I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [050] Killing with a Laugh


Suddenly, a sound similar to that of a match being lit came from Feng Laixian's back.

The next moment, Feng Laixian's eyes shone red, he raised his head and roared loudly, the black liquid on his back suddenly burned, and the red flames quickly spread all over his body, turning him into a fire man.

In the flames, the corpse poison was burned away in an instant.

"Not good!"

Zuo Xiangming saw this scene, his face changed slightly, and his left hand quickly pointed at Feng Laixian.

A zombie on his left hand immediately pressed his hands on the ground, starting from the zombie's hands, a wave quickly extended to the position where Feng Laixian stood, and the zombies with telekinesis around him used telekinesis to hold Feng Laixian down, not allowing Feng Laixian to move even an inch.

"Beast King Fist, Taowu Stubborn Body!"

Feng Laixian roared, his body muscles twisted like a dragon coiled and a tiger crouched, the whole person looked like a peerless beast.

Taowu Wanti is the last move of the Beast King Fist besides the secret. This is a breakaway skill that can gather the strength of the whole body and break free from all restraints in an instant.

At this time, Feng Laixian's body shook slightly and broke free from the telekinetic shackles. Then he raised his head suddenly and took a deep breath.

His upper body was like a blown-up balloon. The next moment, Chaos blew out and blasted forward with flames.

A zombie holding a shield quickly blocked in front of Zuo Xiangming, and then was blasted by the flames. However, the flames fell on Zuo Xiangming and were still resisted by the invisible force. Instead, a zombie in the distance exploded directly.

However, Feng Laixian was not panicked at all. He twisted his waist, shook his head and tail, and the flames swept around with the airflow. Those zombies using telekinesis were the first to be hit and were directly burned to ashes by the flames.

He blew this breath for half a minute before it slowly ended.

"Ha, it feels good."

He opened his mouth, white smoke came out of his mouth, and his eyes swept towards Zuo Xiangming.

The smile on Zuo Xiangming's face disappeared, and he looked at Feng Laixian gloomily. Just now, he wanted to order the zombie on his left to create a swamp and trap Feng Laixian in the swamp first. Unfortunately, Feng Laixian exploded too quickly, and Feng Laixian escaped before the zombie's ability spread.

On the city wall, the awakened people saw Feng Laixian escape, and they all showed joy.

Zhang Ping asked curiously: "Sister Weihua, how do you know that the Thousand Needle Fruit is the Feng Pavilion Master's bond?"

"Of course it's because you, little brother Zhang, showed me the attributes of the Feng Pavilion Master, otherwise how would I know." Chen Weihua smiled proudly.

Then she whispered: "Let me tell you a secret. As long as you are knowledgeable enough,

and have the other party's ability information, then it is not difficult to infer what the other party's bond is."

Damn, she pretended.

Zhang Ping was speechless. Even if he knew this secret, he couldn't use it.

"By the way, Sister Weihua, do you want to see your own attributes?" He suddenly remembered that he could also identify Chen Weihua's attributes.

Chen Weihua casually said, "You can look at it if you want, but my attributes are not very good."

"Maybe you can know your affinity through this method?" Zhang Ping said, and simply used the identification on Chen Weihua.

In an instant, two panels popped up at the same time, one was his own attribute panel, and the other was Chen Weihua's attribute panel.

"Little brother Zhang, your attributes are too luxurious." Chen Weihua said with wide eyes in surprise.

Zhang Ping said nothing, quickly closed his own attributes, and then looked at Chen Weihua's attributes.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Chen Weihua]

[Race: Human]

[Power: Pearl Hospital]

[Potential: ???]

[Lifespan: 87]

[Level: Advanced Awakener]

[Level: 23]


[Well-informed and strong memory: can greatly enhance one's memory and ability to process information. ]

[Advanced skills]

[Intermediate-Never forget: All the sounds you have heard will never be forgotten. 】

【Advanced-Photographic Memory: You will never forget any scene you have seen. 】


Zhang Ping knew that even if he turned off his attributes, Chen Weihua would probably have seen everything she should have seen.

No wonder Chen Weihua was responsible for the unified dispatch of all supplies at the South Wall, because her ability in logistics was invincible.

"Sister Weihua, are you a doctor?"

Zhang Ping asked curiously when he saw that Chen Weihua belonged to the Pearl Hospital.

Of course. He also wanted to change the subject.

Chen Weihua smiled and said, "Yes, don't you think my ability is suitable for being a doctor?"

"Suitable." Zhang Ping agreed.

Chen Weihua did not mention Zhang Ping's ability again.

After seeing Zhang Ping's ability, she instantly realized that Zhang Ping must not be an ordinary person. With such exaggerated attributes, even the three major organizations would scramble to get people and compete to train him.

The problem is that Zhang Ping

does not belong to a force, which is very intriguing.

She felt that it would be better for her to be confused and pretend that she didn't see it.

But even so, her favorability towards Zhang Ping increased a lot. After all, which woman would not like a little brother who is pleasant to talk to and has amazing potential.

The night is still very long.

Zhang Ping and Chen Weihua chatted for a while, and seeing that Feng Laixian and Zuo Xiangming were in a stalemate, he decided to return to the safe house.

He was still a little confused. Even if Zuo Xiangming was a lost person, why did he choose to attack Mingzhu City at this time? What was his purpose? Wasn't he afraid of Situ Shibai?

When he said goodbye to Chen Weihua and returned to the safe house, Liu Sishan opened his eyes and said calmly: "Zhang Ping, what's the situation in Mingzhu City?"

"Feng Laixian has escaped, but the enemy is very difficult. I have seen the enemy's attributes..." Zhang Ping replied immediately.

However, when he mentioned the attributes, Liu Sishan said: "I must tell you one thing. When you used the identification, it may be because the main body was in my body, so I also saw the results of the identification."

"Ah, Sister Sisi, you also saw it?" Zhang Ping was stunned, and then surprised.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "So... your blood snake is now living in Chen Weihua?"

Just now Zhang Ping used the identification technique on Chen Weihua, and Liu Sishan also saw the attributes of Chen Weihua and Zhang Ping himself.

"Yeah." Zhang Ping nodded.

Liu Sishan said calmly: "Chen Weihua, the chief coroner of Mingzhu Hospital, is known as Chen Weihua, who kills with laughter. When you contact her, be more careful, don't be sold by her and help her count money."

"Coroner? Killing with laughter?" Zhang Ping was very surprised.

To be honest, he didn't feel any danger when he came into contact with Chen Weihua, and is the coroner considered a doctor?

"In fact, there are three unsolved cases related to Chen Weihua in the cleaning team, but the cleaning team has no direct evidence to prove that these cases were all committed by Chen Weihua. We can only speculate that Chen Weihua should be extremely good at strategizing, strategizing, and killing people invisibly." Liu Sishan said.

Zhang Ping thought carefully, if Chen Weihua wanted to kill people, she could only use stratagems.

After all, Chen Weihua's ability is to be well-informed and have a strong memory. She knows the side knowledge that many people don't know at all, and has information that many people don't know.

As long as you make good use of the knowledge and intelligence you have, it is indeed possible to kill people invisibly.

But when Zhang Ping thought of Chen Weihua using the knowledge she had to kill innocent people, he suddenly lost all his good impression of Chen Weihua.

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