I Contracted Myself

【127】Destroy with overwhelming force

The social structure of Ji Lai Country is relatively simple.

The kings and nobles constitute the upper-level forces, the wealthy businessmen and gangs constitute the middle-level forces, and finally there are the various lower-level residents who are dependent on these forces.

Slaves, loners, and prostitutes outside these three levels are not considered human beings in Ji Lai's country.

Such a crude and simple system naturally requires extremely strong force to maintain, so the awakened ones become the decisive existence.

When great power is attributed to an individual, and the individual does not have the basic conscience of being a human being, everything becomes logical.

However, this simple system is also extremely easy to collapse. When a more powerful force appears, it can easily become a basin of loose sand. The various forces themselves are not of one mind, and naturally it is impossible to unite to fight against external forces.

At night, Yunlai Palace.

A large number of guards shuttled throughout the palace to protect the safety of the king.

These guards are all awakened ones, and the weakest ones are mid-level awakened ones. Previously, Wuming wondered why the guards of the Fallen Palace were all ordinary people. In fact, it was because most of the awakened ones were recruited by the king and nobles.

As for those awakened people who do not accept the recruitment, there are generally two outcomes.

Depending on their abilities, the weak are ignored and eventually become the backbone of gangs or chambers of commerce, while the powerful are assassinated before they become powerful.

Of course, there are also some awakened people who seem not to be controlled by the nobles, but are actually the secret agents of the nobles.


Suddenly, a guard with awakened vision shouted.

Yunlai Palace was suddenly brightly lit, and the awakened people jumped on the palace wall one after another, all looking into the distance, and then their eyes suddenly widened.

The entire country was filled with flames, and enemies invaded the capital, but they were the last to know.

Something bad is happening!

These guards immediately wanted to issue a warning, but the next second they were frozen in place by the huge power of telepathy.

"You are guilty, but I am not responsible for the trial, so just be quiet!" A woman's voice sounded. The guards' eyes trembled crazily, but they could not look in the direction of the sound.

In the palace, Chief Ji, the leader of Ji Lai Kingdom, was sleeping soundly with his concubine in his arms. His fat body continued to expand and contract with his breathing. It looked like


Although Chief Ji is also an awakened person, he is not actually very strong because he neglects training.

He can sit firmly in the position of king because there are three extremely powerful old men in the royal family. As long as those three old men don't fall, he can do whatever he wants even if he is a waste, and no one can stop him.


The door was suddenly pushed open.

Chief Ji slept very hard, but his concubine had the kind of physique that easily wakes up.

"Who?" The concubine frowned and asked in a low voice.

This is the king's bedroom. Who dares to open the door without asking? This is a capital crime!

She covered her snow-white body with a quilt, sat up slowly, and then saw a woman with an indifferent expression. At the same time, the first thought that came to her mind was 'so tall and beautiful'.

"Quiet, Ji Lai's country will cease to exist after tonight, and you will be free. Please wait patiently now." Bai Yating held the code in her hand and said calmly.

The next moment, two light locks tied up the concubine, and before the concubine could speak, another light lock tied up Chief Ji.

At this time, Chief Ji woke up from his sleep. He was furious and said in a daze: "What is it? Death penalty, come on!"

Then he opened his eyes, looked at the concubine with sleepy eyes, and then followed the concubine's gaze to look at Bai Yating. His eyes suddenly lit up. Just when he wanted to do something, he found that he was tied up.

"Woman, do you know what you are doing?" He frowned and asked with an unhappy expression.

Bai Yating also frowned and said calmly: "I told you, be quiet!"

Then, she pulled out a golden light and directly sealed Chief Ji's mouth.

The residence of a great nobleman.

Zhuang Xinyue was writing a letter in his study. One of his sisters was married to a powerful nobleman outside the capital.

During this period, the noble had been poisoned by his sister and needed his help to completely control the noble's power, so the two exchanged letters very frequently.

Suddenly, angry shouts came from outside. He frowned, stopped what he was doing, and said, "Zhuang Fu, what happened?"

"Master, a thief broke in." Zhuang Fu replied outside the door.

Zhuang Xinyue said calmly: "Then solve it as soon as possible. Remember to take care of the body. I hate seeing blood."

"If you hate seeing blood, why do you still kill people?" A strange man's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Zhuang Xinyue frowned and slowly put down the pen in his hand. He held the knife aside with his other hand and said coldly: "Little thief, it seems you don't know what you've broken into."

"No, it should be said that you don't know your situation yet. Our captain has given an order that there is no need for Ji Laiguo to exist, and people like you who have done many evil things will die miserably tomorrow!" A man's voice came from outside the door. said.

Is there no need for Ji Laiguo to exist?

This tone is too loud!

Zhuang Xinyue sneered, and the next moment he drew his sword boldly and slashed through the door.

The door was split in two, and Zhang Shouzhong stood outside the door. Not only was he unscathed, but Zhuang Fu, who was holding him in his hand, was not injured either.

"I advise you not to resist, lest I have an excuse to beat you to death right now." Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhuang Xinyue and said with a smile.

Zhuang Xinyue stood up, holding a long knife in his hand, and said confidently: "If you have the ability, you might as well give it a try."

The royal family trained a fat pig to be the king because their real power was not in the open, but hidden in the dark. The Zhuang family was different. As a member of the nobility, the only reason he could serve as the head of the family was that he was the strongest fighting force in the Zhuang family.

He exerted force on his feet instantly, and the whole person sprinted towards Zhang Shouzhong like lightning, and lightning immediately appeared on the knife in his hand.

Lightning slash!

Zhuang Xinyue slashed with a knife, and fell with lightning.

However, the blade finally stopped in front of Zhang Shouzhong, and no matter how much force he used, he could not fall.

In the air, countless tiny white dots sank and floated like plankton. Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhuang Xinyue in front of him and said helplessly: "I told you not to move. I have cut off all your nerves. You just keep this action for the time being."

After speaking, Zhang Shouzhong wanted to turn around and leave, but he thought of something and reached out to take the knife from Zhuang Xinyue's hand.

"Nice knife, worthy of being a damn rich man." He played with the long knife for a while, then laughed.

Zhuang Xinyue was roaring in his heart, but he could only watch Zhang Shouzhong take his beloved knife away. That was the weapon he never left, and the greatest wealth of the entire Zhuang family.

This was the first time since he was born that someone took away his things!

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