I Contracted Myself

【116】Same means

In fact, there are several Chen Xingquan in the rescue team.

These Chen Xingquan are all working in the medical research group, not combat personnel.

After Lin Renmei knew that Chen Xingquan's ability was beneficial to her, she could actually go to the rescue team to receive radiation.

However, with free radiation, why should she waste merits to invite Chen Xingquan from the rescue team? You know, even she has many places where merits are needed.

Therefore, she deliberately showed pain, the purpose is to get this Chen Xingquan's radiation.

Sure enough, Chen Xingquan was fooled, and he sneered in his heart: "I wonder how long you can endure!"

Then he shot radiation rays at Lin Renmei again.

Afterwards, he kept attacking Lin Renmei, and Lin Renmei even staggered while flying, and seemed to be very uncomfortable. In order to pretend more, she even used the biological force field to prop up her clothes slightly, making it look like a part of her body had mutated.

But the actual situation is that her bones have evolved, her healing ability has been greatly improved, her poison resistance is directly stacked, and her sense of smell is enhanced, which is equivalent to 500 times that of a dog.

Unfortunately, after a while, Chen Xingquan's radiation was completely ineffective against her.

No matter how many radiation rays Chen Xingquan shot at her, she did not have any new abilities. It was obvious that Chen Xingquan's abilities were no longer useful to her.

"Have you shot enough?"

Lin Renmei simply gave up her disguise and suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xingquan, asking lightly.

At this moment, even if Chen Xingquan was stupid, he could realize that everything just now was just Lin Renmei's disguise. When thinking about his own abilities, how could he not understand why Lin Renmei disguised herself.

"Hahahahaha, ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous, how could there be such a person!" He could not accept it at this moment and roared at Lin Renmei.

Then Lin Renmei punched out, and Chen Xingquan and the giant eagle turned into blood mist.

After dealing with Chen Xingquan, Lin Renmei turned around and prepared to leave. Suddenly, a terrifying pressure appeared inexplicably. She suddenly stagnated and slowly turned around to look at the blood mist.

A black hole opened in the blood mist, and the King of Darkness walked out slowly from it.


The Dark King saw Lin Renmei and showed a surprised and unexpected expression.

Then he showed a bad smile and said, "So that's it.

I understand. You are the rat who hides his head and shows his tail and secretly assassinates my dog ​​slaves!"

"But... why?" The Dark King approached Lin Renmei and asked in a gloomy tone.

Lin Renmei instantly activated the holy ring, and her body was directly locked in the coffin. The Dark King frowned and punched out, and the coffin was directly blown up. Lin Renmei immediately spit out a mouthful of blood and felt that his internal organs were shattered.

"I'm asking you, why?" The Dark King said word by word.

Lin Renmei spit out the blood that surged to his throat and sneered, "Why? Even I, an uneducated person, have heard of the truth that 'the righteous will have many supporters, and the unrighteous will have few supporters'. Don't you understand?"

"Hahahahahaha, the righteous will have many supporters, and the unrighteous will have few supporters? That can only prove that you are not strong enough!" The Dark King laughed wildly.

Lin Renmei sneered: "If you are strong enough, you don't have to destroy other worlds!"


The Dark King lost his smile immediately.

He admitted that Lin Renmei was right. For the safety of the base camp, he must destroy the world close to the base camp, otherwise the worlds will collide, and even he can't guarantee anything.

"Maybe for a single ant, the dung beetle is already a strong one, but for an elephant, is there any difference between an ant and a dung beetle, Mr. Dung Beetle?" Lin Renmei saw that his words were useful, and immediately continued.

The Dark King suddenly showed an extremely cold smile. He looked at Lin Renmei and smiled: "You succeeded in making me angry, Miss Ant!"

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and touched Lin Renmei's forehead.

"I admit that I am not invincible, but... a mere ant dares to show its teeth and claws in front of the great dung beetle. Are you ready to bear the wrath of a dung beetle like me?"

At this moment, with the Dark King as the center, the world seemed to be expelled. Lin Renmei suddenly felt her eyebrows burning hot. She groaned, and then she saw the Dark King suddenly slap her.


This slap was very hard, just like the slap that An Jiahe slapped Mei Xiangnan.

Lin Renmei only felt dizzy, and finally her consciousness fell into endless darkness.

"Where is this...?"

When Lin Renmei woke up again, she found herself imprisoned in a cage with her hands and feet shackled.

Then she found that there were other cages around her, and those cages held all kinds of people or alien beasts. She tried her ability and found that she seemed to have turned back into an ordinary person, and she couldn't even open the cage.

"Is this the Dark King's method?" She thought to herself.

Obviously, the Dark King sealed her superpowers and banished her to this world. As for what he wants to do, it is not known yet.

However, if it is too dangerous, she will commit suicide decisively, and Wuming will revive her in the rescue team at that time.

The most important thing now is to collect clues and determine the current situation. If she can survive, she definitely does not want to die, mainly because death will cause her to lose her memories during this period, and these memories are very important!

In the cage, she recalled the previous scene, and she was sure in her heart that Chen Xingquan might be a bait deliberately released by the Dark King, with the purpose of catching the person who killed the Infinite Organization.

The Dark King didn't know who the traitor was, so he simply treated everyone as a traitor and a bait.

At this moment, someone suddenly walked in from outside the room. Lin Renmei immediately put away her thoughts and observed the visitor calmly.

The other party was a middle-aged man with a big belly, wearing soft leather armor and holding a whip that was obviously a special equipment. After he came in, he looked at the people in the cage, then smiled badly and said, "Bastards, do you want to eat?"

"Yes, sir, please give me something to eat, I'm starving." A thin man immediately said.

As soon as he spoke, other people also shouted in unison. The middle-aged man didn't care, but looked at Lin Renmei and frowned, "Who sent this? I don't think I've seen it before."

Then he stepped forward and tried to push Lin Renmei's hair away with the end of the whip handle.

In an instant, Lin Renmei grabbed the whip handle, but then the shackles emitted a strong electric current, and her body suddenly went numb, and she leaned against the back of the cage.

"Hahahaha, it's actually a fierce horse." The middle-aged man laughed.

But as he laughed, he felt that the atmosphere was not right. He found that the woman in the cage showed a look of surprise and joy, while the people in the other cages were trembling.


He felt that something was wrong. What was behind him?

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