I Contracted Myself


Obviously, Sushang was killed once by him and the loss was very heavy.

Originally, Sushang had six special moves, and coupled with the passive ability of Malicious Seven Kills, he was extremely powerful.

But because he was killed once, Supai has now lost one of its sure-kill effects, and the machete can no longer cause a sure-kill to Wuming.

Susei must know this, but it doesn't want Wuming to realize this, so it still creates machete-shaped tree roots to mix in various attacks, trying to confuse the enemy with others.

But Wuming didn't care about death, so when he had doubts, he simply sacrificed his life to test his doubts.

The results have come out. Sushang did lose one of his must-kills, and also lost a life.

"Huh, so what if you knew?"

Seeing Wuming catching the wooden knife with his hand, Su Pan thought furiously, knowing that the information he wanted to hide had been known to Wuming.

Then it launched an even more fierce offensive, the roots of the tree constantly splitting and splitting, attacking Wuming from various directions.

Wuming not only dodges, but also counterattacks. Although the beam he shoots has no killing effect, it is equally powerful. Under the sweep of the beam, countless tree roots are cut off and fall to the ground in flames.

In fact, there are tree roots everywhere on the ground now. These broken tree roots are piled up together. When the open fire gradually burns, a sea of ​​​​fire is finally formed. Moreover, the tree roots are not dry roots, so there are still risks. Thick smoke was billowing out, and the combat environment was getting worse and worse.

Wuming did not continue to control the Dragon Shell to fight, but handed over the control of the Dragon Shell to Information Control again, and began to recite the Hum Sutra silently again.

Although the threat of Supai is greatly reduced due to the loss of a sure kill, one still has to rely on Zenguang to solve Supai.

Maybe when Sushang only has one or two kinds of sure-kills left, Dragon Shell will be able to defeat Sushang with its strength, but it's obviously not possible now. After all, except for one kind of sure-kill, Sushang still has five kinds of sure-kills. Ability is still very tricky.

“I don’t know if I can delay it enough to save a big sum.”

Wuming recited the Humming Sutra silently, watching Sushang's unreserved offensive, he couldn't help but think in his heart.

In fact, he also considered reciting the Hum Sutra silently at the guarantee mark first, and then directly looking for the disaster after saving up enough, killing it in one breath.

The problem is that the disaster has been going deeper, and Wuming doesn't know what ulterior conspiracy it has, so

We can only catch up with it again and again, entangle it as much as possible, and prevent it from achieving its goal.

As for accumulating ultimate moves, you can only accumulate them slowly during this process.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Sushang stared at the dragon shell and kept controlling the black mist dragon to attack. It was actually frightened and angry. It didn't expect that Wuming could really kill itself, nor did it expect that the power of the good light could be so great.

It even had a hunch that the longer time passed, the higher the probability of its own death.

The other party is probably making preparations!

The question is, what can it do to stop Wuming?

If Wuming was killed, it would be over, and it wouldn't be so annoyed that it couldn't bear it.

But if Wuming is not killed, Wuming will keep harassing it and not give it any chance to breathe. If this continues, when Wuming is ready, it will still die.

"We must find a way, I absolutely can't die here like this!"

Sushang became furious and threw everything he had into the black mist. In an instant, the black mist divided into denser and smaller snakes. These snakes also had mouths and eyes, and there were two small horns on their heads.

However, compared to the Black Mist Dragon, these little snakes are only the size of chopsticks.

"not good!"

Wuming saw countless red dots densely packed together and realized that he was going to die again this time.

In the next second, thousands of rays of light shot out at the same time without any blind spots. The dragon's shell was instantly pierced, and Wuming died suddenly on the spot.

Sushang watched the dragon shell and Wuming disappear, but there was no joy on his face. He knew that Wuming would appear again soon.

A way must be found!

It turned and flew forward, flying as fast as possible, but the darkness around it remained unchanged.

Wuming is worried that it will find the next evil. In fact, it also wants to find the next evil. The problem is that there is actually something wrong with this space. For Wuming and others, this space can come and go freely, but for them, Su Calamity , this space is infinitely large, and no matter how you walk, you cannot get out of the sealed range.

"Attack, attack with all your strength, I don't believe I can't find the exit!"

Sushang was furious, and controlled the densely packed snakes to shoot at random, but the surrounding area was empty, and the light beams were eventually swallowed up by the darkness.

"I do not believe!"

The wings on Sushang's back vibrated, and when the sonic boom sounded, it had turned into a black shadow and faced the distance.

Fly quickly.

But soon it stopped again, and turned around with a distorted face. Sure enough, the dragon's shell slowly flew towards it, and the red armor made it feel queasy and nauseated.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Su Shang roared to the sky, and then fought with the Dragon Shell again.

In fact, Susei itself is extremely proud and confident, but in the battles with Wuming, it has lost its pride and confidence, leaving only incompetence and rage.


After hundreds of rounds of fierce fighting, Sushang seized the opportunity and punched Dragon Shell in the chest, killing Wuming instantly.

However, Suyang himself was not feeling well either. He was covered in wounds, many of which were left by the Dragon Shell. Even though he had a very strong healing ability, it would take several minutes for these wounds to disappear.

Next, he looked for an exit again and flew madly throughout the space.

A few minutes later...

Suyang's body stiffened, and he slowly turned around. The Dragon Shell came again.

A few minutes later.

The Dragon Shell was shot by countless arrows transformed by the Dark Mist and died again.

A few minutes later.

Suyang turned around and looked numbly at the Dragon Shell that was slowly flying over.

At this moment, it seemed to see its own fate. It did not bring disaster to Wuming. On the contrary, Wuming was the disaster star in its fate.

"I don't want to play anymore!"

Suyang looked at the Dragon Shell and simply controlled a spike to insert into his chest. Then he fell to the ground and turned back into stone again.

Abandoned himself?

Wuming looked dumbfounded at the five-color stones left on the ground.

He finally managed to accumulate a big move, but before he could use it, the big boss gave up.


He quickly controlled the dragon's shell to fall to the ground. When Suyang was reborn again, he immediately burst out with good light and took Suyang away in one wave.

But this time, Suyang didn't even scream, and his face was numb the whole time.

This kind of expression can only be possessed by people who really want to die.

To be honest, Wuming regretted it after using the big move. Killing an object that has no desire to live seems a bit too bad, even if Suyang itself is a collection of evil.

Next, he simply didn't do it, just watched Suyang reborn again and again, and then killed himself again and again.

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