I Contracted Myself

【115】Forward distortion

"I'm damned!"

When Chen Xingquan saw Wuming appearing, he felt like he had seen a natural enemy.

His super power is to give living things distortion and evolution, but the Death Shell that Wuming is currently using is an aggregation of "dark death" superpowers, and his radiation has no effect on the Death Shell.

"It's terrible, we must retreat!"

As soon as Chen Xingquan had an idea, all the monsters around him gave up their opponents and pounced on Wuming from different directions.

But at this time, Wuming waved the sickle made of death energy in his hand, killing all the monsters instantly. The shell of the death god was more than three meters tall, but its arms could be long or short. The longest could extend to dozens of meters away. The attack range was special. big,

It's short when you say it's long.

All of the above happens instantly.

The time from Wuming's appearance to Chen Xingquan's decision to run away actually only lasted about half a second.

By the time Wuming had dealt with the surrounding monsters, Chen Xingquan had already disappeared.

Wuming didn't care about Chen Xingquan who was running away, because Lin Renmei was also here. Chen Xingquan would only feel more profound fear while alive, and what he had to do now was to clean up the mess.

He walked up to Aaron, stretched out his fingers slowly, and a green line immediately shot out from his fingers, connecting right to Aaron's chest.

For a moment, Aaron opened his eyes suddenly and felt a majestic life force emerging from his chest.

His broken arms and legs immediately grew back, and his body was even healthier than before.

Wuming did not talk to Aaron. After the treatment, he immediately went to the next injured person and started a new treatment. Aaron got up from the ground and looked at the terrifying image of the death shell. He felt that Wuming's behavior was inconsistent and at the same time very... Thank you, I didn’t know what to say for a moment.

On the other side, Chen Xingquan was hiding in the body of a mutated prairie dog and was quickly traveling away from Ana City through the underground.

In fact, he doesn't like to put his eggs in one basket. He has already thought of many retreats when attacking, and this is just one of his many retreats.

"What a terrifying monster. Is that a member of a hostile organization? Is he coming to kill me?" Chen Xingquan's mind was spinning rapidly, and guesses kept popping up.

But at this moment, the earth suddenly shook, the ground in front of the prairie dog exploded violently, and the entire land was tilted up.

The groundhog sprinted like an inertia, rushing directly out of the ground.

The body is exposed on the fracture.

"Got you!"

Lin Renmei looked at the groundhog and said calmly.

"It's indeed... an enemy attack!"

Chen Xingquan's heart rang with alarm bells, and he activated his most powerful ability without saying a word.

One-time distortion wave!

His body suddenly turned orange and a large amount of radiation erupted from his body. The body of the groundhog he was hiding in suddenly expanded crazily and turned into an indescribable monster in the blink of an eye.

It roared and immediately stretched out its sharp claws to grab Lin Renmei in the air.

Lin Renmei didn't even blink. The moment the mutated prairie dog approached, she punched out lightly. The space vibrated violently in an instant. The swollen prairie dog's flesh and blood collapsed and turned into blood under this punch. fog.

"He ran pretty fast!"

Lin Renmei did not look at the groundhog, but looked up at the sky.

In the sky, a giant eagle quickly fled the scene, and Chen Xingquan was riding on the back of the giant eagle, with an extremely solemn expression on his face.

Fortunately, he activated his ability to escape first, otherwise if Lin Renmei's punch had affected him, his fate would not have been much better than that of a groundhog.

This woman is so scary.

"Top three?"

Chen Xingquan guessed in his mind where Lin Renmei would rank if she joined Infinite.

It is true that he himself is a younger brother, but he has also seen some members take action. Lin Renmei's attacks are definitely not inferior to Bai De in the Infinite Organization.

At this time, he felt Lin Renmei's breath approaching quickly, his face suddenly changed slightly, and when he turned around, he saw Lin Renmei flying quickly.

He gritted his teeth and turned around, raised his hand and shot a beam of radiation at Lin Renmei, but the beam had no effect at all when it landed on Lin Renmei.

"It's no use?"

Chen Xingquan gritted his teeth, raised his hand again, and prayed silently in his heart.

Radiation distortion is a super power that is difficult to control in one move. Although he already has experience and can ensure that the radiated creatures will not die within a certain range, the result is really very random, good or bad.

He was eager to advance just to control the radiation distortion and make himself more perfect.

Theoretically, as long as he can control the direction of radiation distortion, he will one day evolve into the ultimate creature, and will have no weaknesses and be omnipotent!


Fat woman! "

Chen Xingquan roared and shot a distorted radiation ray at Lin Renmei.

But Lin Renmei still refused to dodge and faced Chen Xingquan's attack head-on.

Her passive ability makes her immune to all abilities that are harmful to herself. Although this kind of immunity is not truly absolute immunity, Chen Xingquan is only a top-level awakener, and she is already a transcendent. With a big gap, she does not believe that Chen Xingquan can hurt herself.

But when the ray fell on her, her eyes widened and she realized that Chen Xingquan's ability actually worked on her.

The organs in her body changed rapidly and formed a perfect internal circulation system. From then on, she no longer had to think about breathing problems, because she could breathe or not.

"It works, but it's just not obvious?" Chen Xingquan secretly guessed when he saw Lin Renmei seemed a little stunned for a moment.

Even, he thought darkly, maybe Lin Renmei's mutation was in sensitive areas that ordinary people couldn't see, and it wasn't even certain that she changed from a woman to a man.

Although this distortion did not have a great impact on the battle, it at least proved that his ability could still deal with Lin Renmei.

If it doesn’t work once, do it twice; if it doesn’t work twice, do it three times!

Sooner or later, Lin Renmei will be radiated into a fat, sarcoma-covered, cumbersome monster. No matter how powerful Lin Renmei's strange power is, she will not be his opponent by then.

He raised his hand and fired another radiation ray.

Lin Renmei frowned, but still did not choose to dodge. When the ray fell on her, she found that the world she saw was brighter and the colors were richer.

Normal people's eyes can only see three primary colors, but she can see a large number of colors at this moment, many of which she has never seen before.

What's even more amazing is that this situation is controllable. She can adjust the picture she wants to see at will, and even switch her heat vision at will.

"So that's it. The harmful parts of Chen Xingquan's radiation distortion are completely ineffective on me. Only the positive and beneficial effects can work on me. And my potential is destined that once I have the opportunity, my body will automatically move towards a higher level." The evolution of life forms at different levels, so Chen Xingquan’s ability will give me more abilities.”

Lin Renmei thought secretly, and then simply showed a painful expression to lure Chen Xingquan to take action against her.

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