I Contracted Myself

【112】Ana City

parallel world.

A large number of monsters are eyeing the distant city.

Farther away, Chen Xingquan was hiding in the body of an alienated lion, also feeling the breath of human life in the distance.

In fact, the worries of Wuming and others are necessary, but not necessary, because the method of cultivating thoughts through killing requires feeling the progress of killing. If you are not present, how can you feel the killing intention and death, and how can you cultivate the thoughts in your heart? Thoughts of killing.

Therefore, wherever there is killing, Chen Xingquan must be present himself!

However, Wu Ming's guess came true. Chen Xingquan himself did not want to commit more crimes, but he was too eager to become a transcendent.

There are too many strong people in the Infinite Organization. He was forcibly pulled into the organization by the King of Darkness. Facing a lot of big bosses who were stronger than him, he really felt too insecure.

Therefore, after a long period of painful struggle, he still made up his mind to use the method of killing and raising thoughts to try to break through. Only by becoming a transcendent could he have the courage to continue to stay in the Infinite Organization.

"I'm sorry, but I have a reason to live. Besides, even if I don't kill you, you will eventually die!"

Chen Xingquan looked at the city named Ana City in the distance, silently defending in his heart, and then he controlled all the irradiated monsters to charge.

Ana City is a beautiful small city, only one-third the size of Pearl City. It is said that its founder was a girl named Ana.

According to legend, this girl has dark green hair, bluer pupils, and a breathtaking charm with every smile.

The most important thing is that Ana is very kind. She moved the alienated beasts around her with her kindness, so the alienated beasts took the initiative to give up a piece of land to Ana, so Ana settled here.

Later, some savages from the villages and some adventurers from far away gradually gathered around Ana, and Ana's residence gradually became what is now Ana City.

Now, Ana has long become a legend, but Ana City still stands here, and has never been attacked by alienated beasts.

"A Feng, you are late again."

A doorman scolded the sleepy doorman next to him.

The guard named Afeng smiled carelessly: "What does it matter? Everyone knows that Ana City is the safest city. There has not been an invasion of alien beasts in hundreds of years. The two of us

The person named ‘Gatekeeper’ is actually just a mascot. "

"Every time I say something to you, you speak plausibly. I'm too stupid to talk to you. But if you're late again, the captain will definitely talk to you. Just don't cry and your salary will be deducted. I won't lend you any Anakin next month." You." The guard said seriously.

If you look closely, it turns out that the guard who scolded Ah Feng is actually a tomboy. His round and slightly dark face is actually quite delicate, and paired with a pair of blue eyes, he is a perfect little beauty. When he grows up, he will definitely become a big beauty.

"Amei, you can't be so heartless." A Feng immediately wailed.

He needs Ami's help every month to survive. If Ami refuses to lend him Anakin, he may really starve to death next month.

"Then you work hard and don't spend three days fishing and two days drying nets." Ami said seriously.

Afeng smiled and said: "What can happen to the guard? We have been guarding the door here for three years, and not a single mouse has been seen. If there is an alienated beast coming, don't you think I will shoot each one..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a slight vibration on the ground.

Ah Feng stopped his unfinished words and looked into the distance, only to see countless monsters of various shapes crashing towards him.

"Oh my god, something bad is going to happen. There is an alien beast attack!" A Mei reacted and immediately exclaimed, pulling Feng who was still in a daze, turned around and ran away.

She ran into the city gate and immediately sounded the alarm bell that had not sounded for hundreds of years.

clang! clang! clang!

When the bell rang three times, everyone in Ana City stopped what they were doing and started talking.

Is there any hostility?

The question is is it possible?

Several old people heard the bell and didn't take it seriously at all. One of them smiled bitterly and said: "It's probably some kid who is unwilling to be lonely and wants to be in the limelight. Let's continue."

"Hahaha, when I was a doorman, I also thought about ringing the bell, but in the end I didn't dare to do it. The young man today is so brave." An old man sighed.

At this time, A Mei pulled A Feng and ran while warning: "A large number of alienated beasts are coming. Everyone, prepare to fight. The elderly, children, and pregnant women should hide quickly, quickly, quickly!"

"Amei, you are also fooling around with Ah Feng. This must be Ah Feng's idea, Ah Feng... don't pretend to be stupid, you are a bad guy, you lead Ah Mei astray every time." A girl saw the two of them.

He rushed over in a hurry, not believing what A Mei said at all, so he said with a smile.

A Mei shook off A Feng's hand, grabbed the girl's shoulder, and yelled: "I'm not kidding, there are really a lot of alienated beasts coming, prepare quickly, otherwise it will be too late."

"Amei, are you telling the truth?" the girl suddenly turned pale.

Amei was about to burst into tears as she sobbed: "There really are alienated beasts. Believe me, everyone. Look, the city gates are closing!"

Only then did some pedestrians on the street realize that the city wall was in chaos, and many militiamen were making preparations. However, the next second the originally closed city gate suddenly bulged and then exploded.

Countless huge alienated beasts broke into the city, and screams came one after another.

"It's over, the alienated beast has entered the city." Ami looked at the huge, muscular alienated beast, and her whole body suddenly lost strength.

These alien beasts are actually very abnormal. First of all, most of the fur-bearing alien beasts have signs of festering, and there are even bloodstains in many places. Moreover, their bodies are abnormally strong, which is completely unlike the result of natural growth.

In addition, most of the fur-less alien beasts have very pale skin, which is a kind of paleness without blood, and various strange organs or tumors grow on the surface of the skin, which makes people feel sick just by looking at it.

However, these alien beasts are really strong. The house is like cardboard in front of them. It will explode with a slight collision. The people inside are like fireworks. The blood and intestines are scattered everywhere, and the bones and brains are flying.

"Sorry, forgive me!"

Chen Xingquan hid in the body of the alien beast, looking at the dead people around him, and said silently.

However, after the apology, he gradually showed a morbid smile. In the infinite organization, he is the younger brother among the younger brothers. It is really too depressing.

Now he finally felt comfortable. No one could control his own life. He could only trample on the lives of others. The lives of these people were all in his hands. He only needed to think about it, and the alien beast would tear everyone here to pieces.

"I feel it, the killing intent is being released!"

Chen Xingquan laughed to himself, but when the alien beast walked in front of a dead person, he restrained his smile and pretended to be sad: "Sorry, but you were going to die anyway. Now it's just the difference between dying early and dying late. Thank you for your contribution!"

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