I Contracted Myself

【107】Energy Virtual Engine

The three returned to Hope Outpost.

Just now they were just looking at the petrified Baodi Bodhisattva and ignored the changes around them. Now when they came back, the three of them discovered that after the surrounding darkness was dispelled, it turned out that there were several portals all around.

"It turns out that the place where I fought the Ten Evils just now was this indoor square!" Wuming said with sudden realization after seeing a lot of the damage caused by his battle with the Ten Evils.

Fortunately, the previous seal limited the aftermath of the battle to a certain range, so I hope that the outpost itself was not affected at all. Only part of the ground seemed to have been plowed, with potholes and deep scratches everywhere.

The structure of the Hope Outpost is similar to the Hakka earth building, but its shape is Bagua shape.

In the middle is a large square in the shape of Bagua, which corresponds to seven rooms, and one side faces the exit.

It was also at this time that Wuming discovered that the location of Baodi Bodhisattva was exactly in the middle of the Bagua and the middle of the Hope Outpost.

"I hope there may not be other dangers inside the outpost. Let's all act together."

Wuming thought for a while, then spoke to Chen Weihua and Zhang Shouzhong, and then smiled: "We will investigate door by door, and we will leave after we understand everything."

"Yes." Chen Weihua nodded in agreement.

Although with the biological force field, she is not a weak woman without the strength to fight, but compared with those monsters who specialize in fighting, she is still a fragile vase. The enemy may just touch her, and she will die. .

"Which door should we look at first?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Chen Weihua smiled at this time and said: "Let's start from the left hand side. After all, the words left by Baodi Bodhisattva are also on the left hand side."

"Then let's go to the left." Wuming agreed.

The two agreed, and Zhang Shouzhong naturally had no objection. Anyway, to him, it didn't make any difference where he started.

They walked to the door on the left. Wuming stepped forward and tried to push the door. This time, the door did not fail to open. He applied a little force and the door slowly opened.

When the door was opened, the three of them immediately felt a chill.

It's not that there's a dangerous chill, but it's similar to the feeling of entering an air-conditioned room, except that the temperature in this air-conditioned room is lower.

"It's a bit cold. Could it be the morgue?" Zhang Shouzhong used the nanorobot to wrap himself up to keep himself warm, and then complained.


Ming walked inside and exclaimed: "This place is so beautiful, come in and take a look."

"Wow!" Zhang Shouzhong walked into the room and immediately exclaimed.

In the room, a spiral passage similar to DNA leads to the roof. The silver walls have countless drawers, and the names of the items stored in the drawer are written on the surface of each drawer.

"They are all seeds!" Chen Weihua checked it and said.

This room is obviously a room used to seal seeds. All the plant seeds collected at the Hope Outpost in the past can be found here.

"This is the seed of the snake lotus that is extinct in our world. It is said that after the snake lotus blooms, it will attract a large number of snakes to appear around, and will poison all the snakes, and finally give birth to the lotus snake king." Chen Weihua opened the drawer with a smile and looked at Lotus curled up like a little snake inside said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong asked curiously: "Why do you want to breed the Lotus Snake King? What benefits does this have for the Snake Lotus?"

"I don't know, after all, this thing has been extinct for a long time." Chen Weihua said with a smile.

Wuming turned around and said, "Okay, let's go to the next room. If Sister Weihua is interested in the seeds here, she will have plenty of time to slowly count and study them."

"Yes!" Chen Weihua closed the drawer again and nodded.

The three of them walked out of the seed collection room, and then walked to the next room. When Wuming pushed the door open, a strange smell wafted out of the room.

Wuming walked into the room first, and then said: "There is no danger, everyone come in."

"It's all books, it's too exaggerated." Zhang Shouzhong walked in, looked at the densely packed books, and said in surprise.

This room is different from the previous seed room. It is very messy, but at the same time it is messy and has a special pattern. Countless books are placed on the bookshelves, and the bookshelves are turned upside down, forming countless "well" shapes. grid.

The strange smell they just smelled was actually the smell emitted by countless books. Because of different materials and different ink compositions, each of these books smelled different.

Wuming took out a book and flipped through it, his eyes suddenly lit up. This was a textbook that recorded in detail how to create an energy virtual engine.

This energy virtual engine can do many things, one of which is to build a virtual network.

It can be said,

With this technology, the rescue team can directly skip many technological accumulations and directly create a second virtual world. It will be simple to contact whomever they want to contact in the future.

"Fat man, look at this, is there any clue?" Wuming took a rough look and then handed the book to Zhang Shouzhong.

Zhang Shouzhong took the book and read it for a while, then said thoughtfully: "This engine can be used to create real illusions. My nano-robot can use it to perform illusions. Real and fake, it can definitely kill the enemy."

"I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about the virtual network!" Wuming didn't expect that Zhang Shouzhong's perspective on the virtual engine was completely different from his own, so he had to remind him.

Zhang Shouzhong complained: "With such awesome technology, do you plan to use it for entertainment?"

"No matter how awesome it is, it's just a technology. You can use it to make weapons, but can't I use it to create a virtual world?" Wuming retorted.

Chen Weihua smiled and said, "This kind of energy virtual engine actually has the greatest function of creating energy creatures!"

"So, my dragon shell can actually be strengthened with this engine." Wuming touched his chin and said to himself.

Because the energy virtual engine is composed of pure energy, and the essence of the dragon shell is formed by various energies plus external energy.

Suddenly, Wuming's inspiration burst out, and he directly extracted a part of the attributeless energy, and then constructed it according to the energy virtual engine construction method recorded by information control. Gradually, a blue hexahedron was generated in his hands.

Don't look at the hexahedron as ordinary, in fact, the interior is extremely complex, far more complex than the chip of a supercomputer.

Without the assistance of information control, Wuming can't do this thing even if his head explodes.

"No way, you made it now?" Zhang Shouzhong looked at the six-sided crystal in Wuming's hand and said in surprise.

Wuming smiled and said, "It's not difficult at all. The really difficult part has been overcome by those predecessors. I just made it according to the information in the book."


Zhang Shouzhong looked at Wuming who was beginning to act like a Versailles person speechlessly.

"Wuming, can we study this engine?" Chen Weihua asked with shining eyes, looking at the six-sided crystal.

If there is no entity, it will take at least three or four years for the rescue team to replicate the energy virtual engine described in the book, but if there is a ready-made engine, she is confident that she can make more engines within a few months.

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