I Contracted Myself

【120】Mist parasite

There was always a period of time when the mornings in Pearl City were so foggy that water would come out of my clothes after running a few laps along the school playground.

Some people like this kind of weather, and some people hate it, but Su Jingyao likes this kind of weather very much, so much so that she, who usually has no habit of getting up early to exercise, will get up early and jog along the school in this kind of weather.

In the mist, her body exudes a faint blue light, and the active water molecules hit her body surface, turning into power and being absorbed by her in the blink of an eye.

Her superpower is called "Beautiful Water", which can absorb the power of all "disasters" and transform it into a more magical power of marriage.

When the power of marriage successfully causes a man and woman to fall in love, she will receive a permanent 'blessing'.

Blessing is actually equivalent to a passive superpower.

Currently, she has three blessings: eternal youth, vitality, and immunity from all diseases.

Theoretically, as long as she continues to use the power of marriage to bring more couples together, then sooner or later she will be able to do anything.

However, she has her own bottom line in her heart. She will not match up two people who are not interested in each other for no reason. Instead, after observing and confirming that both parties are already in love, she only needs to pierce a layer of paper to get together. He will put a little effort behind the scenes to make the other party get together smoothly.

"It's still too slow."

After running a few laps, Su Jingyao frowned and whispered to herself.

The so-called "disaster water" is not ordinary water, but water that has caused disasters. Most of the water in the world has caused disasters. The problem is that the disasters are not directed at humans, and the so-called 'disaster power' will not be preserved forever.

When it enters the circulation system, the troubled water is actually purified and becomes ordinary water in nature.

Only natural phenomena such as fog, floods, and tsunamis can produce 'disasters', especially the latter two, which can bring extremely powerful marriage power to Su Jingyao. But are there floods in Pearl City? Is there a tsunami?

Sorry, none!

Pearl City has not experienced disasters such as floods and tsunamis in decades.

The biggest water-related disaster was the heavy rainstorm a few years ago. At that time, a house collapsed due to the impact of the heavy rain, and two ordinary people died.

So now the key to restricting Su Jingyao’s superpowers is not emotion.

couple, but the power of marriage is difficult to collect.

Because of this, she particularly likes dense fog, because in this kind of weather there will always be unlucky people who get lost in the dense fog and hit the wall in the dense fog. These small disasters can still provide her with a lot of trouble. .

This was her main source of trouble.


Suddenly, the concentration of the disaster water suddenly increased.

Su Jingyao stopped and looked at the thick fog ahead with an ugly expression. She heard the sound of bones breaking, and then the sound of chewing.

This means that someone in front was attacked by an unknown creature because of the thick fog.

Instant kill?

There was no time to even make a sound.

Su Jingyao slowly stepped back, with some judgment in her heart.

Then she heard some kind of sound and immediately looked to the right. Something was approaching in the thick fog. The footsteps were light and heavy. Lame?

She immediately quickened her pace and stepped back. Although her abilities had unlimited potential, the problem was that the three blessings she had now were not combat blessings.

In a head-on fight, even a junior mutant beast might kill her.

It’s too big of a deal, I have to run!

She hasn't developed yet, so it's too early to kill monsters or something.

However, she quickly retreated, seemingly offending the creatures in the thick fog. In an instant, a tall shadow quickly broke through the thick fog and chased after her. She suddenly showed a look of panic, and turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Send fog bugs!

This is an extremely difficult alienated beast.

They are parasitic in the dense fog, using the dense fog as a cover to sneak into the head of the creature. After eating the head of the creature, their bodies are connected to the nerves of the creature and act as the brain.

Because they cannot connect to the eyes of the controlled creature, they often have two options. One is to drill the upper body out of the creature's head to observe the surroundings, and the second is to eat an eyeball of the parasite and then Come out of the eye socket.

No matter which choice it is, it is very easy to identify for those who are familiar with fog bugs, so Su Jingyao knew it was a fog bug at a glance.


There was only one thought left in Su Jingyao's mind. She didn't expect that there were fog bugs hidden in the thick fog this time. Fortunately, the fog bugs seemed to have a parasitic target. Otherwise, she might be caught off guard by the fog bugs. control.

However, the current situation was extremely bad. It was extremely difficult to hear sounds in the thick fog, and the people controlled by the fog bug were chasing after her. She could only hope that there were awakened people in front of her who could help her.

Unfortunately, after running for a long time, she didn't meet anyone else.

This is normal. Who would have imagined this kind of dense fog? It’s only five o’clock in the morning and most people are still sleeping. Even the most hard-working farmers will choose to stay in their rooms and continue sleeping instead of running away when they see this weather. Come out to die.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him.

Su Jingyao suddenly became energetic. She had run many laps before, and now she was running with all her strength. Her physical strength was exhausted very quickly, and she hadn't eaten breakfast yet, so she couldn't hold on for long.

If she doesn't meet anyone again, she will probably die at the hands of the fog bug.


She looked at the figure in front of her and shouted loudly.

But as she ran, she felt something was wrong. The figure was getting taller and taller. The closer she ran, the taller she felt.

Two meters?

Three meters?

Su Jingyao's face gradually turned pale. Could this be a humanoid creature controlled by the parasitic mist worm?

At this time, the figure seemed to hear her voice and moved towards her. The feeling of being tall became stronger and stronger, and the sense of oppression was extremely strong.

Su Jingyao slowly stopped and clenched her fists tightly. She was ready to punch the other party even if she died.

The thick fog rolled, and a monster wearing a black cloak and a skull with flames burning in its eyes floated out. Su Jingyao looked up and looked at the other party stubbornly.

Behind, the person controlled by the parasitic mist worm also caught up and rushed towards Su Jingyao with a roar.

"Parasitic mist worm?"

Wuming took a look, and then controlled the death shell to eject a stream of death.

The parasite fog worm is actually a very weak mutant. It tastes good after being fried. However, Wuming does not have the hobby of the parasite fog worm that eats human brains, so he just wraps the parasite fog worm with death gas.

After a while, the parasite fog worm really died because it absorbed a lot of death gas.

This is actually like a fish inhaling a lot of poisonous water, and finally being poisoned. The parasite fog worm is a mutant that needs to breathe fog to survive. It will suffocate to death if it is separated from the fog.

When the surrounding water mist is replaced by death gas, they will inhale the death gas and poison themselves to death.

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