I Contracted Myself

【126】In dire straits

Wuming opened the door to the room, looked down and saw the Huagulong, which was much shorter than him.

"Good evening!"

Hua Gulong looked up at Wuming and immediately showed a fake smile that could no longer be fake. Then he suddenly took action and stabbed Wuming's throat with the dagger in his hand.


Wuming immediately stepped back, and then said in surprise: "Your ability is very interesting!"

"I think so!"

The Bone Dragon responded, immediately sprinted forward, and launched another offensive with the dagger in hand.

However, all his series of attacks were avoided by Wuming, and then Wuming grabbed his dagger hand with one hand, and with the slightest exertion, there was a sound of bones breaking.

The Bone Dragon did not scream, but switched the dagger to its other hand and stabbed Wuming fiercely again.

But the next moment, Wuming came first, holding his hand with his other hand, and crushing his bones with just a little force.

"Looks like I'm in trouble."

A sickly blush appeared on Hua Gulong's pale face, and he looked at Wuming and smiled evilly.

Then he raised his legs suddenly, and a dagger popped out of his shoe. He immediately stabbed Wuming, but Wuming was faster than him and stepped on his instep, directly pressing his feet into the floor.

"Although your ability is very special, unfortunately... you are too weak." Wuming smiled.

The ability of the Bone Dragon is really interesting. The 'pointed attack' allows him to attack the target with anything at an angle of 30 degrees with a defense-breaking effect.

Although the dragon's shell is very hard, the 'defense-breaking' effect of this sharp-pointed attack is very special. If the defense at the physical level cannot be broken, there may be a 'space-level' attack, or even a soul-level attack.

All in all, as long as the target is hit, the target will be injured.

This kind of ability also exists in Infinite City. The owner usually has obsessive-compulsive disorder or some mental paranoia. The more special the mental state of a person, the more bizarre the awakened ability is. Although most of them are useless, occasionally they will Special individuals appear.

There is no doubt that Huagulong is such an individual.

His ability could really hurt Wuming's body, so Wuming did not confront him head-on from beginning to end, but avoided all attacks.

"Kill me, I've already

I can't survive. "

Wuming let go of Hua Gulong's hand, and Hua Gulong fell directly to the ground. He looked at Wuming with a smile and said directly.

With his hands and feet disabled, and with other gangs eyeing him, he knew very well that he had no chance to heal his injuries. Once he left the hotel, he would definitely be killed by other gang members.

There are only a few members of the Bone Dragon Gang who can really fight. After he falls, those people have no loyalty at all. Not only are they unable to help him, but they will add insult to injury.

But who can blame this?

He always hunts the prey he likes by himself. With his strange abilities, few people are his opponents.

How can you avoid getting your shoes wet if you often walk by the river?

He had expected this day to come, and at the same time, he faced it calmly. After all, how many people in Ji Lai Kingdom could die well?

"Are you tired of living?" Wuming moved a chair, then sat on the chair and looked at the Bone Dragon on the ground and asked.

Hua Gulong smiled and said: "Will you let me go?"

"Maybe." Wuming said.

But before letting Hua Gu Long go, he will definitely seize Hua Gu Long's superpowers.

It would be too cheap to kill a murderer like this who breaks into a house directly. Taking away his abilities and letting him continue to live in this world is the biggest punishment for him.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

When Hua Gulong heard Wuming's answer, he was stunned for a moment and then let out a sick laugh.

After a series of laughter, he looked at Wuming and sighed: "Are you really human? I now suspect that you are some kind of monster. I want to kill you, but you don't kill me?"

"Is it weird? I don't like to take other people's lives. Every life is a precious miracle. When your mother was pregnant in October, she must have dreamed of something, so she could endure the pain of October and the pain of childbirth. Let you come to this world," Wuming said seriously.

Hua Gulong put away the fake smile on his face and said calmly: "My mother is a prostitute. She has dozens of concubines every year. I am her sixteenth son. I was thrown into the garbage after he was born. , and then a crazy old man raised me, so I’m sorry... I don’t know what she dreamed about, and I don’t want to know.”


Nameless for a while

Nothing to say.

At this time, Hua Gulong showed a sinister smile and said: "Later, I went to find her and asked her why she abandoned me. Her answer was that I hindered her from continuing to pursue love, so she became my first collection. , I cut off her hand and hung it on my bedside forever. When I woke up, I would hold her hand and pretend that I had a mother who loved me very much."


Wuming still had nothing to say, mainly because of this situation, what could he say?

"Your kindness is worthless in this world, because this world is really rotten. I love this rotten world to death. I can kill people and do whatever I want. No one can stop me, and the biggest price for failure is nothing more than It's just a death, but when I came to this world, I never thought about leaving alive!" Hua Gulong seemed to be in a mood, and said loudly and kindly.

Wuming crossed his fingers and sighed: "I understand. It seems that human beings in this world are living in dire straits. Not only do they need real order, but they also need to be corrected on the spiritual level!"

To be honest, he visited a lot of places during the day and felt pretty good.

Although there are dark places, there are also sunny places, but now he has changed his view. This is not similar to the ancient feudal society, but a darker world.

After all, even a mentally ill person like Hua Gu Long has no one to control him. He can do whatever he wants just because he has a certain level of strength. It's too scary.

It is unimaginable how depressed and miserable people living in this society must be.

But human beings are such submissive creatures. They can adapt and reproduce in any painful environment. Even in the dark ages, there are always people who can survive, and then they are like flowers gradually occupying every corner of the earth.

Wuwei is proud of being a human being, so at this moment, he can even feel the pain of this world and this era behind Hua Gulong's words.

The world needs a revolution that cleanses the times from beginning to end.

Humans shouldn't be like this.


Wuming let out a long breath, then stood up and spoke directly to Lin Renmei without looking at the Bone Transformation Dragon on the ground.

The two walked out of the door and disappeared into the hotel corridor the next moment.

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