I Contracted Myself

【106】The Most Victorious Light of Hope Bodhisattva

"Am I that scary?"

"Or is Suyang too psychologically fragile?"

Wuming watched Suyang die five times, and he killed Suyang twice, so Suyang really died this time.

However, although Suyang died, he did not leave nothing behind like the three evils before. Instead, he left a cracked stone on the ground.

The inside of the stone was empty, and it looked like a peanut shell without peanuts.

[Empty Shell of Evil]

[Details: The evil thoughts inside have disappeared, leaving only an empty shell without any will. ]

[Being your enemy, even the evil thoughts committed suicide. Are you a demon? ]

After reading the appraisal, Wuming's mouth twitched slightly. He was the one who was killed the most. What was Suyang's pain? Compared with him, it was definitely child's play.

It was just that he still had hope, so he could persist, while Suyang was probably out of despair.

But this empty shell might be used as a forging material!

Wuming thought about it and simply put the empty shell of evil into the Dream City. He would think about how to create a second shell when he had time.

Although the dragon shell is not weak, there are only a few abilities that are best compatible with it. The remaining abilities can only be exerted to the proper level by information control, and there is no extra increase.

Wuming thought a long time ago that he would have the opportunity to forge more shells in the future to place different abilities. When encountering different types of enemies, he could use different shells to fight with them and always have the upper hand.

"Baodi Bodhisattva, I'm back. Tell me, what is the next evil."

Wuming returned to not far from the Baodi mark, looked at the back of Baodi Bodhisattva, and asked with a smile.

"Amitabha, it's gone."

Baodi Bodhisattva stood up, turned around and said to Wuming.

"What's gone?" Wuming stopped and asked puzzled.

The Bodhisattva of Guarantee said with a smile: "The first three evils plus the evil of Suyang actually make up the ten evils, so you, the webmaster, have solved the ten evils."

"Wait, how can the evil of Suyang be seven... evils!" Wuming widened his eyes, and then realized belatedly that Suyang really had seven evil intentions.

The Bodhisattva of Guarantee smiled and said: "The first three evils represent the great evils in human nature, and the last seven evils represent the seven evils of human nature. The webmaster, you have completely eliminated the evil thoughts in Dongfang Cen's heart.

This space is complete, and it is a perfect place of ten virtues!"

"So I passed the level?" Wuming said happily.

He thought there were still six evils waiting for him, but who knew that he had already defeated them.

"That's right!" The Bodhisattva of Guarantee said with a smile.

Wuming immediately asked: "What about the Hope Outpost?"

"Amitabha, Master Krypton Gold once told me that the true meaning of Guarantee is actually hope!" The body of the Bodhisattva of Guarantee began to emit golden light, and the darkness around was instantly dispelled.

After the golden light, the body of Baodi Bodhisattva gradually turned back into rock. He smiled and said, "Okay, Stationmaster, my mission is completed. Please save this desperate world!"

"Wait, Baodi Bodhisattva, your body?" Wuming didn't expect that Baodi Bodhisattva would suddenly have an accident at this time, and said anxiously.

Baodi Bodhisattva smiled and said, "My original body is in the tower. This body itself is made of stone. I stay here just to give people who stray into this place a glimmer of hope. Since the mission of this body has been completed, it's time to return it to its original appearance."

"In the tower above?" Wuming asked.

Baodi Bodhisattva put his hands together and smiled, "Stationmaster, goodbye!"

After that, his body completely turned into a sculpture, and the darkness around him was completely cleared.

Wuming looked at the petrified Baodi Bodhisattva, and knew in his heart that Baodi Bodhisattva was telling the truth.

When Baodi Bodhisattva first appeared, most of his body was rock, but it was turned into flesh and blood by the golden light, and now it just turned back into rock.

But why is he a little sad looking at Baodi Bodhisattva now?

"Wuming, are you okay?" Chen Weihua appeared not far away and asked in surprise.

Zhang Shouzhong also said in surprise: "Just now, the dark gate suddenly emitted golden light, and we came in. You... this stone is..."

As they talked, the two walked forward and found that Baodi Bodhisattva had turned into stone.

"I'm fine, but Baodi Bodhisattva said that his original body is in the tower above. Let's go and take a look later." Wuming sighed. He had a hunch that the original body of Baodi Bodhisattva in the tower might not be as good as the incarnation of this stone.

If he could help, he wanted to help Baodi Bodhisattva.

"Huh, what's the sensationalism, okay, let's go to the inside of Hope Outpost to take a look." He adjusted his mood and continued.

Chen Weihua patted Wuming,

and smiled: "Don't hold on. If you are really worried about Baodi Bodhisattva, then we can go to the tower above to take a look first."

"Yes, what if Baodi Bodhisattva needs our rescue?" Zhang Shouzhong smiled.

Wuming looked at the two of them, then nodded and said, "Then let's go up and take a look. If we can help Baodi Bodhisattva, that would be the best."

The three of them then returned along the same route, and after coming out, they flew above the Hope Outpost and looked at the ancient tower.

Baodi Bodhisattva had mentioned in a few words before that the name of this ancient tower was Futu Tower. Wuming felt a little funny at the time, because Futu itself means Buddhist pagoda, so the name of this tower could be called 'Futu Tower'.

Of course, it is also possible that the meaning of Futu Tower is that saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda or something like that.

Wuming stepped forward and tried to push open the door of the pagoda, but he couldn't push the door open even with the maximum power of the dragon shell. Then Zhang Shouzhong didn't believe it and stepped forward to try, but he also failed.

"Look, there are words here!" At this time, Chen Weihua stood on the left side of the pagoda door and said.

Wuming and Zhang Shouzhong immediately stepped forward to observe, and then Zhang Shouzhong frowned and said, "This is not a problem in our world, I can't understand it."

"It says 'The Most Victorious Light Hope Bodhisattva', there should be more words in front, but they were erased." Wuming said at this time.

Zhang Shouzhong frowned and said, "The Most Victorious Light Hope Bodhisattva? Who is it?"

"Guaranteed Bodhisattva?" Chen Weihua looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know, isn't it said that monks don't tell lies? Maybe the saying of Guaranteed Bodhisattva is also correct, but the real name of Guaranteed Bodhisattva is this Most Victorious Light Hope Bodhisattva."

"People with so many names like this are generally more suspicious." Zhang Shouzhong complained.

The intelligence team has a very interesting conclusion, that is, the more names a person has, the higher the probability of committing crimes. Who would prepare several names? Only those who have done bad things and are ready to run away at any time would do so.

"Okay, since the door can't be opened, let's forget it for now. Let's go to the Hope Outpost first." Wuming said at this time.

Chen Weihua smiled and said, "This pagoda obviously still has a force. Maybe the Bodhisattva is fine inside. It's useless to think too much now."

"Let's go."

Wuming knew that Chen Weihua was comforting himself, so he nodded and turned to leave.

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