I Contracted Myself

【131】It’s different

Graduation stage, backstage.

Some of the top ten elite students gathered together to talk, and some closed their eyes to meditate.

"Ni Jing, come on, come on, I just saw the captain." At this time, a student ran in and said excitedly.

Ni Wing is 1.9 meters tall and muscular. He looks at least 25 years old, but in fact he is thirteen years old and is also the youngest student graduating this time.

When he heard the student's words, his eyes immediately lit up and he trembled slightly with excitement.

Maybe Wuming no longer remembers him, but he will never forget that Wuming saved him when he was most desperate.

At that time, his parents had been eaten by Tianchang foxes. The two Tianchang foxes obviously wanted to tease him, so they tore off the human skin on their foreheads and threatened him with their true colors, hoping to eat him when he was most afraid. Drop him.

He was only nine years old at the time and had not yet awakened his super powers. He could only tremble in front of the two ferocious and terrifying Tianchang Foxes.

Just when he thought he would be killed and eaten like his parents, Wuming appeared.

Wuming was like a light, illuminating his heart when he was at his most desperate, and avenging the murder of his parents.

Later, he learned more about the rescue team in the orphanage, and also learned that the person who saved him was the captain of the rescue team, Wu Ming. At that moment, he vowed in his heart that he would join the rescue team and become a person like Wu Ming!

"Okay, everyone, follow up and get ready to go out!" At this time, the teacher in charge of the organization said.

At the graduation ceremony, Liu Sishan began his graduation speech. In the square in front, there was a large black crowd of students. At the front of the students, Wuming was sitting on a chair and quietly surfing the Internet.

Fortunately, today he is wearing a death shell. Others can only see his death shell sitting upright on a chair, but they don't know that his real body is fishing.

"Next, I would like to invite the commander-in-chief of the rescue team to give a speech." Suddenly, the host's voice came from the stage.

Wuming was stunned for a moment, and the information control took the first step to control the shell of the God of Death.

Information is developed on the Internet. The Dragon Shell that Wuming often uses is very well-known. The Death Shell has only recently been used, so it is not well-known. Many students are a little curious.

However, some well-informed students began to whisper among themselves and tell everyone the information they knew. Only then did many people know that Wuming had another death shell.

"Ah, what should I say?" Wuming came on stage and looked at the dark crowd of students, feeling a little confused.

Fortunately, the information control was absolutely reliable, and the speech was prepared for him in an instant. He followed the speech and finally got through the disaster without any danger.

After he got off the stage, he slumped in his chair and muttered to himself: "I won't come even if I'm beaten to death next time. It's too much trouble."

Next, after the host made a long speech, it was finally time for the outstanding students’ exhibition match.

In fact, this is an extension of the graduation practical exam. Students have actually been taking the practical exam in the past few months. The topic is very hot on the Internet, and Wuming has also been paying attention to it for a while.

But later he found that the students' level was just like that, and it was a bit boring from the top down, so he gave up in the end.

Now it was the turn of the ten best students to compete for the title of first place in the first session of the New Training Academy. It should be a bit exciting. Wuming watched each student walk up to the stage and felt a little bit excited.

The ten students first drew numbers, then No. 1 and No. 2 competed, No. 3 and No. 4 competed, and so on.

"The first competition, No. 1 Bai Mo versus No. 2 Luo Xi." After the numbers were drawn, the host said with a smile.

The stage was quickly cleared and turned directly into the ring.

Bai Mo and Luo Xi stood still, looking at each other with fighting spirit.

"The two of them are pretty good." Wuming looked at their information and said while eating potato chips.

Bai Mo may have been influenced by the word 'mo' in his name, so the awakened ability is called 'ink control', which is a variant of water element control.

However, because the ink is dark and thicker and harder than ordinary water, he has developed many ways to use it.

Luo Xi's ability is 'Super Brain Calculation', and he is also the only student this year that is favored by the Intelligence Team.

The super brain calculation itself has no combat effectiveness, but it can seize the opportunity and detect the target's intentions from various subtle details. In addition, Luo Xi's biological force field level is not low, and she also masters a sword technique, so among the students The strength here is not bad.

The two took action immediately after the host announced the start of the competition.

Bai Mo crushed a jar of ink, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a black man. He rushed towards Luo Xi, with two knives made of ink already appearing in his hands.

Luo Xi stepped back, pulled out two flying knives from her waist and threw them directly at Bai Mo.

He had studied Bai Mo's fighting style before

Ge, Bai Mo is obviously an awakener of the elemental control system, but he prefers close combat, especially mixing ink with shadows to defeat opponents by surprise.

He was certain that the shadow of the white ink was definitely hiding ink, because in the shadow, this ultra-concentrated ink would not even reflect light, so it was extremely difficult to detect it with the naked eye.

"Luo Xi, your tactics are indeed brilliant, but you have a weakness, that is, your super power is too weak!" Bai Mo avoided the two flying knives and said with a smile.

In previous battles, he had always had reservations.

Now facing the strongest opponents among the first batch of students, naturally they can no longer keep it.

For an instant, his shadow emitted a large amount of ink, which expanded like a shadow, and then countless ink lines shot out from the shadow and entangled towards Luo Xi.

In fact, Luo Xi had already analyzed Bai Mo's intentions the moment Bai Mo spoke, and he realized that this battle was different from the previous competitions.

"I see, the captain is watching!"

Luo Xi felt awe-struck, knowing that the mentality of other students in this competition was different from his. He thought it was a friendly test, and they were prepared to fight tooth and nail to show up in front of the captain.

In an instant, his body was wrapped in ink, and at the same time, countless hair-thin ink threads were aimed at him like snakes. As long as he dared to struggle, these ink threads would tie him into a sieve.

"You lost!" Bai Mo said with a smile.

Luo Xi said calmly: "Lost? You haven't attacked yet, how can you be sure that I lost!"

As he spoke, his bio-force field was fully activated, and all the ink wrapped around his body was stretched open in an instant. Bai Mo also reacted extremely quickly. The ink lines around him immediately pierced out, but they were all blocked by an invisible bio-force field. Down.

Luo Xi twisted her arm and said with a smile: "It's not bad, but for me...it's not even interesting!"

In the audience, many people showed surprised expressions. Among the younger generation, there are absolutely very few people in the younger generation whose biological force field can be as strong as this.

"Luo Xi's biological force field should be at level three, right?" Next, teachers and students whispered and discussed Luo Xi's biological force field level.

The first stage of the biological force field is equivalent to a junior awakened person, the second stage is equivalent to an intermediate awakened person, the third stage is equivalent to an advanced awakened person, and the fourth stage is equivalent to a top awakened person.

Bai Mo is a high-level awakener. If his biological force field does not reach the third level, it will be impossible to block his full blow.

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