I Contracted Myself

【130】New Training Academy

Every royal family of Jilai Kingdom would secretly investigate the Beast God Cult, but every time they found nothing.

If the Beast God Cult had not occasionally contacted the royal family and produced evidence to tell these people in power that there were terrifying beasts outside the sky, the royal family would not have noticed the existence of the Beast God Cult at all.

The members of the Beast God Cult are like a drop of fresh water that blends perfectly into the sea water, leaving no trace.

"Sister Weihua, has the investigation team found anything about this Beast God Cult?" Wuming contacted Chen Weihua directly after reading the information and asked.

Chen Weihua replied: "No, the logistics team and the intelligence team are currently investigating this Beast God Cult, but we are not sure whether it exists now."

"The royal family's confidential information is not... You mean... the Beast God Cult is actually a fictitious force and may not exist?" Wuming reacted instantly.

Chen Weihua nodded and said: "Yes, I suspect that there may be only one person in the Beast God Cult!"

Of course, one person cannot really be a sect.

She guessed that there may be awakened people acting under the guise of the Beast God Cult.

The reason why the royal family could not find the trace of the Beast God Cult was because the Beast God Cult might have been just one person from the beginning to the end!

"According to the records, the last time the Beast God Cult appeared was thirteen years ago. If the Beast God Cult was really just one person, then he might still be alive." Wuming laughed.

Chen Weihua rubbed his temple with a headache and said helplessly: "It's a pity that Madam Rose ran away, otherwise we could know more information."

"Madam Rose should be put aside for the time being, and Ji Laiguo should be rectified first." Wuming made the decision.

According to the information collected so far, Madam Rose does have a close relationship with the Beast God. Those nobles and wealthy businessmen even suspected that she was a member of the Beast God Cult.

But these are not important to Wuming at all.

As long as it is found that the Beast God Cult has not developed wildly among the people and has not harmed ordinary people, he will not care about the Beast God Cult.

And he also has his own guesses, such as 'Ji Zhen is hiding behind the scenes and using the Beast God Cult to collect beliefs', so under the premise of no harm, he is actually happy to see it happen.

If Ji Zhen's path is not that of an upgrader, it would be even better.

"By the way,

Wuming, I forgot to inform you that tomorrow is the graduation ceremony for the first batch of students of the Rescue Team's New Training Academy. You have to attend it." Chen Weihua reminded at this time.

The predecessor of the New Training Academy is actually the New Training Group.

Because there are more and more parallel worlds and more and more new members of the rescue team, the New Training Group gradually developed into the New Training Academy.

And the dean of the New Training Academy is Liu Sishan.

"Isn't it enough to have Sister Sisi? I hate participating in such large-scale events the most." Wuming wanted to shirk his responsibility immediately after hearing what Chen Weihua said.

Chen Weihua said seriously: "This is the first time that the New Training Academy has held a graduation ceremony, and there will also be elite student competitions and award-giving activities. As the chief captain of the rescue team, you have an obligation to attend the ceremony!"

"Or I'll resign, and let Sister Weihua do the captain." Wuming said lazily.

He didn't care about power, reputation, and other things. Now the rescue team can be said to have perfectly fulfilled his dream and helped countless people in countless worlds. He felt that it didn't matter whether he was the captain or not.

Especially now that he has a girlfriend, wouldn't it be good to spend more time with his girlfriend?

"Do you think I am qualified to be the captain? In fact, the rescue team should also change its name. We now have tens of millions of formal members. It is actually not appropriate to name it "Team." Chen Weihua first complained, and then sighed.

At first, the rescue team only had three or four big cats and small cats, and they needed green forest heroes to fill the number. Who could have imagined that in just a few years, the rescue team was like a snowball, with more and more people.

"I think the rescue team is pretty good." Wuming muttered.

Chen Weihua sighed: "But in fact, we can no longer use the team to describe it. Rescue Corps... What do you think?"

"Legion gives people a very aggressive feeling, so forget it." Wuming objected.

Chen Weihua thought about it and suggested: "Then call it the Kingdom of Light?"


Wuming protested in silence.

"Let's discuss the name at the next meeting." Chen Weihua knew Wuming disagreed, and finally said.

In fact, she didn't think Wuming would agree today, but just gave Wuming some psychological preparation. After all, the rescue team was too large, and the previous structure

was actually no longer applicable.

"Hang up!"

After achieving the goal, Chen Weihua was satisfied and disconnected.

The next day.

Wuming came to the new training academy for the first time.

The new training academy is located in the back half of the rescue team headquarters, covering an area of ​​​​almost 16,742 hectares. There are a large number of equipment for practicing superpowers, and the things in the square are very large, even giants four or five meters tall can exercise.

"I thought you wouldn't come today." Liu Sishan was wearing serious clothes. Although he didn't wear a mask, he wore glasses. Every move was full of teacher temperament.

As a poor student, Wuming felt suppressed in momentum at this moment.

He laughed dryly: "After all, it is the first graduation ceremony of the new training academy. As the captain, I must attend."


Liu Sishan looked at Wuming speechlessly.

Last night, Chen Weihua took credit for it and said that Wuming didn't want to participate at first, but it was only after Chen Weihua's hard persuasion that Wuming agreed to participate.

"Let's go, the ceremony is about to begin." In the end, Liu Sishan did not expose Wuming, but turned around and said directly.

Wuming followed Liu Sishan and asked curiously: "Sister Sisi, how many students are there in the new training academy now?"

"The current new training academy is actually more like a crash course, with about six million students. There are more than 900,000 students graduating this time, most of whom will eventually join the logistics team, and only 300,000 are members of the rescue team. Chen Weihua should have told you about it, right? The rescue team should be renamed, and it will need to be changed later." Liu Sishan said as he walked.

The logistics team is currently the largest group in the rescue team.

The main reason is that they need to be responsible for many, many worlds, and unlike the members of the rescue team, they can leave after the battle. They need a large number of people to settle in a certain world for a long time and be responsible for managing this world.

As for the members of the Intelligence and Strategy Group and the Medical Research Group, Liu Sishan did not even mention them. The main reason was that these two groups rarely accepted new members. Unless they were awakened people with advantages in intelligence or scientific research, these two groups would not look down on them at all. So this time, one of the two groups would not accept anyone, and the other group would only recruit one person. There was no need to mention it at all.

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