I Contracted Myself

【113】Brother A-Long


After Chen Xingquan finished speaking, he was silent for a moment, then suddenly burst into laughter.

so happy.

I'm so happy.

Here he only needs to apologize for doing something wrong. No one can do anything to him. He doesn't need to pay any price at all.

"Kill, let the wails form a beautiful melody, and become a noble tribute for me to climb the ladder of transcendence!" He closed his eyes and carefully felt the painful and fearful screams of the residents of Ana City, and the murderous intention in his heart became more and more intense. .

Black Tribulation Fire!

Suddenly, a black flame burst from the distance.

A deformed alien beast was unable to dodge because its body was too bloated. It was immediately hit by black flames. After wailing, its body directly turned into a pile of black ashes.

"Oh, there are experts in this poor country?" Chen Xingquan squinted his eyes and looked in the direction where the flames were bombarded.

A man wearing a tattered cloak and a lightning-shaped scar on his face rushed against the flow of people. He was very fast and rushed to the front after a few ups and downs.


Many soldiers who were defending fiercely saw the man and immediately cheered in surprise.

The man named Aaron did not speak, but just stared at the alienated beasts around him. Then he took a deep breath and punched the alienated beast closest to him. The alienated beast was jumping on a soldier, with his mouth open. He tried to bite off the soldier's head with his mouth, but he was held back by the soldier with a spear, and he only missed it just a little bit.

However, its saliva kept dripping, and the soldier's face was covered with the alienated beast's saliva.

When the soldier thought he couldn't bear it, Aaron punched out, and then black flames appeared from the gap in his fist, and the alien beast was immediately pierced by the black flames.

The soldier pushed hard, and the alienated beast fell to the side. It was already dead and could no longer die.

"Thank you, Brother Aaron!" the soldier said gratefully.

Aaron said calmly: "Go and help others."

After saying that, he rushed in the other direction and rescued a soldier who was almost disemboweled by the alien beast.

He threw the soldier behind him with one hand, and then sprayed out a stream of flames with the other hand when the alien beast opened its mouth and bit it. The alien beast swallowed the flames, and its abdomen suddenly burst open.

, only the head fell on the ground.

"What a powerful flame!" Chen Xingquan said slightly solemnly.

Before he became a transcendent, he was only a top-level awakener. He only had more knowledge and methods because he had received the 'education of love' from the King of Darkness.

If he was hit head-on by Aaron's black flames, his life would also be in danger.

The King of Darkness doesn't care about his life or death. I'm afraid he will just go to other worlds to recruit another 'Chen Xingquan'.

The problem is that the other Chen Xingquan is another Chen Xingquan, not him at all!

"Sure enough, I should be calmer. I can't underestimate the enemy just because I joined the Infinite Organization. The world is still big, and there will always be some terrifying existences." He thought to himself, and then controlled the alienated beast he was hiding to retreat.

Not to mention, members of the Infinite Organization have been hunted before, but the murderer has not yet been found.

He also heard from some seniors that there seemed to be moles from other organizations in the Infinite Organization who specialized in hunting members of the organization. Now the King of Darkness is recruiting members aggressively, in fact, to target that mole.

Of course, these words were information he summarized himself. Those old members never admitted that they had said these words, and they only said them in a joking tone.

It's dangerous enough within the organization, plus there are other organizations that are eyeing it, so he can't wait to advance!

After all, the power of an organization is only an external force. If you want to stand firm, you still have to rely on your own strength. If you have strength, you don't have to be afraid of anything. You can defeat any conspiracy and conspiracy with force.

However, Chen Xingquan underestimated Aaron's vision.

The surrounding alienated beasts were all advancing and fighting wantonly. Only the alienated beast that Chen Xingquan was hiding in was retreating. Aaron could spot this disharmonious alienated beast at a glance.

"That alienated beast is the leader of these alienated beasts. Everyone, cover me and kill!" Aaron pointed at the retreating alienated beast, roared, and immediately rushed towards the group of alienated beasts.

The soldiers who were struggling to resist were immediately refreshed when they heard Aaron's words, and their morale increased visibly.

In fact, these soldiers are not afraid of death. What they are afraid of is that after they die, their families will be killed by these alien beasts and become food.

Now that Aaron has discovered the leader, once he can kill the leader, the morale of these alien beasts will definitely be greatly reduced, and they will even flee directly.

"Everyone, come on, fight a way for Brother Aaron!" shouted the soldier who had just been rescued by Aaron.

Others also responded one after another, directly fighting with the surrounding alienated beasts, gradually opening the way for Aaron. Aaron himself was the head of the gun, killing faster than the soldiers. Wherever the black flames passed, countless alienated beasts turned into ash.

"No, no, why are this guy's eyes so vicious!" Chen Xingquan's face turned pale, and he controlled the alienated beasts to retreat crazily, while also controlling more alienated beasts to block Aaron's progress.

The problem is that Aaron is too fierce.

The tattered cloak on his body had been torn to pieces in the fierce battle, revealing his strong upper body. There were scars all over his body, and countless scars formed a dragon of scars on his body.

Even if he was injured, even if he was bleeding, he kept a close eye on the alien beast that Chen Xingquan was hiding in, and rushed forward firmly, leaving bloody footprints every step of the way.

When he came within ten meters of Chen Xingquan, he had turned into a bloody man, only his eyes full of murderous intent and high morale were shining, exuding a thrilling momentum.

"How terrible, how terrible, how can there be such a terrible person in this world!"

Chen Xingquan's face turned pale and he screamed in horror, and then a terrifying radiation burst out from his body. The temperature within a few hundred meters around him rose rapidly, and countless alien beasts began to mutate crazily.


Aaron was also affected by the radiation, and he howled in pain. His body began to mutate crazily. Two heads grew directly on his shoulders, and then two more heads grew on his head.

"Brother Aaron!"

Some soldiers saw this scene and exclaimed.

"Kill you!"

Aaron locked his eyes on the alien beast where Chen Xingquan was hiding in pain, and then a large amount of black flames came out of his body, and he pounced directly on the alien beast.

But at this moment, an alien beast in the shape of an ape appeared out of nowhere and knocked Chen Xingquan out of the air.

"Hahaha, this is really scary. It's better to kill such an enemy quickly." Chen Xingquan said with a strange smile.

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