I Contracted Myself

【110】Return with a full load

"The Carrying Dragon Zhongyue, Cone Spear, is three meters long and as heavy as a mountain. The owner, Li Xiaolian, once used this spear to pierce meteorites."

"Beng Lei, a two-handed axe, two meters long and two tons in weight. The wielder, Ao Lie, used this ax to kill hundreds of millions of monsters."

"Xingyuan White Deer, a one-handed sword, one meter and four meters long and weighing one thousand five hundred kilograms. The wielder, Gong Wuye, once split the sea with this sword."

Every weapon has its origin below.

Wuming and Zhang Shouzhong naturally couldn't see all the weapons here. They felt that these weapons seemed to be activated, and finally slowly exited the room.

"Phew, the feeling of oppression is so strong!" Zhang Shouzhong exhaled and couldn't help but say.

Wuming nodded and said: "These weapons seem to still retain the user's energy. This energy has certain superpower properties. After being infected for a long time, these weapons themselves have become somewhat like superpowers materializing!"

The superpowers of the awakened person are all reflections of their own souls. If superpowers can be added to weapons, then theoretically the weapons will be infected by superpowers.

However, it would take a long time to create special equipment in this way.

The lifespan of most awakened people is similar to that of ordinary people, and they have no chance to create special weapons in this way. After the weapons change owners, it will take longer to erase the energy of the previous owner and finally turn the weapons into their own. thing.

Going back and forth is equivalent to changing gears, and it is even more impossible for weapons to become superpowers.

"The weapons here are all good things that have been used by the big guys. If there is a way... wait, Wuming, can you sign a contract with them?" Zhang Shouzhong felt a little regretful at first, then realized what he was doing, looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "It should be possible. I just heard many weapons talking to themselves, saying they wanted to fight, and some wanted to drink blood."

"As long as their wishes are fulfilled, they may not be able to recognize their master, and there is no need to destroy their energy. Is it equivalent to having an extra weapon with superpowers?" Chen Weihua said thoughtfully.

Wuming smiled and said: "Don't be too happy. Check the other rooms first. After making sure there is no danger, we have to go back quickly, so as not to worry Jingyao and the others."

It has been a long time since the three of them came out. Although some people in the rescue team knew that they had come to the training ground, they had not gone out for such a long time. People outside

Probably worried.

"Isn't time in the training place stationary relative to the outside?" Zhang Shouzhong asked without reacting.

Chen Weihua explained: "The problem is that we are not in the land of experience now, but in the land of ten virtues. The time here may be consistent with the flow rate of the outside world."

"Is there any basis for this?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Chen Weihua said calmly: "This is a woman's intuition!"

"Actually, I don't need any intuition. I am already the actual controller of the Ten Good Places. I can confirm that the flow rate of time here is consistent with the outside world." Wuming couldn't help but say at this time.

Every time he solves an evil, he will feel a closer connection between himself and the space, and at the same time, he will feel that the surrounding space becomes more comfortable.

This space is essentially created by Dongfang Cen's superpower. All rules imitate the real world, and there is no anchor point with other worlds!

Now, his understanding of space and anchor points exceeds that of most people, and he also has a deeper understanding of realm players.

When he becomes an awakener, this knowledge will come in handy, and the superpowers he awakens will definitely be more powerful than imagined!

Sometimes, human imagination has limits, and the limits of imagination are often the limits of cognition and vision.

The more complete the knowledge about space, time, and anchor points that Wuming wanted for the super power, the higher the probability of obtaining it, so he revisited his old place and returned to the place where he had experienced to conduct research.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would end up in the Land of Ten Good Things by accident, and so many things would happen.

Now, because the owner of the Ten Good Places has died, when he solves the Ten Evils, he is actually inheriting the legacy of his predecessors. Therefore, he is the owner of the Ten Good Places and the stationmaster of the Hope Outpost.

Next, the three of them continued to check other rooms.

One day later, the three of them finally checked all the rooms. The seven rooms were: seed library, library, weapons library, gene library, drug research and development room, equipment forging room, and base rune research room.

The first three need no introduction. In the remaining four rooms, the gene bank stores a large number of biological genes and also leaves behind countless research materials.

Even the super giant Gu Quan's genes have been retained in a small part, but this requires Wuming's permission to open it. Forcibly opening it by others will only trigger the destruction program, directly destroying the genes of the giant Gu Quan.


The drug research and development room is a place that specializes in researching various potions and medicines. It also retains countless potions and formulas. Just click on the picture to index, and a knowledgeable person can quickly get started and create a large number of useful potions.

In the equipment forging room, there are various armors, equipment, and forging methods, especially the manufacturing methods of several alloys, which can completely improve the technological level of the rescue team by several eras.

In particular, the equipment forging room also has a large number of lathes, which can mass-produce high-precision parts. Some parts that could only be made by superpowers in the past can now be produced with these machines, and the cost will be significantly reduced.

The last base rune research room, Wuming can be said to be like finding a treasure. He originally had a relatively deep research on base runes, but after reading the materials in the base rune research room, he found that his research can only be regarded as a relatively shallow level, and is still far behind his predecessors.

However, now with the research materials of his predecessors, he is confident that he can soon catch up with the level of his predecessors and then surpass them.

It is worth mentioning that the research of base runes requires extremely strong willpower and concentration. The result of people who are not mentally tough enough to study base runes is that they will be distorted by the evil will in the base runes and eventually become various terrifying monsters.

Therefore, not everyone can study base runes, and there are not many people in the rescue team who are qualified to study base runes.

"The rescue team is really going to make a fortune now." Zhang Shouzhong came out of the equipment forging room, wearing a suit of armor, and couldn't help but sigh.

Chen Weihua had been reading books for a day, rubbed his temples, and said weakly: "We can't release them all at once, we can only push them forward slowly."

"The stronger the rescue team is, the more people can be saved, which is a good thing." Wuming walked out of the base rune research room with high spirits and said with a smile.

Chen Weihua glanced at Wuming and smiled: "It seems that you have gained a lot."

"Well, it turns out that each base rune has a double meaning, and the meaning of the bright side and the meaning of the dark side are completely opposite. It's really interesting. The base runes I engraved on the shell of the dragon and the shell of the god of death actually have many problems. When I correct them later, I guarantee that you will be surprised." Wuming said with a smile.

After he finished speaking, he drew a line in the void, and a space crack appeared.

Opposite the space crack was the training ground, and he smiled and said: "Now... let's go back to the headquarters first."

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