I Contracted Myself

【128】The cost of destroying romance

hours ago.

Wuming returned to the rescue team headquarters and issued the country's annihilation mission for the first time.

It only took him an hour to mobilize more than one million rescue team members to participate in the operation of annihilation.

In just one night, Ji Laiguo became a thing of the past. Both the capital and the territory radiating out from the capital were all captured by members of the rescue team.

The vast majority of those who resisted were killed.

After all, not everyone in the rescue team can control the rebels 100% perfectly, and when these rebels may threaten the lives of the rescue team members, the only option is to execute them on the spot.

The intelligence department was operating at full capacity, collecting a large amount of information in preparation for the trial the next day.

You can imagine how many heads will fall on the ground the next day.

Outside the capital.

Wuming and Lin Renmei were confronting three old people.

These three old men are the trump cards of the royal family of Ji Lai Kingdom, the three elders of the Ji family: Ji Ba, Ji Pan, and Ji Dang.

The three elders of the Ji family also served as the head of the Ji Lai Kingdom hundreds of years ago. Later, they felt that it was boring, so they chose an obedient one among their descendants to succeed the king.

Later, the three elders of the Ji family became emperor-like existences.

They live in seclusion and occupy the most resources in the country. Apart from maintaining the absolute authority of the royal family, they rarely take action or show up.

This time, they sensed a change in the royal family and rushed back from their seclusion, but were blocked outside the city by Wuming and Lin Renmei.

"Who are you?" Ji Ba asked in a deep voice.

He is the oldest among the three elders, but because he takes good care of himself, he looks only in his forties.

At this time, Wuming and the others were blocking him outside the city. He looked very unhappy. If he hadn't felt that Wuming and the others were difficult to deal with, he would have taken action now based on his character.

"Good man!" Wuming replied.

Ji Fang narrowed his eyes and said, "If I'm not wrong, the banker, Chengjia, and Lijia are united? We are willing to increase the amount of money they pay tenfold to you, so don't block the way!"

In his opinion, the only people who could pose a threat to the royal family were the nobles.

In fact, the nobles have been eyeing the throne for a long time. If the three old guys were not still alive, the nobles would have taken action against the royal family.

"Wu Ming, what nonsense are you talking to them about?"

Lin Renmei also wanted to continue dating Wuming and walk around together like they did during the day.

Instead of wasting time chattering with three stinky old men,

Isn't it good for two people to make love to each other together?

"Okay, then do it!"

Wuming knew what Lin Renmei was thinking and could only agree with a smile.

Then Lin Renmei quickly punched three times, and Ji Fang and Ji Dang were beaten on the spot. Only Ji Ba was left to avoid the attack with his strange ability.

"You deserve to die!"

When Ji Ba saw that the brother he had been with day and night was beaten to death with one punch, he suddenly shouted in shock and anger.

The next moment, triangular energy fragments appeared in his hands. As he flicked his hands, the energy fragments immediately cut towards Wuming and Lin Renmei.

"Be careful, this ability has spatial properties!" Wuming reminded.

However, Lin Renmei had no intention of meeting Ji Ba's attack from the beginning. She opened her biological force field, slid her body through the triangular energy fragments in a posture that violated the laws of physics, and instantly punched Ji Ba.

Ji Ba's body was hit and fell apart in an instant, but then a new Ji Ba appeared in the distance, and those broken Ji Ba dissipated as energy.

"His ability is mirror space. He can create various lenses, even his own mirror image. Because the mirror itself contains spatial attributes, the edges are very sharp!" Wuming said quickly.

Lin Renmei smiled and said: "It's so fancy, I want to see how many times he can dodge my attacks!"

After saying that, she picked up a rock, and the biological force field instantly covered the rock. Then she threw the rock towards Ji Ba in the distance.

"Can a biological force field leave the body?" Wuming asked in surprise.


Ji Ba avoided the rocks in embarrassment.

The rock hit the ground, causing a violent earthquake. At the same time, a large crater was formed instantly. The shock wave swept through, and the dust was swept away. The place where Wuming and the others were located became extremely clean.


Ji Ba took a breath, looked at Lin Renmei, and secretly complained in his heart.

What frightened him even more was that Wuming next to Lin Renmei had not yet made a move. It could be seen from Wuming's red armor that Wuming's combat effectiveness was definitely not bad.

If two people attack together, he will never be able to withstand it.


In fact, he couldn't bear it now.

Once he was beaten hard by Lin Renmei's attack, he would be no different from Ji Pan and Ji Dang.

No, we must escape!

Ji Ba made an instant decision.


Nameless this

When he stretched out his fingers, chains shot into the sky, and then formed a huge energy shield.

"Okay, I've sealed the space. Even if he wants to escape, he won't have a chance." Wuming smiled at Lin Renmei.

Ji Ba's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

He realized that he might be being read, and that all his thoughts could not be hidden from the other party.

"Damn it, if that's the case, then I'll fight with you!"

Some people lose the idea of ​​resistance when faced with a desperate situation, and even lose the courage to face it.

But Ji Ba is different. When facing a desperate situation, he will only become more crazy. Even if he dies, he will drag his enemies to die with him.

It was this madness that cost him so many battles in the past.


Ji Ba roared, and dense lenses appeared.

These lenses are actually composed of energy. Not only is there no reflection inside, but it is also dark, as if there is a monster hidden inside.

However, this is not Ji Ba's own choice, but because Wuming blocked the space.

If Wuming did not block the space, Ji Ba could escape directly from the battlefield through the space in the lens. Now that the space is blocked, the lens space is naturally useless.

Fortunately, Wuming's move does not affect the "space slash" attribute of the lens. At least in terms of power, this move is still the strongest that can be achieved at the physical level!

"So annoying, why don't you just die?"

Lin Renmei avoided the slash of Ji Ba's lenses, and her body appeared in front of Ji Ba as if teleporting, and punched Ji Ba in the face.

Under this punch, Ji Ba exploded on the spot, turning into countless lenses scattered.

"Mirror image?"

Lin Renmei frowned, then pressed one hand on the ground, and the biological force field instantly dispersed.

In the distance, Ji Ba, who was covered by the lens, suddenly felt bad. He was about to move, and the next moment he saw Lin Renmei in the distance appear in front of him.

Too fast!

Ji Ba had only one thought in his mind, and then he was hit by a punch.

Under this punch, the lens and body exploded at the same time, and finally blocked by the biological force field, and the flesh and blood slid to the ground.

Lin Renmei turned back to Wuming and smiled: "Okay, the matter of Ji Laiguo will be handled by the logistics team next, and we will continue shopping!"


Wuming glanced at the three elders of the Ji family who were beaten up, and felt that if he refused now, the consequences would be very serious.

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