I Contracted Myself

【125】Bone Dragon

The relationship between men and women is so wonderful sometimes.

Just by talking, they became closer without realizing it.

It seemed that those words had magic power, making the two of them get together naturally.

Wuming and Lin Renmei tacitly understood each other, walking around the city, eating and drinking, like a couple traveling to a foreign country.

Having said that, the capital of Ji Lai Kingdom does have a charm that is different from other places. After fighting off waves of malicious people, Wuming and Lin Renmei also saw the excellence of this city.

People grew wild, and many shops and stalls were built by the residents at the drop of a hat. They had almost everything. Wuming and Lin Renmei bought many things with gold, and finally stayed in a hotel.

"Boss, they ended up staying in the hotel over there."

Iron Fist limped a bearded man to the hotel where Wuming and the others were staying, and said cautiously.

Do you really think everyone in the city fights alone?

In fact, the relationship between people in the city is more complicated, and there are many gangs, large and small. If you don't have some interpersonal relationships behind you, you can't get along in the city at all.

Iron Fist is a member of the Iron Cage Gang. Because the gang members will lock their enemies in iron cages and then stab them alive with spears, they are extremely famous in this community.

The leader of the Iron Cage Gang is named Iron Wolf, and his superpower is metal manipulation. What he is best at is controlling a large number of metal rods to trap enemies, and then turning the iron rods into iron cages.

The bearded Iron Wolf glanced at the hotel and then waved.

When a man who was only 1.6 meters tall came forward, he said, "Iron Dog, tell me."

"Boss, these two foreigners are very powerful. The man is at least a high-level awakener. The woman has never taken action. She is probably just the man's female companion. And... they are very rich. I can't even calculate how much they have spent. How much money it costs, it’s probably more profitable than the King’s Meat Shop,” Tiegou said seriously, and when he said the last sentence, he couldn’t help but look greedy.

Tie Lang touched his beard and whispered: "I'm afraid you are not a small person who dares to spend money so lavishly."

The biggest difference between him and other members of the Iron Cage Gang is that he has a brain and will not lose his mind because of a little profit. Through the intelligence collected by Iron Dog, it can be determined that Wuming and Lin Renmei are as good as the previous lone rangers with extraordinary strength. totally different.

There are many lone rangers in Ji Lai Country. They walk between cities relying on their strength. Sometimes they will act as heroes, but sometimes they will do evil and rob families and homes.

Iron Wolf's favorite is this kind of lone ranger, because they are powerful and often carry a lot of money with them, and there is no power behind them, so they will not have any worries whether they kill them or sell them to the Fallen Palace.

This kind of business is the safest.

Ji Lai Country has never been a kind country. The most important thing to survive is caution and strength.

"Let's go, I guess these two people are not easy to mess with, but... you can send the news to the Bone Dragon Gang. I guess the Bone Dragon must be very interested in them!" Tie Lang thought for a while, and then said to the two of them. .

Iron Fist said unwillingly: "Boss, they are very rich!"

"Shut up, don't I know what you are thinking? You can't offend these two people, and I can't offend them either. If you don't believe me, you'll have to wait and see tomorrow." Iron Wolf glared at Iron Fist fiercely and said seriously.

Then he turned around and left without any hesitation about the two so-called fat sheep in the hotel.

He still remembered that a long time ago, when he was a child, there was also such a "big fat sheep". The result was that several big gangs were bloodbathed and the forces were reshuffled. Because of his luck, he was spotted by a boss. This Only then did he have the opportunity to eat well, and finally have the capital to establish himself in Ji Lai's country.

These two people are so similar to the original ‘big fat sheep’!


Many interested people are observing secretly.

The shopkeeper of the Grape Hotel was a little helpless. When Wuming and Lin Renmei checked in, he knew that tonight would not be too peaceful.

But what can he do?

He is just an ordinary hotel manager.

Bang bang!

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

He stood up, took the oil lamp, walked to the door, and asked, "Who is outside at midnight?"

"Ten gold coins!" A hoarse male voice came from outside.

The shopkeeper coughed and said, "The Grape Hotel values ​​integrity the most."

"Fifteen gold coins!" The hoarse male voice sounded again.

The shopkeeper was silent for a moment and sighed: "This has a great impact on my business."

"Twenty gold coins, I'll pay for any damage to the tables and chairs!" the hoarse male voice said with a harsh tone.

This has obviously been

It's a low price. The shopkeeper sighed and said: "Since you are sincerely staying in the hotel, I am also a kind-hearted person, so come in."

As he spoke, he slowly opened the door. Outside the door was a thin man with a touch of white in his hair.

Hua Gulong!

The shopkeeper was a little surprised, but he still got out of the way and said, "The store is full now, it shouldn't be a problem if we squeeze in, right?"

"It doesn't matter, this is just what I want!" Hua Gulong laughed.

When he spoke, he made a small movement, that is, wiping his hair back with his hands. Perhaps it was because of this subconscious movement that his hairline was very high, looking like the Mediterranean Sea, with a pinch of white left in the middle. , giving people an unruly feeling.

"Room 1, you can ask them if they want to squeeze in." The shopkeeper said calmly.

Hua Gu Long nodded, and then walked towards the guest room on the second floor, and at the same time, a dagger suddenly appeared in his hand.

He held the dagger and swung it, slowly walking up.

"How pitiful."

The shopkeeper returned to his seat and sighed slightly.

If the man and woman fell into Hua Gu Long's hands, I'm afraid even their bones would be sucked dry.

Although the Iron Cage Gang was cruel, at most they would only sell people to the Fallen Palace, and the women would have a chance to become the playthings of nobles and rich people and survive.

But Hua Gu Long Gang was different. Everyone knew that Hua Gu Long was a pervert.

He liked to collect all kinds of 'beautiful' human bodies. If the hands were beautiful, he would cut off the hands and collect them. If the eyes were beautiful, he would dig out the eyes and collect them...

His home was filled with all kinds of specimens!

Second floor.

Huagulong walked to room number one, knocked on the door, and said, "Guest, can you open the door?"

In the room, Wuming and Lin Renmei were playing cards. Wuming put down the cards, and his telekinesis instantly pulled him into the dragon shell. He stood up and said, "Who?"

"I am a guest. The shopkeeper said that the guest rooms are full, so I want to find someone to squeeze in and deal with one night." Huagulong said very politely.

Although he could actually blow up the door with one punch, and then go in and kidnap the two people directly, but repairing the door costs money.

Ji Laiguo has its own rules, and the shopkeeper of the Grape Hotel is backed by a big man, so everyone has to follow the rules. He doesn't want to waste money in vain, so he can only spend some effort to let Wuming and Lin Renmei inside open the door.

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