I Contracted Myself

【114】One move away from winning

The member that the King of Darkness can like must be the top awakened person in a certain parallel world.

Although Chen Xingquan is the younger brother in the Infinite Organization, it does not mean that he is really weak. In fact, his superpowers are extremely abnormal, and most awakened people have no way to defend against his attacks.

Once the body begins to deform, the strength of most awakened people will drop significantly, and they will only die when facing Chen Xingquan.

Moreover, the reason why Infinite Organization recruited Chen Xingquan is that this ability actually has the potential of "infinite level". When Chen Xingquan can completely control the direction of radiation distortion, he can transform his body at will, and even make himself in A variety of special abilities arise from the distortion.

This is basically no different from the infinite level.

Of course, Chen Xingquan has not yet developed the ability in this area, so he needs to hide in the body of the alienated beast and control a large number of alienated beasts to kill. After all, he is only a top awakened person now.

If the enemy can attack him from a long distance, there is still a certain danger.

"Quickly, save Brother Aaron!"

Those soldiers all went crazy, attacking the surrounding alien beasts desperately, even exchanging their lives for their lives.

A soldier took advantage of the alienated beast biting his neck and stabbed the alienated beast's eye with a spear. The spear penetrated directly through the alienated beast's eye and penetrated into the brain, but the alienated beast bit his neck as a result.

Before dying, he stared at the place where Aaron fell, and finally his head hung down weakly.

There was also a soldier whose lower body had been bitten by the alienated beast. When the alienated beast swung his body, the long knife slashed wildly. When his body was broken, the alienated beast was also chopped into bloody pieces.


The soldiers roared excitedly.


Aaron climbed up, glanced in the direction of the soldiers, and then yelled.

He has a large number of abnormal organs on his body. These organs do not provide him with positive help. Instead, they are painful, cumbersome, and seriously slow down his speed and affect his performance.

But he knew very well that he had to win now. If he couldn't win, Ana City would be in danger.

"You have such a strong will to fight, no, you must avoid its edge!"

When Chen Xingquan saw Aaron rushing towards him with great momentum, he immediately muttered to himself.

The alienated beast he was hiding in immediately retreated, and more alienated beasts stood in front of him, and even part of the basement was blocked from entering.

It emerged from the ground, split its head like a plant, and sprayed acid at Aaron.

Aaron waved his hand, and the black flame evaporated the acid. He gritted his teeth and rushed forward, completely disregarding his own safety.

But at this moment, an alien beast that looked like a mantis took the opportunity to take action, cut off one of his arms in an instant, and ran away holding it.

The healing abilities of some alienated beasts are extremely abnormal. If the broken arm is left behind, Aaron is not allowed to pick up the arm and reconnect it to continue fighting.

Chen Xingquan is a very cautious person and would naturally not make such a stupid mistake.

"Oh haha, I'm missing an arm, let's see what you can do with me!" Chen Xingquan said with a sneer as he looked at Aaron who was stumbling while running after losing his arm.

But it's still too dangerous now.

Chen Xingquan doesn't like danger. Just as when he saw the King of Darkness, he decisively knelt down and surrendered. When he saw other members of the Infinite Organization, he decisively played the role of his younger brother.

There are too many perverts in the Infinite Organization. His abilities are very strong, but they can only be considered average in the Infinite Organization.

Even among the top awakened ones, there is a perverted existence like Zhong Dian who plays with time. Compared with Zhong Dian's ability, his ability is simply scum.

Of course, this is all in the past.

When he advances to a transcendent, and then uses the route customized for him by the Lord of Darkness, he will soon transform from an ordinary superpower into a person with infinite abilities.

At that time, he also had the opportunity to play with time and even more concepts.

He has seen Dark Phoenix's methods, the fire of time, the fire of space, the fire of life and death, the fire of near and far, the fire of acceleration. Just the flames were played by Dark Phoenix to unprecedented heights, and all concepts can be used Form a flame.

The King of Darkness is too powerful, and Chen Xingquan may not be able to catch up with him in his lifetime. Dark Phoenix Fairy is the goal he wants to surpass.

"Suffer death!"

When Chen Xingquan was summarizing the present and looking forward to the future, a sudden roar brought him back to his senses.

When he saw Aaron, his eyes suddenly widened. At this time, Aaron was missing one leg and a waist, and the other leg was also wrapped around the alienated snake.

But in this case, Aaron rushed over.

"not good!"

Chen Xingquan realized that he had been careless. Being distracted during battle was definitely a taboo!

Although he always said that Aaron was 'so strong, so dangerous, and so scary', in fact, he didn't have anything in his heart.

Have you really looked at Aaron seriously?

In his mind, this place is a remote place, and with his ability there is no way he can match it.

He underestimated Aaron's strength and also underestimated Aaron's determination.


Aaron's fist with black flames fell directly on the alienated beast's head from top to bottom, and the alienated beast's brain was instantly wiped out.


Aaron and the alienated beast both fell.


Aaron fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood. His body was completely unable to move. He knew that even if the alienated beasts retreated after losing their leader, he would have no way of survival. These alienated beasts would tear him apart.

But at this moment, he noticed the fallen mutant, and his eyes widened suddenly.

The mutant whose head he had blown off, the belly opened little by little, and a thin man with hair like a hedgehog slowly emerged from it.


"Is it the person eaten by the mutant?"

"How is it possible that he can still be alive after being eaten?"

Along stared at Chen Xingquan with wide eyes, his mind was a little confused, and he didn't understand the situation.

"This is definitely the closest time I have ever been to death. It's so dangerous and terrible." Chen Xingquan said to himself at this time.

He understood why Aaron only blew up the mutant's brain, because in Aaron's eyes, this mutant was the leader, it was not safe to hit the heart, and only by knocking out the brain could the mutant be killed.

But Aaron didn't expect that this mutant was not a leader at all, and Chen Xingquan hiding in the mutant's belly was the culprit of all this.


Along heard Chen Xingquan's words and immediately realized that he had made a mistake.

It turned out that this was not an animal disaster, but a man-made disaster, and the murderer was right in front of him.

"Oh, it seems that you have discovered it, so I must kill him to silence him!" Chen Xingquan saw A Long staring at him angrily and hatefully, and immediately said with a smile.

He raised his hand, and a cross of red light suddenly appeared on his finger.

But at this moment, the space suddenly rippled, and a three-meter-tall death god appeared silently on the battlefield. For a moment, the hot battlefield suddenly became inexplicably cold, and both humans and alien beasts had a feeling of goose bumps.

"It seems... I am one step late again!"

Wuming looked at the bloody scenes around him and sighed softly.

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