I Contracted Myself

【123】The people are too fierce

Ji Zhen!

Ji Laiguo!

Wuming looked at the two names in the message and couldn't help but touch his chin.

Judging from the information given by the intelligence, the time of the disaster is indeed close to the time of 'Emperor Ji Kai'. If Emperor Ji Kai loses, humans may indeed become food for alienated beasts.

So this timeline is the timeline when Emperor Ji Kai was defeated?

However, the later fierce man Ji Zhen gave Wuming a very mysterious feeling, because Ji Zhen's ability is "the metamorphosis of all beasts", and he is known as the King of Beasts.

He can transform into various beasts, use this ability to penetrate into the beasts, and finally find a way to kill these beasts.

There are countless versions of stories in Ji Laiguo about how Ji Zhen killed everyone, but Wuming feels that these are not the truth, mainly because a lot of information does not match up, especially because these stories end with Ji Zhen disappearing instead of dying.

"It's a bit like spreading legends. Is Ji Zhen also an upgraded person?"

Wuming looked at the information carefully, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration and realized that these stories were actually very similar to his usual method of collecting legends.

It's possible that Ji Zhen is not dead, but is just hiding, silently collecting legends, waiting for the opportunity to upgrade.

Because Ji Zhen killed everyone and suddenly disappeared in the end, the surviving residents of Ji Lai Country are essentially just living animals that have not inherited human civilization.

They respected the strong and slowly formed tribes, and finally regained human civilization step by step.

But many mistakes also occurred in this process, such as people being divided into three, six, and nine grades, and the prevalence of slavery. People did not care about the life or death of the weak, but obeyed the words of the strong.

This is a world where strength is respected, and it is very naked, without any cover-up.

The Palace of Fallen Chaos is not the only arena in Ji Lai Kingdom. In fact, there are many more cruel professions in Ji Lai Kingdom, and arenas are not even on the list.

"It seems necessary to go take a look!"

After reading the information, Wuming said to himself.

He is certain that there must be a transcendent in this timeline. At least Ji Zhen has reached the level of a transcendent, but he does not seem to have become a king.

This is very suspicious.

A man without the qualifications to be a king saved the surviving humans, and then disappeared inexplicably. However, the entire Ji Lai Kingdom where the story spread was...

Either Ji Zhen is dead, or Ji Zhen must be planning something behind the scenes.

Wuming has seen too many people and too many things, and this incident does not feel like a good thing to him. Although Ji Zhen's behavior is upright in the story, the whole story itself casts a shadow on him.

Of course, Wuming was not interested in Ji Zhen's plan. He mainly wanted to see the new civilization developed in that timeline, and he also had some expectations.

If Ji Zhen's route is neither an upgrade nor a domain, then the value will be great.

Any new route is a precious treasure. Human development requires these new systems, and even the beginning is precious.

Just like the Ascended One, in theory Fafnir is just the beginning, but following this beginning there is a sea of ​​stars, with great potential.

And the route of the realm master has already been perfected by the King of Darkness. There is no need to fumble, just follow the route.

It would be really great if there was a third way.

Wuming thought to himself, and then he was still thinking about it, so he simply went to find Lin Renmei. He had promised Lin Renmei before that if he went to that world, he would definitely take her with him, so he must keep his promise.

Half an hour later.

At a food stall in Ji Laiguo, Wuming and Lin Renmei quietly appeared and blended into the crowd.

Because he appeared in public, Wuming did not use the death shell, but the dragon shell.

People in Ji Lai's country have very special clothes, which are somewhat similar to the Arabian style combined with the Indian style. The clothes are mainly loose and they like to add a lot of patterns, especially the patterns of various beasts.

"Wu Ming, do you want to take action?" Lin Renmei suddenly asked.

Wuming smiled and said: "No need, people in Ji Lai's country are like this, just wait for me to come."

People in Ji Lai's country bully the weak and fear the strong, bully the good and fear the evil, and bully the weak and fear the strong.

Now the two of them are being stared at by some people. Firstly, Wuming and Lin Renmei are strangers, but secondly, Lin Renmei is so beautiful that even if her long hair covers one of her eyes, she still can't hide her aura. Heroic.

In addition, Lin Renmei has only adjusted her strength to 10% now, which does not appear to be powerful.

This caused many people in Ji Lai Kingdom to misjudge the strength of Wuming and Lin Renmei. There were even a few foolish and bold people who only believed that Wuming was a threat. As long as they killed Wuming, they could get Lin Renmei.

"It's really chaotic, with no order at all." Lin Renmei whispered.

As the two walked through a street, there were more than twenty people staring at them, and some even tried to leave marks on them to track their location.

"In Ji Lai's country, every person is a beast. This statement is true." Wuming sighed.

He had pitied the slaves in the arena before, but after truly experiencing the atmosphere of Ji Lai Country, he realized one thing, those slaves were not necessarily good people.

He had just scanned that a thief was caught, beaten severely and sold directly.

This kind of behavior is so normal in Ji Lai's country that no one thinks there is a problem and even applauds.

Even, because of the shoulder-to-shoulder bump, the stronger party can catch the weaker party and beat him. In the end, the opponent will be dizzy and sold directly.

This is not an isolated incident.

Every person is a human trafficker and a villain.

However, Wuming soon observed some details. Jilai Country is not really without order, but hides order under chaos.

Outsiders and those without backing are easy to be harmed.

And those who have a background and are powerful are often not remembered.

The people of Jilai seem to have their own way of identification. It is difficult to discover these details without completely integrating into them.

"Hey, why are you staring at me?"

While Wuming was observing, a big man suddenly stood up from the open-air barbecue stall in front of him, staring at Wuming and shouting.

Then the big man stepped forward quickly, and suddenly his fist emitted a metallic luster, and punched Wuming in the cheek.

This is a trick used by the people of Jilai. First, shout a random excuse, then directly attack, knock the opponent unconscious, and then sell the person directly.

The big man who attacked Wuming had obviously done this many times before, and his technique was very skillful. From finding fault to attacking, the whole process took only about fifteen seconds. If it were those outsiders, they would probably be hit before they could react.


The big man's fist fell, and his face suddenly changed slightly. His fist bone was broken.

Then, without waiting for him to retreat, Wuming punched him in the cheek. His body suddenly spun at high speed, and finally fell heavily to the ground, bleeding from all seven orifices, his eyes rolled back, and he had lost consciousness.

The next moment, the people who had just been secretly following him dispersed as if nothing had happened.

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