I Contracted Myself


"The world first had beast gods. Because of hunger, the beast gods created humans and used humans as food."

"Human beings are inherently low-level creatures, with neither strong fighting power nor intelligence, but the beast god is a benevolent Lord. After it was full, it looked at the remaining food, and finally shed a glimmer of wisdom and strength, so humans Only then did he have the intelligence and power he has today.”

"But what the beast god loves more is his eldest son and his descendants. After all, humans are just food for him and his descendants."

Mrs. Rose was sitting on a gorgeous gold-rimmed ashes chair, holding a red classic in her hand, and was reading the words recorded on the pages in a steady tone.

A group of men and women were kneeling on the ground, holding a bowl with a large amount of blood in their hands.

They looked pious, waiting for the miracle to come.

“We please Him, we revere Him, the source of chaos and the origin of all things, the benefactor of mankind and the destination of life.”

“Our blood is the wine in which He loves, our flesh is the fat that satisfies His hunger, and our dry bones are His hair…”

Mrs. Rose's tone gradually changed from calm to excited.

She was sweating profusely, her face was flushed, and she finally let out a passionate moan.

Those kneeling on the ground became more and more excited, and some even trembled physically. The last drop of blood seeped out from the trembling bowl and gradually flowed down to the bottom of the bowl.

The blood gathered together into large amounts, and finally turned into blood beads and slowly fell to the ground.

Tick ​​tock!

The sound of blood was extremely soft, but at this moment it was extremely clear.

The kneeling people present slowly turned their heads to look at the woman holding the bowl in both hands. The woman's body suddenly shook again, and more blood flowed out of the bowl.

"The beast god is here, He is here!"

Madam Rose screamed as she didn't seem to notice what those people were doing.


The ceiling was shrouded in a large amount of blue mist, and then a vortex appeared in the middle of the mist. The mist was pushed away little by little by the vortex, and inside was a dark space like a starry sky.

A huge eye suddenly appeared from it and focused on the people kneeling on the ground. Those people lowered their heads and just held blood in their hands.

Suddenly, one person felt a light touch in his hand, and immediately raised his head excitedly and said: "Great Beast God, please grant me a longer life!"

Then the blood held by more people was sucked by the unknown creature, so this

Some people also made wishes one after another.

But when it was the turn of the woman with trembling hands, the woman screamed, as if she was attacked by some force, and her whole body was instantly sucked to the ceiling, and disappeared in the rolling blue mist in the blink of an eye.

The people around him didn't care about this small change at all, and they all looked at the huge eyes in the vortex with feverish expressions.

In the passage, a large number of guards retreated tremblingly, but still held the knives in their hands tightly.

They looked ahead in fear. In the dark passage, the shell of the Death God was slowly floating towards him with a huge scythe in his hand. His figure was looming in the firelight, and only his will-o'-the-wisp eyes exuded a terrifying aura.

"The number of awakened people here is very small."

Lin Renmei looked at the guards whose morale had collapsed and felt something was wrong.

There are currently only three awakened ones in the entire arena, and they have all been killed easily by Wuming.

These three awakened ones are all just junior awakened ones, and their strength is only a little higher than that of ordinary soldiers. They are existences that can be killed by more than ten well-trained soldiers working together.

But this is unreasonable.

There are many alienated beasts in the Palace of Fallen Chaos. The strength of these alienated beasts is no worse than that of intermediate awakened ones, and many of them even reach the level of advanced awakened ones.

It is impossible for these guards alone to capture or guard them.

Once an alienated beast escapes, it may cause a large number of casualties.

"Hey, the information control found a powerful aura!" Wuming was about to tell all his guesses when suddenly there was new information on the panel.

Lin Renmei also saw it, and she was surprised: "Judg it as a transcendent or above?"

"The biological samples currently collected by information control can be transformed into ordinary, awakened, transcendent, upgraded\\realms, as well as the King of Darkness, as well as the Chixia Star Giant Snake that cannot be determined outside the specifications because the breath contains very little information. , so information control can only determine that the target is above the transcendent, but it is hard to say what the specific strength is." Wuming explained.

Lin Renmei nodded and said seriously: "It seems that your guess may be right. That Madam Rose may really be a member of the Infinite Organization."

"If I only have Mrs. Rose, I can do a lot of things, but now the enemy's strength is unknown, and your strength is still sealed. Let's retreat for the time being." Wuming thought for a while and said directly.

Lin Renmei nodded in agreement, then looked at some of the slaves in the passage and asked, "What should they do?"

"I'm already with them

I used the reset eye on them. Now I'm not sure if there are any insiders of the Infinite Organization among these people. I'll leave it at that for the time being. "Wu Ming replied.

Information control plus the reset eye can complete the recording of the target in a very short time, so the slaves basically have nine lives.

Wuming couldn't take them away, but he was ready to save them.

In an instant, the shell of the Death God shattered and turned into a large number of fragments that quickly disappeared. The air shook slightly and was full of broken traces like glass, but these traces were quickly repaired by the golden light.

Soon after Wuming and the others left, a large number of black lines suddenly emerged from the eyes of many slaves. These black lines gathered together and formed the appearance of the Dark King in an instant.

"Interesting, interesting!"

The Dark King looked at the place where the Death God's shell disappeared, and said uncertainly.

He had actually been lurking around Lin Renmei, with the purpose of seeing if anyone came to rescue Lin Renmei, and also wanted to follow Lin Renmei into the opponent's base camp.

It's just that Wuming's way of leaving was too strange, even he had no way to track her, and even the back-up left by Lin Renmei was cut off, and he lost her!

"You... who are you?" At this time, a guard shouted bravely.

The Dark King put away his smile, looked at the guards gathered together, and said: "I even forgot my name, why do you mention this?"

He felt unhappy when he thought of his inexplicably lost name.

Then he flashed through the guards in an instant, and all the guards immediately kept their original movements, and then his body turned into countless fragments.


The Land of Ten Virtues

Wuming came out of the Death Shell and smiled, "Sure enough, the Dark King is still tracking us!"

"What about now?" Lin Renmei asked.

Wuming replied, "The Ten Good Places are protected by the power of the Bodhisattva of Guarantee, and he can't find it."

The reason why he didn't return directly to the rescue team headquarters, but returned to the Ten Good Places first, was to get rid of the Dark King's tracking.

The Dark King has not found the Ten Good Places for so many years, and Wuming believes that it is still impossible for the Dark King to find it now.

Of course, this is also Wuming's trust in the Bodhisattva of Guarantee, who hinted to him before that this place can be a guarantee!

Even if the Lashao Universe is destroyed, I believe that the Ten Good Places is the last ark, enough to keep many people alive.

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