I Contracted Myself

【111】The method of using killing to nourish thoughts

Unknowingly, Zhong Dian found that he had become an old man in the Infinite Organization.

After some new members join, he becomes the senior of these new members, and occasionally needs to take these juniors to perform tasks in different worlds.

He released alienated beasts, killed some awakened ones with great potential, and even had the experience of following the King of Darkness on a world-destroying mission.

To be honest, Zhong Dian does not dislike what the Lord of Darkness does, nor does he approve of what the Lord of Darkness does.

His mood became calmer and calmer, with almost no big fluctuations. But because of his calmness and indifference, the King of Darkness gradually trusted him more and began to entrust some more important tasks to his hands. , and he also knows many secrets.

For example, the shortcut to advance to transcendence is to use killing to nourish your mind!

In fact, this advanced method is very simple, that is, don't think about anything, keep killing, and cultivate the desire to kill in the killing.

When one's own murderous thoughts surpass the remaining will left by the King of Darkness on the base runes, he can naturally advance to become a transcendent.

This is the crudest way to advance. Currently, at least 30 people in the Infinite Organization have completed their advancement in this way.

There is another advanced method that is more normal, and that is the suffering training method.

To put it simply, you need to go through a lot of suffering, persist in yourself during these sufferings, and break through yourself again and again, until your own will surpasses the remaining will of the base rune, and finally achieves transcendence.

This method is very cruel. As far as Zhong Dian knows, in the entire Infinite Organization, only Dark Phoenix has advanced through this method.

As for the future realm masters, saint realm masters, divine realm masters, and master masters, it may be because Zhong Zhuan himself is still far away, so although he already knows the path ahead, the specific how to practice has not been taught.

Zhong Dian recorded the information he knew, and also recorded the news that a member was planning to use the Killing Remembrance Technique to advance in the near future, and finally used this information to mourn his lost companions.

early morning.

Wuming and Su Jingyao were running on the sports ground at the rescue team headquarters.

Although Wu Ming is still young and cannot exercise excessively, proper exercise is helpful for physical development, so he does a moderate amount of exercise every day in his free time.


After returning from the Ten Good Places, Wuming took Chen Weihua and other important personnel to the Ten Good Places several times during this period and brought some information back to the headquarters.

Over the past few months, the rescue team headquarters has developed an energy virtual engine. However, this thing requires energy to operate. Most people are not able to use it even if they have spared their physical strength. Therefore, for the time being, it can only be arranged for awakened people, and ordinary people can be developed later. A version that everyone can use.

After a series of modifications, the engine can be directly implanted into the body of the awakened person, just like adding an organ.

It can provide many excellent functions for the awakened person. The effect is similar to information control, but it does not have as powerful information processing capabilities as information control.

At the same time, each energy virtual engine can also be interconnected through the ultra-large energy virtual engine currently constructed at the rescue team headquarters. To put it simply...online.

Wuming has not yet awakened, so he does not have this engine installed, but he can connect to the Internet through the engine installed in the Death God shell, and he is also qualified to access the Internet.


When Wuming finished his run and walked back, Chen Weihua was already waiting at the door of his house.

"Sister Weihua, what's the matter?" Wuming asked as his face turned red from running.

Chen Weihua nodded and said: "We have the latest information from Infinite Organization!"

"What about the informant's safety?"

Wuming did not ask for new information immediately, but was worried about the informant's safety.

"Don't worry, he is safe now, and recently we have tried to recruit many existing members of the Infinite Organization. When the opportunity is ripe, we will arrange for more people to enter the Infinite Organization to investigate intelligence." Chen Weihua smiled. replied.

After getting a partial list of Infinite Organization members, she was ready to recruit more people on the list. Different individuals from different worlds were recruited, trained first, and finally even rewritten some of their memories so that they did not know that they were spies.

The three of them walked while talking. After entering the house, Wuming sat on the sofa and asked, "Is the Infinite Organization making another big move?"

"There are no big moves, and the world should not be destroyed again in the near future, but the informant's information this time is very special, take a look." Chen Weihua said

, handed a piece of information to Wuming.

Wuming realized at the beginning that relying too much on information control would hinder his independent thinking, so he did not use information control to understand the information at that time.

After he read the information, he looked at Chen Weihua after a while and asked: "Does it need to be so important to a shrimp who is not even a transcendent? Just let him be beautiful."

"We have this person in our rescue team. His name is Chen Xingquan. In more than 30% of the parallel worlds we have discovered so far, his ability is 'distortion radiation', and another 2% In Ten's world, his ability is called 'Alienation Trio', both of which are the ability to summon beasts.

We are not afraid that he will act openly and openly, but we are afraid that he will hide in a certain place and transform the creatures with radiation, and finally massacre countless creatures. " Chen Weihua explained.

Wuming suddenly said: "I understand. In this case, it is difficult even if you want to send people to search. People who are too weak are easily killed by him, and people who are too strong don't have so much time."

"So this time, Wuming and Renmei are still needed. The rescue team is now in need of the top strongmen, which is indeed our weakness." Chen Weihua said helplessly.

The members of the Infinite Organization are the top strongmen in each world, and after joining the Infinite Organization, they can also receive the teachings of the Dark King, so their strength is not comparable to that of ordinary awakeners.

The rescue team is different.

The rescue team mainly depends on whether the joiners have a righteous heart and a spirit of self-sacrifice, and strength is secondary.

At present, in the rescue team, if ranked by strength, the first echelon is Wuming and Lin Renmei, the second echelon is the team led by Bai Yating, the third echelon is the team led by Zhang Shouzhong, Cheng Xuejie and others, the fourth echelon is the various rescue teams in the rescue team, and finally the various auxiliary departments.

In fact, these are not combat departments, and the members are basically not considered combat power.

"Top strongmen cannot be cultivated by training. Talent, ability, and luck are all indispensable. This is also unavoidable." Wuming comforted Chen Weihua.

He knew how much effort Chen Weihua had put in to train top powerhouses, but the rewards in this regard were indeed not satisfactory.

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