I Contracted Myself

【103】Nameless hiding in the shell


Good light shines.

A large amount of black smoke suddenly erupted from the area where Sushang's body was illuminated, and a harsh sound was made at the same time.

At this moment, Supai couldn't look directly at Wuming, because the good light emanated from Wuming's head. When it saw Wuming, it meant that its eyes would be burned by the good light, or even blinded by the good light.

Its body trembled slightly, but not because of pain, but because it was furious.


Suddenly, it opened its mouth and let out a low roar, and a large amount of black mist suddenly poured out of its back.

These black mist exploded instantly, directly submerging everything around him. The nameless good light dispersed the black mist coming in front, but the surrounding black mist surrounded him from different angles, instantly submerging him in darkness.


Wuming's vision probably went dark, and when he regained his vision, he had already returned to the location of the guarantee mark.

There is no doubt that he was instantly killed by Su Pai again.

This time it might be the Mingwu killing, but Sushang's Mingwu is obviously different from his. Susang's Mingwu is more complicated and impure, as if it is made up of various emotions.

Of course, to put it bluntly, no matter what the difference is between Sushang's Mingwu and his Mingwu, for him, that Mingwu is a sure kill.

The biggest problem now is that the killing range of Sushang's Mist is too large.

"It seems we can only try and make mistakes again and again!"

Wuming thought for a while, but couldn't think of a way to break Sushang Mingwu Kill, and finally sighed in his heart.

As long as he dies enough, information control will naturally collect a large amount of data. Based on previous battle data, information control will simulate the most perfect fighting method and finally defeat the opponent.

Of course, this trick is not a panacea. If the enemy is too strong, then no matter how much information is collected, the probability of winning is only zero.

Fortunately, disaster is not an invincible target.

After the nameless general changed his battle target, he then recited the Hum Sutra silently with all his strength, while the Dragon Shell automatically challenged Susei.

ten minutes later.

Sushang stopped, looked behind him with a ferocious expression, and roared, "Are you done yet?"

Then a large amount of black mist was sprayed out from behind him, and the black mist formed into a giant dragon. It opened its mouth and sprayed a red beam of light at the dragon's shell.

But this kind of predictable attack is too good for information control.

Dodging, Dragon Shell moved slightly to avoid the beam, and then two knives made of dark mist appeared in Dragon Shell's hands, and Dragon Shell rushed towards Supai.

Although Sushang was unhappy to the point of explosion, he did not run away from the fight. After all, Wuming was not weak, and he could not escape if he wanted to.

Today's Wuming's strength is probably equivalent to that of the Ascended One. The main reason is that the dragon's shell has an 'immortal weapon status'. It is not inferior to the Ascendant in terms of personality, but it itself is superficial and has no identity of its own. Will, so in fact it is inferior to even the transcendent.

However, Wuming's countless superpowers make up for this gap, so the combat effectiveness of the Dragon Shell depends entirely on the opponent's performance. When encountering an opponent that can be restrained, even upgraders and domainers will have a chance to take a chance, but if they encounter Even if the opponent cannot be restrained, the transcendent will have a chance to crush Wu Ming.

In the real world, combat effectiveness fluctuates between highs and lows, and it is impossible to behave exactly the same against any opponent.

This is not a comparison of data. Even if Wuming has long had the superpower to see through the target's "combat power", he rarely uses this ability because it is simply unreliable.

For example, Cheng Xuejie's combat effectiveness has never been accurate.

Sometimes when fighting opponents with higher combat power than herself, she can perform exceptionally well and beat the opponent to a black face. But sometimes when facing opponents with weaker combat power than herself, she becomes the loser.

In addition, even if the awakened person becomes a transcendent, his or her body will still be a mortal without all-round mutations. The hormones in the body and the state of the body will affect the person's performance.

There are even some girls who are several levels weaker when fighting.

In fact, men also have a mental low period, which is called "male aunt" for short.

Research shows that men’s menstrual period can be said to be a change in biological rhythms. It can be said that men’s body hormone levels are imbalanced. There will not be “intense physical reactions” like girls’, but it will be more reflected in emotions. .

This is a psychological state. There are always a few days a month when you are depressed and depressed, which will also affect your performance in combat.

Of course, this situation is just a small negative state for mentally strong people, and it will only be particularly obvious for sensitive people.

Wuming personally controls the dragon shell to fight. The upper limit is the combat power that can be exerted beyond information control. The lower limit is even inferior to information control automatic combat, and there may even be many occurrences.

What a small mistake.

To put it simply, Wuming can explode with very strong combat power, but based on average performance, his personal control is actually not as good as information control.


Dragon Shell's knife collided with a large number of tree roots. At this time, two spikes shot out from the ground, but they were avoided by Dragon Shell.

Sushang frowned slightly, and after a few attempts, he came to the conclusion that the same trick seemed to be unable to assassinate Wuming, and he would have to use other methods next time.

"Wu Ming, you are actually a coward. You like to hide in turtle shells. You can hide for a while, how can you hide for the rest of your life?" Sushang narrowed his eyes and then said.

Wuming silently recited the Hum Sutra, accumulating good thoughts and not even bothering to pay attention to the disaster.

He just likes to hide in the dragon shell. Why does he have to go out and fight for his life? Besides, he doesn't like fighting and killing. The dragon shell is the most suitable ability for him.

In fact, for so many years, he has been looking for a path that suits him.

During the time when the Dark King sealed him into Lin Renmei's body, he understood his pursuit. He is not the kind of person who likes to compete.

He is willing to save people and is willing to use his own strength to help those in need, but in essence he is actually a otaku, a salted fish.

Isn't it good to lie flat?

Isn't it good to stay in the comfort zone?

Do you have to torment yourself and roll in the sea of ​​fire and swords to grow up?


Wuming feels that he is very good now.

If a computer is developed in the future, he would like to install a computer in the dragon shell, let the information control automatically hang up when he is free, and he plays the computer in the dragon shell.

"I'm a little thirsty. It turns out that silently reciting the Om Om Sutra can also make your mouth dry."

Wuming opened his eyes, took a look at the battle status, and then reached out to take a Coke from the Dream City.

He twisted the Coke and was about to take a sip, but suddenly his eyes widened and saw several giant dragons made of black fog appear behind Suyang. Then the dragon opened its mouth, and red light shot out from its eyes and mouth.

Dense red light intertwined and swept, and the dragon's shell flexibly dodged under the control of information, but the ground stabbed out spikes again.

"Beam, I choose beam!"

Wuming realized that there was no way to avoid it, and immediately gave the order without caring about drinking Coke.

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