I Contracted Myself

【104】Malicious Seven Kills

For an instant, Dragon Shell stopped dodging.

The beam of light fell on the dragon's shell. In an instant, the dragon's shell and Wuming were wiped out in ashes under the beam. The spikes on the ground penetrated through, but they did not hit Wuming's delicate anus.

Guarantee mark.

Wuming opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to be fucked again!

That way of death will cause a shadow even when he poops.


Wuming gritted his teeth and issued the order again.

Under the control of information control, the Dragon Shell once again moved in the direction of Susei.

Any ability requires energy consumption. In the past, the Dragon Shell consumed Wuming's own physical strength, but after Wuming used the Hidden Dragon Transformation Method, he is now just a child, so his physical strength cannot be used to supply the Dragon Shell.

Fortunately, one of Wuming's abilities is to rent superpowers to collect funds, which is energy.

So now the energy used by the Dragon Shell actually comes from two points.

The first is the 'savings' left behind by Wuming himself. After all, Wuming gave up everything to transform into a Hidden Dragon, and naturally all the energy in his body was left behind.

But this part of the energy is like water without a source, and sooner or later it will be used up.

The second is rent, which comes from the energy provided by countless members of the rescue team with rental abilities. This energy is very, very large, so there is no risk of the Dragon Shell running out of energy.

A few minutes later, Dragon Shell caught up with Sushang again, and then started a life-and-death struggle with Susang, while Wuming continued to chant sutras.

He was saving up his ultimate moves, preparing to give Sushang a big one. When he felt that he could eliminate Sushang, he would give Sushang a big surprise.

The Hum Sutra is very special.

While reciting the Hum Sutra silently, he was actually trying to study the Hum Sutra.

Bodhisattva Baodi obviously did not want him to come into contact with other ability systems from the outside world, but in the end he had no choice but to teach him the Hum Sutra.

Although this Hum Sutra cannot be recited, it is a real and true special ability.

If you can study it thoroughly and combine the particularity of the Hum Sutra with the particularity of the base runes, you may be able to create an even more awesome power.

At least Wuming was looking forward to this.

A few minutes later, the dragon shell appeared on the guarantee mark again. This time, the battle with Sushang ended more easily than before.

It was faster the previous time, mainly because Su Sang became more impatient and used his ultimate move. Under the overwhelming attack of beams and dark mist, the dragon's shell was finally destroyed by Su Sang's close punch.

But it doesn't matter, information control has collected more data.

These battle data can not only be used here, but can also be used in other places in the future, and can be accessed at any time when Wuming needs it.

Wuming just paid attention to the situation of the guarantee mark, and then continued to study the Hum Sutra, leaving the matter of death to the information control.

In fact, he can even stay at the guaranteed mark and let Dragon Shell fight remotely.

But without the protection of the dragon shell, to be honest, he didn't feel much sense of security when staying with the Bodhisattva Baodi, so in the end he would rather die with the dragon shell than stay with his true body.

Next, Supai went further and further away, and the battle with the Dragon Shell became more and more impatient, and he was even occasionally injured by the Dragon Shell's counterattack.

In the longest time, Dragon Shell fought fiercely with Sushang for half an hour before Susian's tail penetrated his butt.

Almost a day later, the dragon shell appeared in front of Supai again.


Sushang looked at the dragon shell and finally let out a crazy roar.

It’s so annoying!

Why are there so many annoying opponents in the world?

Then it took action brazenly, directly manipulating the dense tree roots to pierce the dragon's shell. At the same time, it cursed: "Wu Ming, I know you are inside. I have to pull you out this time and remove your body." Cut the meat off piece by piece and eat it one bite at a time!”

However, the Dragon Shell obviously would not say unnecessary words to Su Pai. It easily avoided various attacks, and then shot out two beams of light from its eyes, and countless tree roots were cut off in an instant.

After countless battles, Information Control has recorded a large amount of Susian's battle data. It can be said that Susian's every move can find corresponding solutions in the database.

If it weren't for the fact that the sure-kill attribute is too cheating, Dragon Shell is fully capable of killing Suspicion alone.

At this time, the two sides were flying in the air, and countless tree roots shuttled through the air like ribbons, attacking from top to bottom from time to time. At the same time, the black mist was controlled by Sushang and condensed into a giant dragon, with its eyes and mouth spraying beams of light.

Under the intertwining of countless abilities

, the dragon's shell broke through layer by layer, and the last punch hit the wings made by Su Xiang. Su Xiang was slightly knocked off balance, spinning in the air and punching before stopping.

"This is the moment!"

Inside the dragon's shell, Wuming suddenly opened his eyes.

The countless kind thoughts and thoughts he accumulated by silently reciting the Hum Sutra merged into one instantly, and then a ball of light rose from the back of the Dragon Shell's head, looking like a halo.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Just as Su Pan stabilized his body, his face was covered by the good light, and he let out a shrill scream in the light.

This time the good light was so strong that the limbs around it were evaporated almost instantly, and its body also turned into black smoke and dissipated in the light.

When the light dimmed, Sushang had turned into a stone again, but the color on the stone was missing.

"No, it won't kill you?"

Wuming couldn't help but curse in a low voice when he saw this scene.

Just now, he sacrificed many times to accumulate big moves. How could death not hurt? It's just that he has long been accustomed to pain, so the sequelae are not as serious as those of ordinary people.

But it was still an extremely painful experience, not easy.

At this time, the six-color stone slowly cracked, and Suyang was reborn from the stone again. It glanced at the dragon's shell and gritted its teeth and said, "I didn't expect you to really kill me once, Wuming!!!"

"So that's it. The so-called malicious seven kills are not some earth-shattering big moves, but it means that I have to kill you seven times to really destroy you!" Wuming said thoughtfully at this time.

Then he looked at Suyang and smiled, "Since I can kill you once, I am sure to kill you six more times. At worst, I will use a hundred times to exchange you once, you won't lose!"


The anger in Suyang's heart exploded immediately.

It roared and immediately flew into the sky, then created a dense black mist dragon in the air and shot cross beams at the Dragon Shell.

Information Control had already collected a lot of data about this move. The Dragon Shell avoided the beams one by one, and even when it was unavoidable, it could use flash and shield creation to avoid the attack of the beams.

When Su Huo used all his means, under Wuming's instruction, the Dragon Shell caught a knife-shaped tree root.

"Sure enough..."

Wuming looked at the wooden sword and smiled.

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