I Contracted Myself

【122】Dark Age

Rescue team headquarters.

Wuming began to prepare for the reincarnation of the spirit Su Jingyao.

In fact, Wuming can teach anyone the Hidden Dragon Reborn Technique, but only he can complete the preliminary preparations. Therefore, the Hidden Dragon Reborn Technique can only be used by himself. Others either don't have that many abilities or don't have enough. Basic rune knowledge.

"The Hidden Dragon Slaughter Method, the first step of the universal version, create an embryo!"

Wuming took out various materials, then put Su Jingyao's blood into a petri dish, and said to several researchers who came to observe.

He is happy to teach the Hidden Dragon Transformation Method to the members of the rescue team, but whether they can learn it or not depends on the understanding of these people.

Fall into chaos in the palace.

Mrs. Rose held a riding whip and was looking at the several guard captains kneeling on the ground.

"In other words, it turns out that you don't even know how the enemy invaded, and you don't even know the identity of the enemy, or even how many people there are?" She said quietly.

The captain of the guard lowered his head, and one of them said: "Yes, ma'am."

"Then what use do I have for you?" Mrs. Rose said coldly.

She turned around and said coldly: "We will all enter the arena tomorrow. If we win, we will continue to be your guard chief. If we lose... we might as well die in there."

"Yes!" Several guard captains did not dare to resist at all.

Mrs. Rose said sternly: "What are you still doing kneeling here? Get off!"

As if they had been granted amnesty, several guard chiefs carefully escaped from Madam Rose's study.

After several guards left, Mrs. Rose sighed deeply, then took out a thick classic and opened it, opening an eye from the pages of the classic.

"Master, is it really worth doing this?" She asked as if she had turned into a weak woman.

Those eyes looked at Mrs. Rose. Mrs. Rose immediately experienced a phenomenon similar to auditory hallucinations and heard a man's voice: "I'm almost successful. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this path. Trust me!"

"Yes, Master, Rose has never doubted whether Master can succeed." Mrs. Rose lowered her head and said seriously.

Then she hesitated for a moment, and then told Yan Yan about the accident that happened before the palace fell into chaos. Yan Yan said solemnly: "If we continue to investigate closely, we must ensure that the palace can operate normally. The closer we are to success, the less we can relax!"

"Yes!" Mrs. Rose responded.

Then she closed the book and looked up at the ceiling quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.

In fact, she is not as evil-hearted as the outside world knows, but in order to complete her master's mission, she must be vicious in her tactics to ensure that the Fallen Palace can operate normally, and to provide her master with a steady stream of followers and flesh and blood.

The beast god does not exist at all!

It was just an interstellar beast with unimaginable power.

After discovering this giant beast, the owner of Mrs. Rose understood the path to advancement after the Transcendent through some structures on the giant beast.

This path is called by the other side as ‘seizing the gods from the same origin’.

To put it simply, it is to attract the target with tribute and build oneself with desire. In the end, the essence of the two parties becomes more and more similar until they merge into one.

He wants to seize the body of that giant interstellar beast, seize the power of that giant interstellar beast, and finally ascend to the position of Beast God!

"Pa, why don't you cry?"

Wuming slapped Su Jingyao's little butt hard, and then said to himself.

The next moment, Su Jingyao, who had successfully reincarnated into a baby, opened her eyes, and a blue energy immediately enveloped her body. She floated up and slapped Wuming with her backhand.

"Why do you hit someone? Bad baby!" Wuming immediately pretended to be sad.

Su Jingyao couldn't speak, so she could only look at Wuming with speechless eyes. After a while, she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

She retains a lot of power, but the problem is that the current 'hardware' can't keep up, and these powers are actually of no use.

"Take care of her!" Wuming handed Su Jingyao to Chen Weihua and then warned.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "I know."

She hugged Su Jingyao and looked at Su Jingyao's sleeping little face, but she felt a little emotional in her heart. Since joining the rescue team, her world view is really being refreshed every day.

Now that Wuming has figured out how to reincarnate, what will the rescue team look like in the future?



Or the divine realm?

Wuming came out of the forging room, twisted his arms and legs, and said to himself: "I feel so busy recently, I should take a good rest."

During this time, he was really too busy.

Almost finished

One thing followed the next, popping up like wild monsters. He was so busy that there was actually one thing he hadn't done yet, and that was to learn about the new timeline.

The world where Madam Rose lives has a completely different timeline from other timelines, so it has considerable research value.

In fact, people from the rescue team have penetrated into that world two days ago and are collecting the most basic information. When the information is almost collected, the rescue team will decide whether to rescue based on the situation.

Although the rescue team rules many worlds, the rescue team itself does not actually have any desire to invade. Everyone just wants to save more humans.

In fact, no one wants to interfere in those worlds unless necessary.

In the next few days, Wuming stayed at home making salted fish, sleeping in with the Cure White Tiger in his arms every day. Although he was occasionally caught by Su Jingyao, who was overflowing with motherly love, and exercised, he really had a good rest.

"Wuming, check out the latest information. That world is officially named the 'Dark Timeline'." Chen Weihua called and said to Wuming.

Wuming lay on the healing white tiger and nodded, "Okay, I'll take a look. I'm hanging up."

After hanging up the phone, he opened the forum of the rescue team and found the latest information about the timeline where Mrs. Rose was.

This information is not available to everyone. It requires certain permissions, but Wuming's permissions have always been the highest, so there is no obstacle.

"So that's how it is. If that's the case, the humans in that world are really miserable."

Wuming looked at the information recorded in the intelligence, muttered to himself, and looked down intently.

In that world, humans were defeated and became mice hiding in hiding under the attack of alien beasts. At that time, people had lost their own civilization and even lost their language.

Under the stranglehold of different alien beasts, humans had only a few hundred people at the least.

Fortunately, the alien beasts fought each other later, and humans had a chance to breathe, and a tough guy appeared.

This tough guy defeated many powerful alien beasts by himself, and finally built a city in the valley, so that humans could survive and reproduce.

However, this information has been thousands of years ago, and it is difficult to verify its authenticity.

Now the city in the valley still exists, and humans have radiated from the valley, building many large and small cities, and established a country.

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