I Contracted Myself


Next, Wuming spent a week and finally transformed the seal on Lin Renmei into a regulator.

In fact, the so-called regulator is to exploit the loopholes of the seal. After Wuming added a large number of base runes, most of the seal effect was abolished. The result is that Lin Renmei can exert 10%, 20%, 30%, etc. according to her own needs. 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 99% strength.

And the remaining one percent of the strength becomes the real target of the seal.

Lin Renmei cannot exert her maximum strength, but in fact, 99% is enough for her to deal with most enemies. The difference between having the 1% and not having the 1% is actually not that big. .

Moreover, now that she has a regulator, she can easily train her strength in stages, and have the opportunity to truly reach the point where lifting a heavy weight is as light as a heavy weight.

"How do you feel?" Wuming asked after changing the seal of the Lord of Darkness.

Lin Renmei clenched her fists and nodded: "Yes, even if it is only adjusted to 10%, my body will not feel any discomfort."

"That's good." Wuming smiled.

Lin Renmei asked: "Shall we go back to the headquarters now?"

"Well, let's go back and share the information first, and then go take a look at the new timeline." Wuming nodded.

Initially, he also thought that Mrs. Rose was a member of the Infinite Organization, but after thinking about it for a week, he guessed that Mrs. Rose was not a member of the Infinite Organization.

There is no basis for this judgment, it just feels like the King of Darkness doesn't bother to do it.

The King of Darkness can be despicable and lay bait, but when he does it himself, he doesn't need to bother so much because he has absolute confidence in his own strength and believes that he will not be discovered by his target.

If he didn't even have this kind of self-confidence, the King of Darkness wouldn't be the King of Darkness.

Of course, that may not be the case after this time.

After all, the King of Darkness failed. If an evil loser can reflect, he will definitely be more despicable next time.

The two returned to the rescue team headquarters. Wuming sent a copy of the information collected by information control to Chen Weihua, then said goodbye to Lin Renmei and went home to sleep alone.

the next day.

When Wuming got up, he saw Su Jingyao sitting beside the bed.

Look at yourself with kind eyes.

"What's wrong?" Wuming pushed away the quilt and sat up and asked.

Su Jingyao replied: "Because the differences are too great, our spirits seem to be separated."

"Is the difference too big?" Wuming looked at Su Jingyao with some confusion.

Su Jingyao explained: "The spirit Su Jingyao still loves you. Don't deny anything in a hurry. Listen to what I have to say. But the other me seems to have a maternal love for you that I shouldn't have. This maternal love even overwhelms you." 'love'."

"The result is that the spiritual differences are too great, and the spiritual body Su Jingyao will split?" Wuming said thoughtfully.

Su Jingyao nodded and said: "Well, there is nothing we can do about it. We almost merged into one and became stronger. Unfortunately... we are just similar individuals in parallel worlds after all, not two identical leaves. , on the way forward, we still had differences and had different opinions, so it was expected that we would part ways,"

"Actually, you should know very well that the person you love from the beginning to the end is not me, but another dead me, isn't it?" Wuming said to Su Jingyao with a smile.

It's not so much love as responsibility.

Su Jingyao's body shook slightly, and suddenly the spirit body Su Jingyao broke away from Su Jingyao's body.

"Yes, I miss him very much, and I even occasionally have the illusion that you are his son." Su Jingyao left two lines of tears and said blankly.

Then she wiped her tears and smiled: "But I can personally take care of you when you grow up. Many obsessions in my heart have been let go. Thank you, captain!"

"As long as you stop treating me like a child," Wuming couldn't help but complain.

Su Jingyao smiled and said: "That's not possible. I know the captain is not a real child, but the captain's body is indeed that of a six-year-old child. You must not be careless, otherwise you may not grow taller!"

"Okay, I won't stay here to make light bulbs. Let's talk about it." Then she smiled like an aunt, glanced at the spirit Su Jingyao and then at Wuming, got up and walked out.

After she closed the door, Wuming looked at the spirit Su Jingyao with a smile and said word by word: "Someone seemed to say they love me just now!"

"Well, I love you!" Su Jingyao floated in front of Wuming, wanting to touch her with her hand

The nameless face, but it penetrated through the nameless cheek.

This straight shot was so powerful and heavy that Wuming immediately hesitated.

"I know that you also like Lin Renmei, and secretly like Cheng Xuejie's thighs, and you also like..." Su Jingyao, the spirit body, looked at Wuming and continued.

Wuming quickly shouted: "Stop talking, I will never be a scumbag!"

"But not taking the initiative, not refusing, and being irresponsible are the behaviors of a scumbag." Su Jingyao said with a smile.

Everyone knows some things, and Wuming himself knows it, but Wuming just stands still and whets everyone's appetite. This is obviously even worse.

"I know, then at least wait until I'm physically mature." Wuming said with a helpless smile.

Su Jingyao agreed: "Since you have mastered the method of rejuvenating, then so be it."

"By the way, Jingyao, are you interested in being a childhood sweetheart with me again?" Wuming suddenly asked with a smile.

Su Jingyao stretched out her hand and smiled faintly: "I do!"


Wuming rolled his eyes. This is not a proposal. What do you mean I am willing?

But then, he began to prepare materials for Su Jingyao's Dragon Transformation Method.

If possible, Wuming hopes to preserve Su Jingyao's power, rather than completely abandoning it like he did.

He used the Dragon Transformation Method, which was a helpless choice, while Su Jingyao used the Dragon Transformation Method to live a second life. The two people had different purposes, so naturally there was more room for choice.

"Jingyao, which Su Jingyao's genes are you going to use?"

Most materials are relatively easy to collect, and you can get them by sending a mission to the rescue team, but when it comes to genes, Su Jingyao needs to make her own choice.

There are countless Su Jingyaos in countless parallel worlds.

Although most Su Jingyaos have the same superpowers as the spirit Su Jingyao, there are also some Su Jingyaos who are out of the standard, and even Su Jingyaos with infinite superpowers.

Theoretically, if one can retain the power and reincarnate, then using the more powerful Su Jingyao genes, the spirit Su Jingyao may become even more powerful after rebirth, and may even gain infinite superpowers.

Therefore, there is a lot to be done here!

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