I Contracted Myself


"Sure enough, Sister Weihua guessed right. There is a high probability that Chen Xingquan is the bait. It's really a bait." Wuming looked past the middle-aged man's bald head and looked at Lin Renmei, and said quietly.

When the middle-aged man heard the nameless voice, he immediately gritted his teeth and turned around. He raised his hand and wanted to whip the unknown enemy behind him, but then he saw a black wall.

He kept raising his hands and slowly raised his head. When he saw the iconic skull of the death shell, his body suddenly trembled and he fell to the ground shaking. He was so frightened that he passed out.

"Have you guessed it a long time ago?" Lin Renmei asked dissatisfied.

Wuming said helplessly: "It's just a guess, but I guarantee that your life will not be in danger. You should be very clear about this, Renmei."

"You can't let me know, that's because if I know, the reaction will easily reveal flaws. Once a flaw appears, the Lord of Darkness will definitely get more information." Lin Renmei reacted quickly and said to Wuming.

Wuming snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "That's exactly it."

As he said that, he opened the cage. Lin Renmei came out of the cage and frowned: "But now I have super powers sealed by the King of Darkness. Is there anything you can do?"

"Don't worry, I'm familiar with the seal of the Lord of Darkness. I'll study it later and it won't be a big problem." Wuming said with a smile.

Then he felt that he was bragging too much, and added: "Even if something goes wrong, at worst, I will teach you the Hidden Dragon Transformation Method, and you can still be my childhood sweetheart!"

"Fuck your childhood sweetheart." Lin Renmei said angrily and with a smile.

Then Lin Renmei looked at the slaves in the surrounding cages who were afraid to speak, and asked, "By the way, what's going on here?"

"A gladiatorial arena, a very cruel and depraved place." Wuming replied.

Then he controlled the death shell's chest to open, and said to Lin Renmei: "You come in first, we probably need to deal with a lot of things today."

"Can you still pretend to be someone else?" Lin Renmei asked in surprise.

Wuming smiled and said: "The dragon shell is not enough yet, but the death shell is."

When Lin Renmei entered the shell of the God of Death, he distributed some food to the people in the cage, but did not open the cage. After handing out the food, he left the room and walked inside along the passage.

"I followed the blood in your body to find this world, this arena

Known as the "Falling Palace", female slaves will be stripped naked and engage in a life-and-death fight. If the loser does not die, he will be eaten as food by the wild beasts released, and he will be eaten in front of countless guests. "

"On the contrary, it is much simpler for men. They just fight wild beasts and alienated beasts. If you survive, you can get a meal. If you die, you will be dead."

"There is also the female warrior auction. If a woman can win ten consecutive victories, she will be sold as goods and become the plaything of the rich and the rules."

"If a man wins ten times in a row, his genitals will be cut off and auctioned. People in this world are superstitious. The bravest man's stuff can be brewed with wine to restore his glory, so many rich people are obsessed with this. "

As Wuming walked, he told Lin Renmei the information collected by the information control.

"Can we castrate the owner of this palace and then let him duel with the alienated beast?" Lin Renmei gritted her teeth.

Wuming shrugged and said calmly: "The problem is that the manager of this palace is a woman, how can she be castrated?"

"Then beat her to death!" Lin Renmei said even more angrily.

Wuming smiled and said: "Okay, those are all trivial matters. The Death Shell will take care of them. Now let's take a look at your problems."

Although there are many awakened people guarding the Fallen Palace, they are not enough to see in front of the Death God's shell. The only top awakened person is the owner of the palace, Mrs. Rose, known as the Poison Rose.

Wuming suspected that Mrs. Rose might be a member of the Infinite Organization, so he made up his mind not to kill Mrs. Rose directly, but to leave some means in her body, and then detonate them after he and Lin Renmei left to completely kill Rose. lady.

Even if the King of Darkness runs out, he will only see blood and internal organs on the ground, and never want to see who did it.

"Sure enough, the King of Darkness has changed the soup without changing the medicine. The seal on your body, Renmei, is actually similar to the curse I had before." Wuming said to Lin Renmei after observing the seal on Lin Renmei's body.

Lin Renmei frowned and said, "Then is there a way to unlock the seal?"

"No way." Wuming shrugged and said straightforwardly.

Lin Renmei said dissatisfied: "Then you said it was so easy!"

"Although there is no way to unlock the seal, you can transform this seal into a regulator, and your unlimited potential cannot be sealed by the King of Darkness. After I complete the transformation, there may be surprises.

uncertain. "Wuming said with a smile.

Lin Renmei's adaptability is actually very strong. As long as she can't be killed, she will definitely become stronger.

When she adapts to the regulator modified from the King of Darkness' seal, she may not be able to evolve more suitable abilities, and she may even naturally digest the seal runes and completely turn poison into nutrients!

In terms of abnormal digestive ability, Wuming estimates that no one can be better than Lin Renmei.

"Start taking action."

Wuming did not rush to help Lin Renmei transform, but sat back in his seat, looked at Guangxu and said.

On the screen, the death shell cuts one guard at a time.

These guards follow Madam Rose, even if they have never killed anyone, they are still accomplices, and Wuming will naturally not show any mercy.

"Wuming, there are too many parallel worlds. Are there many worlds like this?" Lin Renmei couldn't help asking when she saw the naked slaves in chains in the passage.

Wuming nodded and said, "There should be many, because it is too cumbersome to count the worlds by number. It is said that the rescue team has prepared to divide different worlds according to different timelines. The world with Pearl City is called the origin timeline, and the parallel world without superpowers is called the secular timeline. There are many other timelines, and the specific division is still under study."

"Then what is this timeline..." Lin Renmei asked.

Wuming shrugged and said calmly, "I don't know. This world may be discovered for the first time. It is not clear where the specific timeline went wrong."

In theory, all parallel worlds are different versions of the same world.

And different versions of the world will be derived according to the different results of the big nodes, so there is a division on the timeline.

In the secular timeline, there is no mental patient observing the base rune, the world runs according to the normal rhythm, there are no superpowers, no ubiquitous alien beasts, and finally humans develop a brilliant human civilization with technology.

The original timeline, following the known process, finally gave birth to Mingzhu City, with Situ Shibai, Mingzhu Ability Academy, Zhang Ping, Su Jingyao...

There are many more timelines waiting for the rescue team to explore and divide.

And this world with Lady Rose is obviously a new timeline. It is unknown which era went wrong, and finally evolved into such a dark, cruel, and chaotic world.

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