual bodies who were practicing and relaxing immediately sensed his entry, and many children put down their studies. , floated around him one by one, chattering and asking questions.


, everyone be quiet, Lord Anonymous, I wonder what your orders are? "A female spirit floated up and asked.

Wuming said helplessly: "You don't have to worry about me. Just live here well. I just came in to verify something. Okay, I'm leaving."

After saying that, he controlled the spirit body to quickly leave the clean world.

Inside the dragon shell, Wuming opened his eyes and sighed helplessly. The spirits in the clean world were indeed not weak anymore, and the strongest spirits could even rival the top awakened ones.

However, Wuming has never thought of using them to do things for himself. Just as he wanted to save these spiritual beings at the beginning, it was only because of the justice and kindness in his heart, rather than because he thought these spiritual beings could be used.

Therefore, although these spirits are already very strong, they rarely order them to do anything. Moreover, there is also a passage to the clean world within the rescue team headquarters. Under normal circumstances, if the spirits want to go out, they can only go through the rescue team headquarters. The passage can no longer be exited from his side.

Perhaps it was because of his attitude that he inspired the spirits to want to help. So every time he entered the cleansing world, the spirits looked at him eagerly, wishing they could rip out their hearts and souls for him and go through fire and water.

The problem is that the more this happens, the less Wuming dares to go in casually.

"Everything in the clean world is true, then I should have really solved the evil problem!"

"Wait a minute, I seem to have forgotten to ask Baodi Bodhisattva what the next evil will be!"

While Wuming breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly realized that he was careless. He dared to break through the level without knowing what the next evil would be. This was a deadly rhythm every minute.

He turned around and wanted to go back, but thought of the guarantee mark and gave up.

The worst he can do is die again.

Wuming strode forward. Most of the surrounding darkness had faded away, and everything within a hundred meters radius was clearly visible. It was completely different from when he first entered.

After walking for a few minutes, he saw a red stone.

I don't know why, but when he saw this red stone, a lot of negative emotions suddenly appeared in his mind, and his whole face turned red.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, but the more he did, the angrier he became.

Why should I be patient?

Why can't I be angry if I want to be calm?

So angry!

Being nameless feels like a lifetime

All the anger was concentrated at this moment, and he even felt like he was about to explode on the spot.

"No, no, I can't be angry, this is the power of that stone!"

Wuming was not completely irrational. He knew there was something wrong with that stone, but he couldn't control his anger.

Under normal circumstances, even if he is really angry, the dragon shell will use the ability of the dark mist to suck away his anger, but this time the emotions were not sucked away by the dragon shell, but all rushed towards the red stone.

"Destroy that rock!"

Wu Ming made a prompt decision and directly controlled the dragon shell to rush towards the red stone. The energy of the dream instantly simulated Lin Renmei's strange power and punched the red stone.


There was a loud noise, and many cracks suddenly appeared in the red stone.

However, a lot of black liquid gushed out of these cracks, gradually forming a hideous half-human, half-ape existence.

It looked at Wuming and immediately let out an angry roar. Wuming said nothing, and his eyes shot out two lasers, which directly penetrated the mouth of the ape.

In fact, the ape appeared very quickly. It appeared quickly the second after Wuming punched the red stone. In the eyes of ordinary people, it might be like a sudden flash, but in the eyes of Wuming, it was like a twisted bulge.

"What the hell?"

Wuming looked at the ape being shot by the laser and turned into liquid again, and couldn't help muttering.

To be honest, without the guarantee Bodhisattva revealing information in advance, in fact, each of the ten evils is extremely difficult to deal with. The evil thief may be the existence of the ability that Wuming can guess most easily, but the remaining evil killing, evil lust, and the unknown ability of the "evil?" in front of him are too difficult.

"First, it makes me angry, and then a monster appears in the anger."

Wuming stepped back, looking at the stone that had turned red and black, and thought silently in his heart.

Could this evil be evil anger?

The ability is to absorb his anger and then create monsters to attack him?

The problem is that he has calmed down now, and he doesn't seem to be as angry as before, as if his anger has disappeared with the death of the ape.


Wuming suddenly opened his eyes wide, and then looked at the red stone silently.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the shape of this stone was like the shape of a heart, and the black liquid that just flowed out was blood, right?

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