I Contracted Myself

【124】I don’t care

Under normal circumstances, outsiders go to the city in groups, and city dwellers will be wary of seeing each other in large numbers.

But don’t think that outsiders are honest and kind-hearted. In fact, if city people go to villages outside the city, they will be eaten up to the last bit.

Wuming mentioned the unconscious big man and simply walked to the big man's seat before and sat down.

The owner of the open-air barbecue stall stepped forward and asked cautiously: "What would the guest want?"

"Serve all you can eat and charge it to his account." Wuming replied, and then he invited Lin Renmei to come over and try this exotic barbecue together.

Although Ji Laiguo is still located in a parallel world, because human civilization was destroyed once, it is very different from other parallel worlds, and its eating habits are also completely different.

Ji Lai Chinese people like large pieces of meat when it comes to barbecue. A skewer weighs four to five kilograms, which is a very large portion.

Wuming swept aside the food that the big man had eaten, and started eating after the stall owner brought all kinds of food. Lin Renmei tasted some and stopped eating, mainly because it didn't suit her taste.

"Actually, it's not bad, but the smell of blood is a bit too strong." Wuming swallowed the roasted meat in one gulp, feeling that he could still handle it.

Lin Renmei shook her head and said, "I hate food that smells too strong of blood. It reminds me of some bad memories."

"Okay, I'll eat it then." Wuming nodded.

When he was almost finished eating, the big man lying on the ground next to him woke up leisurely. When he got up, he was still a little confused about the situation and muttered curse words.

But he soon recalled something, opened his eyes and looked to the side. When he saw Wuming, the metallic luster appeared on his fist again, but the severe pain made his cheeks twitch slightly, and his face became ferocious.

His fist was broken, and he received a punch from Wuming on the cheek. Now any expression would involve the wound, which was extremely painful.

"If you don't want to be beaten again, I advise you not to act rashly." Wuming said calmly while eating meat.

The big man gritted his teeth and said: "What do you want? Draw a line, I will recognize you with my iron fist!"

"Is your name Iron Fist?" Wuming asked.

Iron Fist said in a deep voice: "Everyone around me knows my name!"

"Orphan? Then I forgive you!" Wuming said lightly.

In this world, it is easy to distinguish between orphans and people from ordinary families.


Parents are often named by their parents, with a surname and a first name, while orphans usually choose their own names, and they can use whatever they like.

For example, Mrs. Rose, her name was Rose. Later, she followed her master and gained a certain status. Her name did not change, but she changed from pure 'Rose' to 'Mrs. Rose'.

Iron Fist is obviously because the super power is Iron Fist, so it is simply called Iron Fist. This is also a very common situation. For example, some people's super power is speed, and they may name themselves "Quick Legs", and some people's super power is fire breathing. , then name it 'Emperor Yan'.

Of course, if your name is too arrogant and your strength is not strong enough, you will usually be easily beaten in Ji Lai Country.

"You are the orphan. I have parents, and my father is Iron Legs!" Upon hearing Wuming's words, Iron Fist immediately retorted angrily.

Wuming looked at Iron Fist with some surprise and said calmly: "Since you are not an orphan, let's break one leg as punishment. Do you have any objections?"

"Why don't orphans have their legs broken?" Iron Fist came to his senses and realized that his words had done something bad, and he immediately asked angrily, squeezing his neck.

Wuming threw the sign in his hand on the table and said calmly: "Orphans are born but not educated by their mothers, so I can be more generous, but since you are not an orphan, it is obvious that your parents did not educate you well. This cannot be blamed. society, so I think you need a lesson that will stick with you!”

"Are you crazy? Damn you!"

After hearing this, Iron Fist obviously couldn't understand Wuming's logic, and immediately shouted angrily.

But after spraying, he realized something was wrong, and quickly turned around and ran away. But as soon as he ran more than ten meters, a bamboo stick was shot from a distance, and it was inserted into his calf in an instant. Then the bamboo sticks fell down one after another, and His legs were tied up like a hedgehog.

"It seems there is no way to put the account on him." Wuming looked at Iron Fist, who was holding his legs and wailing, and said calmly.

Then he took out a few gold and put them on the table. There are many kinds of currencies in this world, and they can even be bartered, and gold is also a universal currency.

"Let's go." Wuming said to Lin Renmei who was watching the show.

Lin Renmei smiled and said, "Were you showing off just now?"

"Can you please stop exposing it?" Wuming looked at Lin Renmei speechlessly.

Although every move he makes comes from his heart, who can refuse to show off in front of a beautiful woman?

Lin Renmei suddenly leaned on Wuming's arm

, asked quietly: "Is it because of me?"


Wuming suddenly blushed, but luckily he was inside the dragon's shell, so Lin Renmei couldn't see his embarrassed look.

In fact, his child's body does not have many desires, but because he does not have those adult impulses, his heart is purer.

If you like someone, you like them; if you hate someone, you dislike them.

Between the purity of a child and the soul of an adult, Wuming knows exactly who he likes.

The problem is that the secular rules make him understand that his behavior is half-hearted and philandering, so he can only suppress his true inner feelings.

But in the process of getting along with him, he would still make some showy behaviors due to the influence of his body.

But being exposed by the lover in person is too embarrassing.

"I know what you are worried about. It doesn't matter. My life span is very long, and your life span is also very long. We are not ordinary people. Don't be affected by those boring things. Just be yourself." Lin Renmei felt Wuming's embarrassment, and suddenly smiled and said in Wuming's ear.

She grew up in prison since she was a child. She has seen the most disgusting man in the world and heard the most vulgar abuse. She doesn't care about the law, the eyes of the world, and Wuming's heart.

In fact, she herself didn't know when she fell in love with Wuming. It might be when Wuming took her out of prison, or it might be when they were together day and night and shared joys and sorrows...

"I need time." Wuming was silent for a moment, and then said.

Lin Renmei suddenly laughed, hugged Wuming's arm, and reminded him: "Little Wuming, have you forgotten that your body is only six years old? Do you want to do anything bad?"


Inside the dragon's shell, Wuming covered his face with a pillow.

As a rookie in the love field, he felt that he had been controlled by Lin Renmei, but why was he so happy?

Lin Renmei looked at Wuming who stopped talking, and she was slightly relieved. Sure enough, the senior sister's judgment was right. Wuming did not reject her forcefully.

She seemed calm but was very nervous inside. Once some words were spoken, there was no turning back. If Wuming rejected her righteously, she really didn't know if she had the courage to stay with Wuming.

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