I Contracted Myself

【129】Beast God Cult

It must be said that the logistics team has rich experience in handling this matter.

In just a few days, Ji Lai's country has undergone earth-shaking changes.

On the first day, the rescue team publicly tried those nobles, wealthy businessmen, gangs, and killers. In the end, those who deserved execution were executed, and those who deserved jail were jailed.

The next day, the logistics team counted all assets and redistributed them.

All assets belong to the rescue team, and the current residents just get a job that is enough to put food on the table and need to take time out to relearn how to be a 'normal person'.

The main reason is that the people in Ji Lai's country have abnormal views, so the rescue team needs to be responsible for changing their minds and making them understand etiquette, justice, integrity, and love for life.

A few days later, Ji Lai's country took on a new look. Although the residents still had many bad habits, at least no one dared to fight or kill them if they disagreed, and there was no case of trapping foreigners.

In fact, this phenomenon still occurred in the beginning, but after the first one had his arm cut off and was fined, this situation became extremely rare.

Wuming and Lin Renmei have been visiting Ji Laiguo these days. It can be said that they have witnessed with their own eyes how Ji Laiguo has improved step by step under the transformation of the logistics team.

To be honest, Wuming felt that Ji Laiguo was much more comfortable now.

"That Bone Dragon was finally executed. He cried and laughed on the day he was executed. I can only say that hateful people must have pity." Lin Renmei held a piece of Ji Laiguo in her hand. handicrafts, he sighed as he walked.

Wuming didn't like to see death, so he didn't pay attention to this aspect. When he heard Lin Renmei mention the Huagulong, he slapped his head and said in annoyance: "Ouch, I forgot one thing."

"What's the matter?" Lin Renmei asked following the topic.

Wuming said in annoyance: "I forgot to extract the ability of the Bone Dragon. His ability is actually quite interesting."

"It doesn't matter. If you find this timeline in the future, just remember to extract it." Lin Renmei comforted with a smile.

Wuming nodded and said, "That's right."

"Speaking of which, do you feel that the atmosphere in Ji Lai Country is becoming less and less like Ji Lai Country?" Lin Renmei asked at this time.

On the first day she arrived in Ji Lai Country, she had a strong feeling of being in a foreign country. Now, although there are still many traces of a 'foreign country', there are also many traces of the rescue team.

It feels like

The civilization of the rescue team is erasing the civilization of Ji Lai Country.

"This is probably a cultural invasion. Compared to the barbaric and dark culture of Ji Lai Country, the culture of the rescue team is too bright and advanced." Wuming said with a smile.

But he didn't feel it was a pity. A civilization built on fear and killing really had no need to exist.

Of course, some art is still worth preserving, and I have to remind Chen Weihua in this regard.



In the wild, on a yellow mountain, Mrs. Rose knelt down and howled angrily.

She almost died in the hands of the rescue team, but fortunately her owner left her a life-saving prop, and she escaped at the last moment.

But the Fallen Palace has fallen, and the entire Ji Lai Kingdom is controlled by the enemy.

"Great Master, what should I do now?"

Mrs. Rose opened a book, looked at the pages and murmured to herself.

But this time the page didn't reply to her, or even showed any response. It looked like an ordinary miscellaneous book.

"Master, please don't abandon me. I'm still useful. Please, no matter what you ask me to do, please respond to me!" Mrs. Rose lay on the ground and said with tears streaming down her face.

Unfortunately, this time the book is really silent.

Beyond the planet.

A huge and indescribable monster was moving slowly in the darkness.

The way it moves is very special, as if there are many wheels turning on its back, but there are no ropes on the wheels, so it can move forward slowly with the turning wheels.

On the surface of its uneven body, densely packed barnacle-like bones are stacked into various towers of different shapes, and these towers finally form horns of different lengths.

It's hard to describe what it looks like overall, because there are many body structures that look like everything but look like nothing at all.

In the gap on its surface, a haggard man slowly opened his eyes. He felt that there was something wrong with the basic runes in his body, and the thoughts that had been continuously coming from the void seemed to have stopped.

"Has the war started again?"

The man thought silently in his heart, and finally decided not to interfere in the war.

Let's wait until the war is over.

He can still afford to wait for this little time. When he is completely

When he becomes one with this giant beast in the starry sky, he will use the thoughts of all sentient beings as fuel to ignite the path to becoming a god.

At that time, he will rule the world in the name of the Beast God.

A week later.

Wuming and Lin Renmei have finally ended their freshness period. To put it simply, they are tired of it.

After breaking that relationship, the two really wanted to get along day and night for a while. Lin Renmei became extremely aggressive, and she would kill anyone who interfered with her falling in love.

The three elders of the Ji family became victims and died simply.

But no matter how fresh it was, Wuming's body was still too small now, and he was basically powerless, so he soon got tired of eating and drinking with Lin Renmei.

"Finally back."

Wuming came out of the dragon shell, lay on his bed, and said to himself.

To be honest, I was very happy with Lin Renmei at the beginning, but what happened later... I won't talk about it.

"There are still twelve years, so far!"

When Wuming thought that his body was still twelve years away from adulthood, he felt helpless and rolled around on the bed, wishing that time would pass faster.

In his previous life, he had been a boy for two lives, and he had to taste the fishy smell in this life!

"Okay, let's put aside the love for now and take a look at the information Sister Weihua gave me!"

Next, Wuming patted his cheek and turned on the virtual engine, and then a large amount of information collected by Jilaiguo appeared on the light screen.

The previous investigation of the rescue team was not comprehensive. Now that Jilaiguo has become the rescue team's possession, naturally more information has been collected, and finally stored in the rescue team's information database in the form of information.

"I see."

Wuming looked at the information and found that the royal family of Jilaiguo had changed several times.

It's just that every time a family becomes a royal family, they will change their gender to "Ji" and spread some myths at the same time, as if this is what they must do.

Wuming continued to read down, and when he saw the last part, he couldn't help but squint his eyes.

It turned out that every royal family knew that there was a giant beast in the sky that was powerful enough to devour the world, and the beast god was in a stalemate with the beast. Once the beast god failed, the world would be destroyed.

"The beast god cult hidden among the people!"

Wuming looked at the confidential information hidden by the royal family and said to himself.

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