I Contracted Myself

【100】Evil thoughts and disasters

How about... run?

Isn’t the colorful world outside beautiful?

If you can spend your whole life in that peaceful little village, that would be a beautiful thing.

Wuming suddenly had the idea of ​​​​escape, which was similar to anxiety, but completely different. He now did not want to face the six-color stone, and he did not want to see the final change of the six-color stone.

But no matter what he was thinking in his mind, the Dragon Shell remained motionless, as if it had lost contact with him.

He turned around in the dragon shell, beat the dragon shell, and shouted: "Let me out, I want to get out of here, let me out quickly!"

But the Dragon Shell didn't waver at all.

The power of a six-year-old kid is too insignificant in front of the Dragon Shell.

Finally, the six-color stone had absorbed enough of the nameless negative emotions. It cracked open with a crack, and then a thin, gray humanoid with a metallic luster slowly emerged from the liquid.

It held a strange weapon with extremely sharp ends and a spiral in the middle, and its dark red eyes stared at the dragon's shell.

Dragon Shell instantly struck first, holding the scythe made of dark mist and slashing at the gray humanoid. The gray humanoid did not block with the weapon in his hand, but erratically avoided the scythe's attack, and then used The spiral-tip spear in his hand stabbed the Dragon Shell's ribs.


The dragon's shell instantly returned to defense, and the sickle danced from top to bottom, holding the gray human-shaped spiral-tipped spear.

Then both sides changed their moves at the same time. The scythe in Dragon Shell's hand was pushed hard, and the gray humanoid backed away lightly as if it had been cooperating for a long time. Then it lightly touched the ground with its foot, and its body speed immediately increased, and it stabbed with a spiral-tip gun. Dragon Shell.

After the Dragon Shell pushed away the gray humanoid, the sickle suddenly turned into a three-meter-long machete, and directly slashed at the gray humanoid.

At the same time, the other arm of the dragon's shell condensed the mist into a shield, and directly hit the spiral tip gun in the gray humanoid's hand. When the two sides collided, the gray humanoid's body suddenly split in half.

Its spiral-tipped spear struck the shield, but it itself was struck from above by the machete.

When it turned into liquid, Wuming, who was crying in the dragon shell to go home, suddenly had a stiff expression on his face, and then wiped his nose and tears, feeling more courageous.

"Information control, delete the record just now."

Wuming sat in the chest of the dragon shell, gathering his emotions.

Finally, he ordered lightly.

At the same time, thin green threads hung down from the dragon's shell and were directly connected to his nerves. In an instant, he controlled the dragon's shell again.

He immediately looked at the stone that had turned into seven colors and knew that the big one was coming.


Sure enough, this time the seven-color stone did not absorb any emotions. It split open like a seed, and a colorful tree grew slowly.

This tree looks like a tree, but it is not a tree.

Wuming could vaguely feel that the essence of the tree in front of him was a living entity, and it was an extremely strange existence, completely different from the previous evil thieves, evil murderers, and evil delinquents.

"Strike first is the strongest!"

A nameless thought flashed through his mind, and the next moment his eyes fired two laser beams at the big tree.

However, a protective shield similar to a biological force field appeared on the surface of the big tree, directly blocking the laser.

"You're too impatient!"

"Just wait a little longer, I'll see you soon!"

Suddenly, an indistinguishable voice of male and female came from all around. This voice was strange and enchanting. It was clear that what he said was normal, but it gave people an extremely evil and creepy feeling.

"Your name is Wuming?"

"What a strange name."

"My name is Sushang. This is the name I gave myself."

"Because... I am the disaster in your destiny!"

Wuming ignored the voice and used different methods to attack the big tree again and again. The voice didn't seem to care about Wuming's attacks and talked to himself unhurriedly.

"Sushang, it should be a disaster that was destined in the previous life, not a disaster in fate. You need to study more!" Wuming said calmly after hearing Sushang's last words.

Sushang said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, words and words have no meaning to me. I think it means whatever it means."

"You are just covering up your lack of knowledge!" Wuming sneered.

Su Pan chuckled and said, "If you think this can make you happier, you might as well think like this."

"Ah, I'm about to come out. Your negative emotions are quite delicious. I like you very much!" Then, Sushang groaned and said with pleasure.

In front of Wuming's eyes, the big tree slowly deformed.

Countless leaves form the garment, while branches form spiral-tipped spears.

Sushang's body is very slim, and its body, which is neither male nor female, looks like it is made up of gems of seven colors. At the same time, a large number of roots form wings on its back. Its face is very beautiful, almost like a work of art. But there was no white in his eyes, and they were completely pitch black, which was extremely terrifying.

"Unknown little brother, I'm out!" Sushang looked at the dragon's shell, his mouth slowly opened, revealing sharp teeth made of different colors of gems, and he said with a smile.

Wuming looked up at Sushang and said calmly: "To tell you the truth, no one in the whole world wants to see you come out."

"But I have come out. If no one in the world wants me to come out, then I might as well just kill everyone!" Su Shang said without caring.

Wuming sighed and said: "Forget it, let's just see the real chapter."

He didn't like chatting with his enemies, especially those who were destined to fight to the death. The more he talked, the more he would be soft-hearted. It was better for him to fight directly.

"What a pity. I wanted you to be my dog!" Su Yang said with regret.

Then he waved his hand instantly, and a large number of spiral spears shot out from behind. Wuming flew up and used his telekinesis to block the attack of the spiral spears. With a thought, all the spiral spears controlled by telekinesis flew back to Su Yang.

Su Yang raised his hand, and the dense tree roots intertwined into a net, just blocking all the spiral spears. His eyes suddenly burst into red light and shot at the net in front.

The red light passed through the gap and hit the dragon's shell.

In an instant, the dragon's shell split into two, and then slowly knelt on the ground. Wuming's body rolled out of his chest and also split into two.

But just when Su Yang thought it was over, the dragon's shell and Wuming's body suddenly disappeared.

At the bottom mark.

Wuming opened his eyes and realized that he was dead after a while.

He looked at the Bodhisattva Baodi and asked, "Bodhisattva Baodi, what exactly is Suyan?"

"Amitabha, Suyan of evil thoughts can absorb negative emotions, so it is the smartest of the ten evils. At the same time, every way of death of the emotional monster it spawns will become its ultimate move. Think carefully, what methods did you use to kill it before?" Baodi Bodhisattva explained.

Suyan is equal to a weakened version of evil killing?

For a moment, Wuming connected the two in his mind, but then he realized that he was wrong.

Maybe the fact is just the opposite. Now Suyan is a strengthened evil killing!

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