I Contracted Myself

【101】Becoming a monk halfway through life

The ape, who represents the angry emotion, is killed by the mutant eye's laser. The blue imp, which represents negative emotions, was killed by the dragon dragon's beam.

The yellow snake representing fear was killed by the Dragon Shell's fist, the tauren representing sadness was killed by the spikes protruding from the ground, and the middle-aged man representing anxiety was killed by the Dragon Shell's underworld. Mist kills.

Finally, the gray figure, representing cowardice, is hacked to death with a machete.

Laser kill, beam kill, fist kill, spike kill, fog kill, machete kill!

To put it simply, Sushang now has six sure-kill skills, and anyone who is hit by one of them will die.

This is much more difficult to deal with than Evil Sha. Although Sushang's ability is known, and Evil Kill's ability to kill in person is unknown, Sushang has more brains than Evil Sha!


Wuming instantly summarized Susei's ability through information control, and then looked at Baodi Bodhisattva speechlessly.

Why didn't you say something so important earlier?

He wanted to complain in his heart, but the problem was that he was actually at fault. Just now, he could have withdrawn first and asked the Bodhisattva of Guarantee before going to solve the problem, but he did not do so because he had the Guarantee Mark to take care of the problem.

Now it's fine, he has turned an enemy who was not difficult to deal with into a big BOSS, and he is in big trouble.

"Webmaster, how many methods did you use to kill the emotional monster? From the poor monk's point of view, the Webmaster is so powerful that only one ability should be enough, right?" Baodi Bodhisattva saw Wuming and did not speak. He blinked and said Asked.

Wuming said sadly: "I used six kinds."


Baodi Bodhisattva immediately put a lot of words on his lips, intending to use them to compliment Wuming, and swallowed them all back in his stomach.

He clasped his hands together and recited a Buddha's name softly, and then sighed: "There are actually people who can use six abilities to kill the emotional monsters spawned by fate. Is this fate?"

"Is there a problem with the six types?" Wuming asked.

Baodi Bodhisattva nodded and said: "There is indeed a big problem. When Sushang masters the six sure-kill abilities, it will derive a new ability. That ability is called the Seven Kills of Malice. What are its specific effects? Poor Monk Not sure either.”

"How about forget it, my companions and I are going back!" After hearing this, Wuming walked straight out.

The abilities derived from the six sure-kill abilities are stronger than the previous six abilities no matter how you think about it. There is no need for him to commit suicide.

Although he really wanted to get information about Hope Outpost, other

It doesn’t matter if you don’t get it.

"Wait a minute, stationmaster, actually Sushang is not difficult to kill." Seeing that Wuming really wanted to give up, Baodi Bodhisattva said quickly.

Wuming turned around and looked at Baodi Bodhisattva with a 'sure' expression, waiting for Baodi Bodhisattva's next words.

"Sushang is an aggregation of evil thoughts. The poor monk taught the stationmaster a Heart Sutra, and by silently reciting it in his heart, he can awaken his own good thoughts, and combine the good thoughts with the power of thoughts to form a good light. This good light is exactly what Sushang is most afraid of. "Baodi Bodhisattva said helplessly.

Wuming smiled and said, "It's better to hurry up."

"Amitabha, Station Master, please keep your mind!" Baodi Bodhisattva said immediately.

Before Wuming could come back to his senses, Baodi Bodhisattva's big slap had already swept over him. He received Baodi Bodhisattva's slap directly, and his head suddenly buzzed.

But he soon discovered that the buzzing sound seemed to be countless monks chanting sutras. However, he remembered what sutras the monks were reciting. But if he really tried to recite it himself, he would find that the sound was not human at all. What can be sent out.

After writing down the full text, he asked curiously: "Baodi Bodhisattva, what kind of scripture is that?"

"Amitabha, don't say it, don't say it." Bodhisattva Baodi refused to answer.

Wuming didn't care. He sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and began to recall the buzzing sound. At the same time, he named the scripture "The Humming Sutra" in his mind.

When he recited the Hum Sutra silently, many of the good intentions in his heart gradually turned into reality, and his thoughts seemed to be real.

He immediately tried to combine his kind thoughts with his mind power, and then released them outside his body. In an instant, his entire body emitted golden light. The light gradually dispersed the surrounding darkness, and the entire space was illuminated.

"Amitabha, how can there be a monster with such strong benevolent thoughts in the world? It's unscientific, it's unscientific, wait, the poor monk is a monk, what kind of science are you talking about!" Baodi Bodhisattva looked at the nameless man on the ground with golden light, his chin They almost fell to the ground.

At this time, Wuming opened his eyes, looked at his shining self, and said with a smile: "It feels pretty good, as if I have added a layer of holy light to myself."

"This is good light!" Baodi Bodhisattva emphasized.

Wuming said indifferently: "Good light doesn't sound good, let's call it holy light from now on!"

"Then let's call it Holy Light." Baodi Bodhisattva smiled helplessly.

Wuming was surprised: "You agreed so quickly?"

"A long time ago, the good light was also called the Buddha's light, the golden light of the sun, the light of wisdom, the natural light of kindness, and one more

The Holy Light doesn't hurt either. "Baodi Bodhisattva explained, while silently complaining in his heart, even if he insisted on calling him Shanguang, Wuming would not listen to him.

Wuming complained: "Suddenly I feel that Zeng Guang is also pretty good."

It sounds much better than the previous names.

Then he looked at the dark place in the distance that was not illuminated by the good light, and said with a smile: "Then I can defeat Susei now?"

"That depends on the ability of the webmaster." Baodi Bodhisattva said noncommittally.

Wuming smiled and said, "Then try the power of the good light."

As soon as he finished speaking, the good light on his body dimmed, and the smile on his face froze.

"That... if you want to maintain the good light, you must keep reciting the Heart Sutra in your heart!" Baodi Bodhisattva froze him and had to speak.

Wuming frowned and said, "Do you have to recite the Om Om Sutra all the time? But how can you be distracted when fighting?"

"Om Om Sutra?"

Baodi Bodhisattva looked at Wuming and asked back.

"It doesn't have a name, I'll give it a name." Wuming laughed dryly.

Then he tried to make himself serious and asked, "Is there no way to maintain the good light without reciting the sutra?"

"Or you should practice more here first?" Baodi Bodhisattva suggested.

Wuming sighed, "Then there is no way."

"Amitabha, stationmaster, a great mission has been bestowed upon you..." Baodi Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and prepared to preach.

Wuming rolled his eyes and interrupted, "Baodi Bodhisattva, you are a Buddhist monk, please use Buddhist allusions to teach!"


Baodi Bodhisattva fell silent and was a little shy.

"Could it be...could it be that you didn't learn any Buddhist allusions at all?" Wuming said in surprise.

Baodi Bodhisattva argued: "Webmaster, why don't you let Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie tell you about Buddhist allusions?"

"First of all, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie are purely fictional. Even if they really exist, they don't know anything about Buddhist allusions." Wuming seriously refuted.

But before Baodi Bodhisattva could speak, he was stunned for a moment, then looked at Baodi Bodhisattva, and said after realizing: "Could it be... you... you have seen Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie."

Originally, Baodi Bodhisattva thought Wuming would ask, "Could it be that you became a monk halfway through life like Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie?" Who knew that Wuming would ask the wrong question.

He nodded halfway when he realized it, and quickly shook his head and said: "How could this poor monk have seen those two."

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