I Contracted Myself

【098】Evil thoughts

"Otherwise... let's go back and ask Baodi Bodhisattva!"

Wuming sighed, a little confused, and began to feel like giving up on his own exploration.

The problem is that this emotion was also absorbed by the red stone at this time, but this emotion was not within the observation range of Mingwu, so Wuming himself didn't know that he was exuding negative thoughts.

Just when he was thinking about retreat, the red stone clicked, and then a large amount of blue liquid flowed out.

The liquid immediately turned into a blue devil about sixty centimeters tall, which jumped directly towards the dragon's shell.

Wuming's first thought at this time was to fight back, but his thought was a step slower. As a result, the blue imp touched the dragon's shell. In an instant, the color of the dragon's shell changed from red to blue, and Wuming himself also became negative. , become negative.

"I see, I understand!"

Wuming guessed what kind of evil this evil was.

Evil thoughts!

Any bad thoughts will be absorbed by evil thoughts, and then all kinds of monsters will be born to deal with the owner of the thoughts.

At the same time, evil thoughts may have the ability to guide or induce others to have bad thoughts. After all, Wuming can be sure that he is absolutely not angry at the beginning.

It can be seen that when he saw the stone transformed by his evil thoughts, he became very, very angry.

"That is to say, I can't have any negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are so difficult, so I have to give up." Wuming was very clear-headed. The problem was that the little blue ghost interfered with his thoughts, and he had the urge to give up from time to time.

This thing reminds Wuming of the thing in One Piece, which can release white ghosts to cause the enemy to lose motivation.

However, Wuming estimated that the power of the blue devil was much stronger than that thing. After all, his mental toughness was at the abnormal level, and it was not that easy to influence him.

"It must be killed!"

Wuming tried to cheer himself up, then issued a command, and then closed his eyes.

The dragon dragon's eyes, whose presence was close to zero, emitted red light and suddenly appeared behind the dragon's shell. It locked onto the blue imp in an instant, opened its mouth and sprayed out a slender beam of light.

Because it cannot harm the dragon's shell, this beam of light is very small, just right

It can pass through the gaps in the Dragon Shell's arms and hit the blue imp's vitals directly.

But the little blue devil was not simple. At the moment of the beam attack, it quickly climbed onto the head of the Dragon Shell, just in time to avoid the attack of the Dragon Lord.

Then the two sides continued to move around the Dragon Shell. Several times, Dragon Dragon Master tried to attack the blue kid, but the blue kid used the body of the Dragon Shell as a shield to avoid it.

After Chao Longzun pursued for a certain distance, his eyes suddenly emitted green light, and then the space rippled, and small black balls appeared instantly.

This is a space ball created by Dragon Dragon Master combined with several abilities given to it by Wuming.

The little blue ghost saw the black ball appear and immediately stepped back, but it was already too late. For a moment, the black balls appeared around it, and then they all gathered around it.

Several small black balls instantly landed on the blue kid, and parts of the blue kid's body appeared in front of Dragon Lord Taming.

At this moment, the little blue ghost looked like it had been eaten by something, with most of its body covered in various potholes.

In particular, its hands and feet were stuck to small black balls, making it unable to even walk or grasp. Therefore, it kept struggling on the ground but could not even stand up.

Dragon Dragon Master opened his mouth and attacked the body of the blue kid in front of him. When it shot a beam of light and hit the palm of the blue kid, the blue kid on the ground suddenly let out a shrill scream.

There is no doubt that its hands and feet are actually still connected to the main body, but they were teleported to the Dragon Lord by the black ball.

When Dragon Dragon Master shot a beam of light and hit the blue kid's chest, the blue kid fell to the ground, and his body gradually turned into blue liquid, and finally flowed back to the red and black stones, so the red and black stones Turns into red, black and blue stone.

Although Wuming was less motivated due to the influence of the blue devil, he actually did not fall asleep, but kept paying attention to the battle situation.

When the little blue devil was dealt with by Dragon Dragon Master, he recovered and was full of energy at this moment.

"Sure enough, every time I kill a negative emotion, I will get positive feedback!" Wuming thought to himself, and then looked at the three-color stones with more caution.

He had a feeling that once the stone gathered seven colors, it might

Something unexpected happens.

Next to the Baodi mark, Baodi Bodhisattva is reciting the Heart Sutra solemnly.

He suddenly reacted belatedly, slapped his forehead with his right hand, and murmured to himself: "Oh, no, I just forgot to tell the webmaster that the next evil will be evil thoughts, which will lure and collect creatures. All negative thoughts eventually turn into evil spirits!”

The evil spirits have very strong abilities, and if Wuming had previously killed the emotional monsters caused by negative thoughts, then the evil spirits would have those abilities.

For example, if Wuming kills the previous emotional monster with a knife, then the evil spirit will use the knife to kill Wuming, and once Wuming is hit by the knife, it will have the same effect as the previous emotional monster.

Wuming cut the emotional monster into pieces, and Wuming himself would be cut into pieces at this moment. If Wuming burned the emotional monster to death, then Wuming would be burned to death instantly when it touches the evil spirit's flames.

Originally, this level was easy to solve. Just use one method to kill all the emotional monsters. When the evil spirits are born, guard against that method and find a way to kill them.

But now Wuming doesn't know this. If he uses several methods, it will be difficult for Wuming to deal with the evil spirits next time, and it may even be incredible.

Compared with the evil killing that kills on sight, once the evil thoughts master multiple killing methods, it is actually more difficult to deal with than the evil killing.

Because the evil thoughts are stronger than the evil killing in all aspects!

"Amitabha, with the wisdom of the webmaster, there shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

The forehead of the Bodhisattva Baodi sweated slightly, thinking a little guilty, but he had a feeling in his heart, a feeling that something big was wrong!


In front of the three-color stone, Wuming tried not to have any negative thoughts.

He controlled the dragon's shell to punch the three-color stone again and again, and found that the three-color stone was actually much harder than he imagined. Before, he cracked the three-color stone with one punch, maybe he didn't really crack the three-color stone, but the three-color stone itself was about to crack.

Especially when he found that the three-color stone had recovered and the cracks were gone, this idea became more firm and certain.

Suddenly, he felt a change in his mood, and a palpitation inexplicably surged into his heart.

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