I Contracted Myself

【099】Horrible emotions

Not good!

Wuming quickly retreated, and at the same time, the palpitation became stronger and stronger, even making his hands and feet tremble slightly.

He knew very well that he was not afraid, but the problem was that the three-color stone was tempting him to be afraid, but he seemed to have no way to control his emotions.

If he ate the contract gem, this level might not be difficult, just order not to have any emotions...


It doesn't seem to work.

Because if no emotions are generated, the target will remain in the state of stone, and there is no way to solve it.

"Then be afraid, let me see what monster my fear will give birth to!" After Wuming figured this out, he simply faced it calmly, although his body was already trembling with fear.

About ten minutes later, the three-color stone cracked, and a large amount of yellow liquid flowed out of the three-color stone, and then the liquid quickly twisted, and a yellow snake appeared.

The yellow snake hovered up, looking at Wuming with his eyes.

"Damn, it really knows what I am most afraid of!" Wuming cursed in his heart after seeing the yellow snake.

He was indeed afraid of snakes. He had been afraid of snakes since his last life. This was one of the few things he hated.

"Fortunately, this should be the easiest to kill!"

Although Wuming was so scared that he couldn't move, he didn't need to do it himself.

He only needed to think, and the Dragon Shell would naturally attack the yellow snake.

In an instant, the Dragon Shell punched out, and the yellow snake was torn into pieces on the spot. Although it also tried to avoid the attack of the Dragon Shell, it was far less flexible than the blue ghost. In the end, the snake skin was only rubbed by the fist, and the body exploded directly.

When the yellow snake died, Wuming's fear dissipated immediately, and he even felt that he was fearless.

Anger, negativity, fear, what will happen next?

Wuming looked at the stone that had changed four colors, and thought silently in his heart.

About a few minutes later, he knew the answer.


At this moment, he almost cried.

His eyes were slightly red, and he looked at the four-color stone with grief, wishing he could hit his head against the stone and die.

Fortunately, he did not lose his mind because of sadness, so he did not really hit it.

"This level is so difficult."

Wuming sighed to the sky, and the sadness and sadness became stronger and stronger.

When he was about to cry, the four-color stone

cracked with a click, and a large amount of green liquid flowed out.

Why is the liquid produced by sad emotions green?

Wuming saw this scene and thought sadly.

Then the green liquid slowly changed, and a strong man with a bull head and a human body appeared. It was about five meters tall, with extremely developed muscles. He was only covered with green hair, but the tips of his hair were all yellow.

"Why does sad emotions create a bull-headed man?"

Wuming looked at the burly bull-headed man in front of him, and thought very sadly in his heart, and then the two clear tears flowed from his eyes, and he felt like he was betrayed by his lover.

What kind of ghost emotion is this?

Wuming was shouting in his heart, but the sad emotions could not stop surging.

Then the Minotaur punched out, and the dragon's shell was knocked out on the spot. When Wuming came to his senses, the dragon's shell had rolled several meters away.

The Minotaur roared, jumped up with his legs, and smashed the dragon's shell from a high altitude.

"Although I am sad, you should not attack me with such a flawed move!"

Wuming saw the Minotaur smashing over, and couldn't help but complain sadly. Then he slapped the ground, and a spike instantly protruded from the flat ground, just in time for the Minotaur to smash down!

The chrysanthemum was broken, and the ground was full of wounds...

Wuming imagined the music in his mind, watching the Minotaur gradually turn into a pool of green liquid.

"Goodbye, Brother Niu!"

Wuming wiped his tears and said lightly.

At this moment, he was no longer sad, and his heart was only calm, as if he had entered the state of a sage.

"Come on, what emotion is next!"

Wuming looked at the stone that had turned into five colors, and thought bravely in his heart.


What if I can't beat the next monster?

I can't rely on the dragon shell every time, and the dragon shell has its limits after all.

Besides, even if I get through this evil, what about the next evil?

Is what the Bodhisattva said true?

What if he deceives me?

Wuming suddenly felt a little anxious, and thoughts kept popping up.

Unlike the previous evil thoughts that popped up blatantly, this time Wuming can be sure that these thoughts really come from him.

He was not controlled, but just felt a little uneasy, and his concerns seemed to have increased a lot.


Could it be that I was tricked?"

"What emotions are you feeling this time? Suspicious? Suspicious, jealous?"

"It's over, it's over, I can't even guess what emotions this time, I'm definitely finished."

"If I die, the rescue team will definitely collapse and disband. After all, they are a group of guys who come for profit. Without profit, they will definitely not continue to save people and will not insist on doing good things."

"Sure enough, I still have nothing to accomplish!"

Wuming shrank into the dragon shell, and the more he thought about it, the more anxious he felt.

He had an urge to do something, but he was full of concerns. Every time he was about to cheer up, he remembered that he was still in the land of ten virtues.

The ten evils were too difficult to deal with, and he had no confidence in passing them.

"If I didn't have the superpowers of my predecessor, I would definitely be a waste."

"I don't know what my superpower will be. It's over, it must be useless garbage."

Wuming sighed, feeling bad all over. Even the dragon shell collapsed on the ground, completely losing the direction of action.

At this time, the five-color stone suddenly cracked, and a middle-aged man with the word "mourning" written all over his body slowly emerged from the purple liquid. After he came out, he did not attack Wuming, but sat next to Wuming and began to murmur to himself. Said: "Alas, we are all losers in life. In fact, no one likes us at all. They all just come here for various purposes."

"Yes, yes." Wuming nodded.

The middle-aged man continued: "I really want to die. Only by dying can I be free."

"Yes, yes!" Wuming nodded.

The middle-aged man was about to continue saying something, but suddenly the dragon's shell moved on its own, and the dark mist formed a sickle and instantly harvested the middle-aged man's head.

This was a preset that Wuming had made before. Once he lost his will to fight or wanted to do something to harm himself, the Dragon Shell would be controlled by information and fight automatically.

The middle-aged man wanted to guide Wuming to kill himself, so the dragon's shell was controlled by confidence and killed the middle-aged man neatly.

As soon as the middle-aged man died, Wuming immediately came out of his state of anxiety. His eyes widened suddenly, and then he gasped for air and said in surprise: "This guy is too scary, I almost fell into his trap!"

He looked at the stone that had become a six-color stone, and couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He still had one last emotion left, and the rock was about to undergo some kind of change!

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